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Molecule - Molecule class
use Molecule;
use Molecule qw(:all);
Molecule class provides the following methods:
new, AddAtom, AddAtoms, AddBond, AddBonds, AddHydrogens, AddPolarHydrogens, ClearRings, Copy, DeleteAromaticity, DeleteAtom, DeleteAtoms, DeleteBond, DeleteBonds, DeleteHydrogens, DeletePolarHydrogens, DetectAromaticity, DetectRings, FormatElementalCompositionInformation, GetAllAtomPaths, GetAllAtomPathsStartingAt, GetAllAtomPathsStartingAtWithLength, GetAllAtomPathsStartingAtWithLengthUpto, GetAllAtomPathsWithLength, GetAllAtomPathsWithLengthUpto, GetAromaticRings, GetAromaticityModel, GetAtomNeighborhoods, GetAtomNeighborhoodsWithRadiusUpto, GetAtomNeighborhoodsWithSuccessorAtoms, GetAtomNeighborhoodsWithSuccessorAtomsAndRadiusUpto, GetAtomPathBonds, GetAtomPaths, GetAtomPathsBetween, GetAtomPathsStartingAt, GetAtomPathsStartingAtWithLength, GetAtomPathsStartingAtWithLengthUpto, GetAtomPathsWithLength, GetAtomPathsWithLengthUpto, GetAtoms, GetBonds, GetCharge, GetConnectedComponents, GetConnectedComponentsAtoms, GetDimensionality, GetElementalComposition, GetElementsAndNonElements, GetExactMass, GetFormalCharge, GetFreeRadicalElectrons, GetFusedAndNonFusedRings, GetLargestConnectedComponent, GetLargestConnectedComponentAtoms, GetLargestRing, GetMolecularFormula, GetMolecularWeight, GetNumOfAromaticRings, GetNumOfAtoms, GetNumOfBonds, GetNumOfConnectedComponents, GetNumOfElementsAndNonElements, GetNumOfHeavyAtoms, GetNumOfHydrogenAtoms, GetNumOfMissingHydrogenAtoms, GetNumOfNonHydrogenAtoms, GetNumOfRings, GetNumOfRingsWithEvenSize, GetNumOfRingsWithOddSize, GetNumOfRingsWithSize, GetNumOfRingsWithSizeGreaterThan, GetNumOfRingsWithSizeLessThan, GetRingBonds, GetRingBondsFromRings, GetRings, GetRingsWithEvenSize, GetRingsWithOddSize, GetRingsWithSize, GetRingsWithSizeGreaterThan, GetRingsWithSizeLessThan, GetSizeOfLargestRing, GetSizeOfSmallestRing, GetSmallestRing, GetSpinMultiplicity, GetSupportedAromaticityModels, GetTopologicallySortedAtoms, GetValenceModel, HasAromaticAtomsInRings, HasAromaticAtomsNotInRings, HasAromaticRings, HasAtom, HasBond, HasFusedRings, HasNoRings, HasOnlyOneRing, HasRings, IsAromatic, IsMolecule, IsRingAromatic, IsSupportedAromaticityModel, IsThreeDimensional, IsTwoDimensional, KeepLargestComponent, KekulizeAromaticAtoms, NewAtom, NewBond, SetActiveRings, SetAromaticityModel, SetID, SetValenceModel, StringifyMolecule
The following methods can also be used as functions:
FormatElementalCompositionInformation, IsMolecule
Molecule class is derived from ObjectProperty base class which provides methods not explicitly defined in Molecule or ObjectProperty class using Perl's AUTOLOAD functionality. These methods are generated on-the-fly for a specified object property:
Using specified Atom property names and values hash, new method creates a new object and returns a reference to newly created Atom object. By default, the following properties are initialized:
Adds an Atom to a Molecule and returns Molecule.
Adds Atoms to a Molecule and returns Molecule.
Adds a Bond to a Molecule and returns Molecule.
Adds Bonds to a Molecule and returns Molecule.
Adds hydrogens to each atom in a Molecule and returns total number of hydrogens added. The current release of MayaChemTools doesn't assign hydrogen positions.
Adds hydrogens to each polar atom - N, O, P or S - in a Molecule and returns total number of polar hydrogens added. The current release of MayaChemTools doesn't assign hydrogen positions.
Deletes all rings associated with Molecule and returns Molecule.
Copies Molecule and its associated data using Storable::dclone and returns a new Molecule object.
Deletes aromatic property associated with all atoms and bonds in a Molecule and returns Molecule.
Deletes Atom from a Molecule and returns Molecule.
Deletes Atoms from a Molecule and returns Molecule.
Deletes Bond from a Molecule and returns Molecule.
Deletes Bonds from a Molecule and returns Molecule.
Removes hydrogens from each atom in a Molecule and returns total number of hydrogens deleted.
Removes hydrogens to each polar atom - N, O, P or S - in a Molecule and returns total number of polar hydrogens deleted.
Associates Aromatic property to atoms and bonds involved in aromatic rings or ring systems in a Molecule and returns Molecule.
This method assumes the ring detection has already been perfomed using DetectRings. And any existing Aromatic property associated with atoms and bonds is deleted before performing aromaticity detection.
What is aromaticity? [ Ref 124 ] It's in the code of the implementer, did you say? Agree. The implementation of aromaticity varies widely across different packages [ Ref 125 ]; additionally, the implementation details are not always completely available, and it's not possible to figure out the exact implementation of aromaticity across various packages. Using the publicly available information, however, one can try to reproduce the available results to the extent possible, along with parameterizing all the control parameters used to implement different aromaticity models, and that's exactly what the current release of MayaChemTools does.
The implementation of aromaticity corresponding to various aromaticity models in MayaChemTools package is driven by an external CSV file AromaticityModelsData.csv, which is distributed with the package and is available in lib/data directory. The CSV files contains names of supported aromaticity models, along with various control parameters and their values. This file is loaded and processed during instantiation of Molecule class and data corresponding to specific aromaticity model are used to detect aromaticity for that model. Any new aromaticity model added to the aromaticity data file, using different combinations of values for existing control parameters, would work without any changes to the code; the addition of any new control parameters, however, requires its implementation in the code used to calculate number of pi electrons available towards delocalization in a ring or ring systems.
The current release of MayaChemTools package supports these aromaticity models: MDLAromaticityModel, TriposAromaticityModel, MMFFAromaticityModel, ChemAxonBasicAromaticityModel, ChemAxonGeneralAromaticityModel, DaylightAromaticityModel, MayaChemToolsAromaticityModel.
The current list of control parameters available to detect aromaticity corresponding to different aromaticity models are: AllowHeteroRingAtoms, HeteroRingAtomsList, AllowExocyclicDoubleBonds, AllowHomoNuclearExocyclicDoubleBonds, AllowElectronegativeRingAtomExocyclicDoubleBonds, AllowRingAtomFormalCharge, AllowHeteroRingAtomFormalCharge, MinimumRingSize. The values for these control parameters are specified in AromaticityModelsData.csv file.
Although definition of aromaticity differs across various aromaticity models, a ring or a ring system containing 4n + 2 pi electrons (Huckel's rule) corresponding to alternate single and double bonds, in general, is considered aromatic.
The available valence free electrons on heterocyclic ring atoms, involved in two single ring bonds, are also allowed to participate in pi electron delocalizaiton for most of the supported aromaticity models.
The presence of exocyclic terminal double bond on ring atoms involved in pi electron delocalization is only allowed for some of the aromaticity models. Additionally, the type atoms involved in exocyclic terminal double bonds may result in making a ring or ring system non-aromatic.
For molecules containing fused rings, each fused ring set is considered as one aromatic system for counting pi electrons to satisfy Huckel's rule; In case of a failure, rings in fused set are treated individually for aromaticity detection. Additionally, non-fused rings are handled on their own during aromaticity detection.
Detects rings in a Molecule and returns Molecule. Ring detection is performed using DetectCycles method avaible in Graph class which in turn uses methods available Graph::CyclesDetection class. Graph::CyclesDetection class implements collapsing path graph [Ref 31] methodology to detect all cycles in a graph.
Using ElementsRef and ElementCompositionRef arrays referneces containg informatio about elements and their composition, formats elemental composition information and returns a FormattedInfo string. Defaule Precision value: 2.
Returns name of AromaticityModel set for Molecule corresponding to AromaticityModel property or default model name of MayaChemToolsAromaticityModel.
Returns all paths as a reference to an array containing reference to arrays with path Atom objects.
Path atoms correspond to to all possible paths for each atom in molecule with all possible lengths and sharing of bonds in paths traversed. By default, rings are included in paths. A path containing a ring is terminated at an atom completing the ring.
For molecule without any rings, this method returns the same set of atom paths as GetAtomPaths method.
Returns all atom paths starting from StartAtom as a reference to an array containing reference to arrays with path Atom objects.
Path atoms atoms correspond to to all possible paths for specified atom in molecule with all possible lengths and sharing of bonds in paths traversed. By default, rings are included in paths. A path containing a ring is terminated at an atom completing the ring.
For molecule without any rings, this method returns the same set of atom paths as GetAtomPathsStartingAt method.
Returns all atom paths starting from StartAtom with specified Lengthas a reference to an array containing reference to arrays with path Atom objects.
Path atoms atoms correspond to to all possible paths for specified atom in molecule with all possible lengths and sharing of bonds in paths traversed. By default, rings are included in paths. A path containing a ring is terminated at an atom completing the ring.
For molecule without any rings, this method returns the same set of atom paths as GetAtomPathsStartingAtWithLength method.
Returns atom paths starting from StartAtom with length up to Length as a reference to an array containing reference to arrays with path Atom objects.
Path atoms atoms correspond to all possible paths for specified atom in molecule with length up to a specified length and sharing of bonds in paths traversed. By default, rings are included in paths. A path containing a ring is terminated at an atom completing the ring.
For molecule without any rings, this method returns the same set of atom paths as GetAtomPathsStartingAtWithLengthUpto method.
Returns all atom paths with specified Length as a reference to an array containing reference to arrays with path Atom objects.
Path atoms correspond to to all possible paths for each atom in molecule with length up to a specified length and sharing of bonds in paths traversed. By default, rings are included in paths. A path containing a ring is terminated at an atom completing the ring.
For molecule without any rings, this method returns the same set of atom paths as as GetAtomPathsWithLength method.
Returns all atom paths with length up to Length as a reference to an array containing reference to arrays with path Atom objects.
Path atoms correspond to to all possible paths for each atom in molecule with length up to a specified length and sharing of bonds in paths traversed. By default, rings are included in paths. A path containing a ring is terminated at an atom completing the ring.
For molecule without any rings, this method returns the same set of atom paths as as GetAtomPathsWithLengthUpto method.
Returns aromatic rings as an array containing references to arrays of ring Atom objects in a Molecule.
Returns atom neighborhoods around a StartAtom as an array containing references to arrays with neighborhood Atom objects at possible radii.
Returns atom neighborhoods around a StartAtom as an array containing references to arrays with neighborhood Atom objects up to Radius.
Returns atom neighborhood around a specified StartAtom, along with their successor connected atoms, collected at all radii as an array containing references to arrays with first value corresponding to neighborhood atom at a specific radius and second value as reference to an array containing its successor connected atoms.
For a neighborhood atom at each radius level, the successor connected atoms correspond to the neighborhood atoms at the next radius level. Consequently, the neighborhood atoms at the last radius level don't contain any successor atoms which fall outside the range of specified radius.
Returns atom neighborhood around a specified StartAtom, along with their successor connected atoms, collected upto specified Radiud as an array containing references to arrays with first value corresponding to neighborhood atom at a specific radius and second value as reference to an array containing its successor connected atoms.
For a neighborhood atom at each radius level, the successor connected atoms correspond to the neighborhood atoms at the next radius level. Consequently, the neighborhood atoms at the last radius level don't contain any successor atoms which fall outside the range of specified radius.
Returns an array containing Bond objects corresponding to successive pair of atoms in PathAtoms
Returns all paths as a reference to an array containing reference to arrays with path Atom objects.
Path atoms correspond to to all possible paths for each atom in molecule with all possible lengths and no sharing of bonds in paths traversed. By default, rings are included in paths. A path containing a ring is terminated at an atom completing the ring.
Returns all paths as between StartAtom and EndAtom as a reference to an array containing reference to arrays with path Atom objects.
For molecules with rings, atom paths array contains may contain two paths.
Returns paths starting at StartAtom as a reference to an array containing reference to arrays with path Atom objects.
Path atoms correspond to all possible paths for specified atom in molecule with all possible lengths and no sharing of bonds in paths traversed. By default, rings are included in paths. A path containing a ring is terminated at an atom completing the ring.
Returns paths starting at StartAtom with length Length as a reference to an array containing reference to arrays with path Atom objects.
Path atoms correspond to all possible paths for specified atom in molecule with length upto a specified length and no sharing of bonds in paths traversed. By default, rings are included in paths. A path containing a ring is terminated at an atom completing the ring.
Returns paths starting at StartAtom with length up to Length as a reference to an array containing reference to arrays with path Atom objects.
Path atoms correspond to all possible paths for specified atom in molecule with length upto a specified length and no sharing of bonds in paths traversed. By default, rings are included in paths. A path containing a ring is terminated at an atom completing the ring.
Returns all paths with specified Length as a reference to an array containing reference to arrays with path Atom objects.
Path atoms correspond to all possible paths for each atom in molecule with length upto a specified length and no sharing of bonds in paths traversed. By default, rings are included in paths. A path containing a ring is terminated at an atom completing the ring.
Returns all paths with length up to Length as a reference to an array containing reference to arrays with path Atom objects.
Path atoms correspond to all possible paths for each atom in molecule with length upto a specified length and no sharing of bonds in paths traversed. By default, rings are included in paths. A path containing a ring is terminated at an atom completing the ring.
Returns an array of Atoms in a Molecule. In scalar context, it returns number of atoms. Additionally, Atoms array can be filtered by any user specifiable valid Atom class method and the result of the Atom class method used to filter the atoms can also be negated by an optional negate results flag as third parameter.
Returns an array of Bonds in a Molecule. In scalar context, it returns number of bonds.
Returns net charge on a Molecule using one of the following two methods: explicitly set Charge property or sum of partial atomic charges on each atom.
Returns a reference to an array containing Molecule objects corresponding to connected components sorted in decreasing order of component size in a Molecule.
Returns an array containing references to arrays with Atom objects corresponding to atoms of connected components sorted in order of component decreasing size in a Molecule.
Returns Dimensionality of a Molecule corresponding to explicitly set Dimensionality property value or by processing atomic.
The Dimensionality value from atomic coordinates is calculated as follows:
Calculates elemental composition and returns references to arrays containing elements and their percent composition in a Molecule. By default, missing hydrogens are included during the calculation.
Counts elements and non-elements in a Molecule and returns references to hashes containing element and non-element as hash keys with values corresponding to their count. By default, missing hydrogens are not added to the element hash.
Returns exact mass of a Molecule corresponding to sum of exact masses of all the atoms.
Returns net formal charge on a Molecule using one of the following two methods: explicitly set FormalCharge property or sum of formal charges on each atom.
FormalCharge is different from Charge property of the molecule which corresponds to sum of partial atomic charges explicitly set for each atom using a specific methodology.
Returns total number of free radical electrons available in a Molecule using one of the following two methods: explicitly set FreeRadicalElectrons property or sum of available free radical electrons on each atom.
Returns references to array of fused ring sets and non-fused rings in a Molecule. Fused ring sets array reference contains refernces to arrays of rings corresponding to ring Atom objects; Non-fused rings array reference contains references to arrays of ring Atom objects.
Returns a reference to Molecule object corresponding to a largest connected component in a Molecule.
Returns a reference to an array of Atom objects corresponding to a largest connected component in a Molecule.
Returns an array of Atoms objects corresponding to a largest ring in a Molecule.
Returns molecular formula of a Molecule by collecting information about all atoms in the molecule and composing the formula using Hills ordering system:
Returns molecular weight of a Molecule corresponding to sum of atomic weights of all the atoms.
Returns number of aromatic rings in a Molecule.
Returns number of atoms in a Molecule.
Returns number of bonds in a Molecule.
Returns number of connected components in a Molecule.
Returns number of elements and non-elements in a Molecule. By default, missing hydrogens are not added to element count.
Returns number of heavy atoms, non-hydrogen atoms, in a Molecule.
Returns number of hydrogen atoms in a Molecule.
Returns number of hydrogen atoms in a Molecule.
Returns number of non-hydrogen atoms in a Molecule.
Returns number of rings in a Molecule.
Returns number of rings with even size in a Molecule.
Returns number of rings with odd size in a Molecule.
Returns number of rings with Size in a Molecule.
Returns number of rings with size greater than Size in a Molecule.
Returns number of rings with size less than Size in a Molecule.
Returns an array of ring Bond objects correponding to an array of ring Atoms in a Molecule.
Returns an array containing references to arrays of ring Bond objects for rings specified in an array of references to ring Atom objects.
Returns rings as an array containing references to arrays of ring Atom objects in a Molecule.
Returns even size rings as an array containing references to arrays of ring Atom objects in a Molecule.
Returns odd size rings as an array containing references to arrays of ring Atom objects in a Molecule.
Returns rings with Size as an array containing references to arrays of ring Atom objects in a Molecule.
Returns rings with size greater than Size as an array containing references to arrays of ring Atom objects in a Molecule.
Returns rings with size less than Size as an array containing references to arrays of ring Atom objects in a Molecule.
Returns size of the largest ring in a Molecule.
Returns size of the smalles ring in a Molecule.
Returns an array containing Atom objects corresponding to the smallest ring in a Molecule.
Returns net spin multiplicity of a Molecule using one of the following two methods: explicitly set SpinMultiplicity property or sum of spin multiplicity on each atom.
Returns an array containing a list of supported aromaticity models.
Returns valence model for Molecule using one of the following two methods: explicitly set ValenceModel property or defaul value of InternalValenceModel.
Returns an array of topologically sorted Atom objects starting from StartAtom or an arbitrary atom in a Molecule.
Returns 1 or 0 based on whether any aromatic ring is present in a Molecule.
Returns 1 or 0 based on whether any aromatic ring atom is present in a Molecule.
Returns 1 or 0 based on whether any non-ring atom is marked aromatic in a Molecule.
Returns 1 or 0 based on whether Atom is present in a Molecule.
Returns 1 or 0 based on whether Bond is present in a Molecule.
Returns 1 or 0 based on whether any fused rings set is present in a Molecule.
Returns 0 or 1 based on whether any ring is present in a Molecule.
Returns 1 or 0 based on whether only one ring is present in a Molecule.
Returns 1 or 0 based on whether rings are present in a Molecule.
Returns 1 or 0 based on whether Molecule is aromatic.
Returns 1 or 0 based on whether Object is a Molecule object.
Returns 1 or 0 based on whether all RingAtoms are aromatic.
Returns 1 or 0 based on whether specified AromaticityModel is supported.
Returns 1 or 0 based on whether any atom in Molecule has a non-zero value for X or Y coordinate and all atoms have zero value for Z coordinates.
Returns 1 or 0 based on whether any atom in Molecule has a non-zero value for Z coordinate.
Deletes atoms corresponding to all other connected components Except for the largest connected component in a Molecule and returns Molecule.
Kekulize marked ring and non-ring aromatic atoms in a molecule and return 1 or 1 based on whether the kekulization succeeded.
Creates a new atom using AtomPropertyNamesAndValues, add its to Molecule, and returns new Atom object.
Creates a new bond using AtomPropertyNamesAndValues, add its to Molecule, and returns new Bond object.
Sets up type of detected ring sets to use during all ring related methods and returns Molecule. Possible RingType values: Independent or All. By default, Independent ring set is used during all ring methods.
Sets up AromaticityModel property value for Molecule and retrurns Molecule.
Sets up ValenceModel property value for Molecule and retrurns Molecule.
Returns a string containing information about Molecule object
Atom.pm, Bond.pm, MoleculeFileIO.pm, MolecularFormula.pm
Copyright (C) 2025 Manish Sud. All rights reserved.
This file is part of MayaChemTools.
MayaChemTools is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.