1 package Atom; 2 # 3 # File: Atom.pm 4 # Author: Manish Sud <msud@san.rr.com> 5 # 6 # Copyright (C) 2025 Manish Sud. All rights reserved. 7 # 8 # This file is part of MayaChemTools. 9 # 10 # MayaChemTools is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under 11 # the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free 12 # Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any 13 # later version. 14 # 15 # MayaChemTools is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but without 16 # any warranty; without even the implied warranty of merchantability of fitness 17 # for a particular purpose. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more 18 # details. 19 # 20 # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License 21 # along with MayaChemTools; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/> or 22 # write to the Free Software Foundation Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, 23 # Boston, MA, 02111-1307, USA. 24 # 25 26 use strict; 27 use Carp; 28 use Exporter; 29 use Storable (); 30 use Scalar::Util (); 31 use ObjectProperty; 32 use PeriodicTable; 33 use Vector; 34 use MathUtil; 35 use Text::ParseWords; 36 use TextUtil; 37 use FileUtil; 38 39 use vars qw(@ISA @EXPORT @EXPORT_OK %EXPORT_TAGS); 40 41 @ISA = qw(ObjectProperty Exporter); 42 @EXPORT = qw(); 43 @EXPORT_OK = qw(); 44 45 %EXPORT_TAGS = (all => [@EXPORT, @EXPORT_OK]); 46 47 # Setup class variables... 48 my($ClassName, $ObjectID, %MDLValenceModelDataMap, %DaylightValenceModelDataMap); 49 _InitializeClass(); 50 51 # Overload Perl functions... 52 use overload '""' => 'StringifyAtom'; 53 54 # Class constructor... 55 sub new { 56 my($Class, %NamesAndValues) = @_; 57 58 # Initialize object... 59 my $This = {}; 60 bless $This, ref($Class) || $Class; 61 $This->_InitializeAtom(); 62 63 $This->_InitializeAtomProperties(%NamesAndValues); 64 65 return $This; 66 } 67 68 # Initialize object data... 69 sub _InitializeAtom { 70 my($This) = @_; 71 my($ObjectID) = _GetNewObjectID(); 72 73 # All other property names and values along with all Set/Get<PropertyName> methods 74 # are implemented on-demand using ObjectProperty class. 75 $This->{ID} = $ObjectID; 76 $This->{Name} = "Atom ${ObjectID}"; 77 $This->{AtomSymbol} = ''; 78 $This->{AtomicNumber} = 0; 79 $This->{XYZ} = Vector::ZeroVector; 80 } 81 82 # Initialize atom properties... 83 sub _InitializeAtomProperties { 84 my($This, %NamesAndValues) = @_; 85 86 my($Name, $Value, $MethodName); 87 while (($Name, $Value) = each %NamesAndValues) { 88 $MethodName = "Set${Name}"; 89 $This->$MethodName($Value); 90 } 91 if (!exists $NamesAndValues{'AtomSymbol'}) { 92 carp "Warning: ${ClassName}->new: Atom object instantiated without setting atom symbol..."; 93 } 94 95 return $This; 96 } 97 98 # Initialize class ... 99 sub _InitializeClass { 100 #Class name... 101 $ClassName = __PACKAGE__; 102 103 # ID to keep track of objects... 104 $ObjectID = 0; 105 106 # Load atom class data... 107 _LoadAtomClassData(); 108 } 109 110 # Setup an explicit SetID method to block setting of ID by AUTOLOAD function... 111 sub SetID { 112 my($This, $Value) = @_; 113 114 carp "Warning: ${ClassName}->SetID: Object ID can't be changed: it's used for internal tracking..."; 115 116 return $This; 117 } 118 119 # Setup an explicit SetMolecule method to block setting of ID by AUTOLOAD function... 120 sub SetMolecule { 121 my($This, $Value) = @_; 122 123 carp "Warning: ${ClassName}->SetMolecule: Molecule property can't be changed: it's used for internal tracking..."; 124 125 return $This; 126 } 127 128 # Assign atom to molecule... 129 sub _SetMolecule { 130 my($This, $Molecule) = @_; 131 132 $This->{Molecule} = $Molecule; 133 134 # Weaken the reference to disable increment of reference count; otherwise, 135 # it it becomes a circular reference and destruction of Molecule object doesn't 136 # get initiated which in turn disables destruction of atom object. 137 # 138 Scalar::Util::weaken($This->{Molecule}); 139 140 return $This; 141 } 142 143 # Setup atom symbol and atomic number for the element... 144 # 145 # Possible atom symbol values: 146 # . An element symbol or some other type of atom: L - Atom list; LP - Lone pair; R# - R group; 147 # A, Q, * - unknown atom; or something else? 148 # 149 # Default mass number corresponds to the most abundant natural isotope unless it's explicity 150 # set using "MassNumber" property. 151 # 152 sub SetAtomSymbol { 153 my($This, $AtomSymbol) = @_; 154 my($AtomicNumber); 155 156 $This->{AtomSymbol} = $AtomSymbol; 157 158 $AtomicNumber = PeriodicTable::GetElementAtomicNumber($AtomSymbol); 159 $This->{AtomicNumber} = (defined $AtomicNumber) ? $AtomicNumber : 0; 160 161 return $This; 162 } 163 164 # Setup atom symbol and atomic number for the element... 165 sub SetAtomicNumber { 166 my($This, $AtomicNumber) = @_; 167 my($AtomSymbol); 168 169 $AtomSymbol = PeriodicTable::GetElementAtomSymbol($AtomicNumber); 170 if (!defined $AtomSymbol) { 171 carp "Warning: ${ClassName}->SetAtomicNumber: Didn't set atomic number: Invalid atomic number, $AtomicNumber, specified..."; 172 return; 173 } 174 $This->{AtomicNumber} = $AtomicNumber; 175 $This->{AtomSymbol} = $AtomSymbol; 176 177 return $This; 178 } 179 180 # Set atom as stereo center... 181 # 182 sub SetStereoCenter { 183 my($This, $StereoCenter) = @_; 184 185 $This->SetProperty('StereoCenter', $StereoCenter); 186 187 return $This; 188 } 189 190 # Is it a stereo center? 191 # 192 sub IsStereoCenter { 193 my($This) = @_; 194 my($StereoCenter); 195 196 $StereoCenter = $This->GetProperty('StereoCenter'); 197 198 return (defined($StereoCenter) && $StereoCenter) ? 1 : 0; 199 } 200 201 # Set atom stereochemistry. 202 # 203 # Supported values are: R, S. 204 # 205 # Notes: 206 # 207 # . After the ligands around a central stereocenter has been ranked using CIP priority scheme and 208 # the lowest ranked ligand lies behind the center atom, then R and S values correspond to: 209 # 210 # R: Clockwise arrangement of remaining ligands around the central atom going from highest to lowest ranked ligand 211 # S: CounterClockwise arrangement of remaining ligands around the central atom going from highest to lowest ranked ligand 212 # 213 # . Assignment of any other arbitray values besides R and S is also allowed; however, a warning is printed. 214 # 215 sub SetStereochemistry { 216 my($This, $Stereochemistry) = @_; 217 218 if ($Stereochemistry !~ /^(R|S)$/i) { 219 carp "Warning: ${ClassName}->SetStereochemistry: Assigning non-supported Stereochemistry value of $Stereochemistry. Supported values: R, S..."; 220 } 221 222 $This->SetProperty('StereoCenter', 1); 223 $This->SetProperty('Stereochemistry', $Stereochemistry); 224 225 return $This; 226 } 227 228 # Setup mass number for atom... 229 sub SetMassNumber { 230 my($This, $MassNumber) = @_; 231 my($AtomicNumber, $AtomSymbol); 232 233 $AtomicNumber = $This->{AtomicNumber}; 234 $AtomSymbol = $This->{AtomSymbol}; 235 if (!$AtomicNumber) { 236 carp "Warning: ${ClassName}->SetMassNumber: Didn't set mass number: Non standard atom with atomic number, $AtomicNumber, and atomic symbol, $AtomSymbol..."; 237 return; 238 } 239 if (!PeriodicTable::IsElementNaturalIsotopeMassNumber($AtomicNumber, $MassNumber)) { 240 carp "Warning: ${ClassName}->SetMassNumber: Unknown mass number, $MassNumber, specified for atom with atomic number, $AtomicNumber, and atomic symbol, $AtomSymbol. Don't forget to Set ExactMass property explicitly; otherwise, GetExactMass method would return mass of most abundant isotope..."; 241 } 242 $This->SetProperty('MassNumber', $MassNumber); 243 244 return $This; 245 } 246 247 # Get mass number... 248 # 249 sub GetMassNumber { 250 my($This) = @_; 251 252 # Is mass number explicity set? 253 if ($This->HasProperty('MassNumber')) { 254 return $This->GetProperty('MassNumber'); 255 } 256 257 # Is it an element symbol? 258 my($AtomicNumber) = $This->{AtomicNumber}; 259 if (!$AtomicNumber) { 260 return 0; 261 } 262 263 # Return most abundant mass number... 264 return PeriodicTable::GetElementMostAbundantNaturalIsotopeMassNumber($AtomicNumber); 265 } 266 267 # Get atomic weight: 268 # . Explicitly set by the caller 269 # . Using atomic number 270 # 271 sub GetAtomicWeight { 272 my($This) = @_; 273 274 # Is atomic weight explicity set? 275 if ($This->HasProperty('AtomicWeight')) { 276 return $This->GetProperty('AtomicWeight'); 277 } 278 279 # Is it an element symbol? 280 my($AtomicNumber) = $This->{AtomicNumber}; 281 if (!$AtomicNumber) { 282 return 0; 283 } 284 285 # Return its atomic weight... 286 return PeriodicTable::GetElementAtomicWeight($AtomicNumber); 287 } 288 289 # Get exact mass weight: 290 # . Explicitly set by the caller 291 # . Using atomic number and mass number explicity set by the caller 292 # . Using atomic number and most abundant isotope 293 # 294 sub GetExactMass { 295 my($This) = @_; 296 297 # Is exact mass explicity set? 298 if ($This->HasProperty('ExactMass')) { 299 return $This->GetProperty('ExactMass'); 300 } 301 302 # Is it an element symbol? 303 my($AtomicNumber) = $This->{AtomicNumber}; 304 if (!$AtomicNumber) { 305 return 0; 306 } 307 308 # Is mass number explicitly set? 309 if ($This->HasProperty('MassNumber')) { 310 my($MassNumber) = $This->GetProperty('MassNumber'); 311 if (PeriodicTable::IsElementNaturalIsotopeMassNumber($AtomicNumber, $MassNumber)) { 312 return PeriodicTable::GetElementNaturalIsotopeMass($AtomicNumber, $MassNumber); 313 } 314 } 315 316 # Return most abundant isotope mass... 317 return PeriodicTable::GetElementMostAbundantNaturalIsotopeMass($AtomicNumber); 318 } 319 320 # Get formal charge: 321 # . Explicitly set by the caller 322 # . Or return zero insetad of undef 323 # 324 sub GetFormalCharge { 325 my($This) = @_; 326 my($FormalCharge); 327 328 $FormalCharge = 0; 329 if ($This->HasProperty('FormalCharge')) { 330 $FormalCharge = $This->GetProperty('FormalCharge'); 331 } 332 333 return defined($FormalCharge) ? $FormalCharge : 0; 334 } 335 336 # Get spin multiplicity: 337 # . Explicitly set by the caller 338 # . From FreeRadicalElectrons value explicitly set by the caller 339 # . Or return zero insetad of undef 340 # 341 sub GetSpinMultiplicity { 342 my($This) = @_; 343 my($SpinMultiplicity); 344 345 $SpinMultiplicity = 0; 346 if ($This->HasProperty('SpinMultiplicity')) { 347 $SpinMultiplicity = $This->GetProperty('SpinMultiplicity'); 348 return defined($SpinMultiplicity) ? $SpinMultiplicity : 0; 349 } 350 351 if ($This->HasProperty('FreeRadicalElectrons')) { 352 my($FreeRadicalElectrons); 353 $FreeRadicalElectrons = $This->GetProperty('FreeRadicalElectrons'); 354 355 SPINMULTIPLICITY: { 356 if ($FreeRadicalElectrons == 1) { $SpinMultiplicity = 2; last SPINMULTIPLICITY;} 357 if ($FreeRadicalElectrons == 2) { $SpinMultiplicity = 1; last SPINMULTIPLICITY;} 358 carp "Warning: ${ClassName}->GetSpinMultiplicity: It's not possible to determine spin multiplicity from the specified free radical electrons value, $FreeRadicalElectrons. It has been set to 0..."; 359 $SpinMultiplicity = 0; 360 } 361 } 362 363 return $SpinMultiplicity; 364 } 365 366 # Get number of free radical electrons: 367 # . Explicitly set by the caller 368 # . From SpinMultiplicity value explicitly set by the caller 369 # . Or return zero insetad of undef 370 # 371 # Notes: 372 # . For atoms with explicit assignment of SpinMultiplicity property values corresponding to 373 # Singlet (two unpaired electrons corresponding to one spin state), Doublet (free radical; an unpaired 374 # electron corresponding to two spin states), and Triplet (two unparied electrons corresponding to 375 # three spin states; divalent carbon atoms (carbenes)), FreeRadicalElectrons are calculated as follows: 376 # 377 # SpinMultiplicity: Doublet(2); FreeRadicalElectrons: 1 378 # SpinMultiplicity: Singlet(1)/Triplet(3); FreeRadicalElectrons: 2 379 # 380 sub GetFreeRadicalElectrons { 381 my($This) = @_; 382 my($FreeRadicalElectrons); 383 384 $FreeRadicalElectrons = 0; 385 386 if ($This->HasProperty('FreeRadicalElectrons')) { 387 $FreeRadicalElectrons = $This->GetProperty('FreeRadicalElectrons'); 388 return defined($FreeRadicalElectrons) ? $FreeRadicalElectrons : 0; 389 } 390 391 if ($This->HasProperty('SpinMultiplicity')) { 392 my($SpinMultiplicity); 393 $SpinMultiplicity = $This->GetProperty('SpinMultiplicity'); 394 395 SPINMULTIPLICITY: { 396 if ($SpinMultiplicity == 1) { $FreeRadicalElectrons = 2; last SPINMULTIPLICITY;} 397 if ($SpinMultiplicity == 2) { $FreeRadicalElectrons = 1; last SPINMULTIPLICITY;} 398 if ($SpinMultiplicity == 3) { $FreeRadicalElectrons = 2; last SPINMULTIPLICITY;} 399 carp "Warning: ${ClassName}->GetFreeRadicalElectrons: It's not possible to determine free radical electrons from the specified spin multiplicity value, $FreeRadicalElectrons. It has been set to 0..."; 400 $FreeRadicalElectrons = 0; 401 } 402 } 403 404 return $FreeRadicalElectrons; 405 } 406 407 # Set atom coordinates using: 408 # . An array reference with three values 409 # . An array containg three values 410 # . A 3D vector 411 # 412 sub SetXYZ { 413 my($This, @Values) = @_; 414 415 if (!@Values) { 416 carp "Warning: ${ClassName}->SetXYZ: No values specified..."; 417 return; 418 } 419 420 $This->{XYZ}->SetXYZ(@Values); 421 return $This; 422 } 423 424 # Set X value... 425 sub SetX { 426 my($This, $Value) = @_; 427 428 if (!defined $Value) { 429 carp "Warning: ${ClassName}->SetX: Undefined X value..."; 430 return; 431 } 432 $This->{XYZ}->SetX($Value); 433 return $This; 434 } 435 436 # Set Y value... 437 sub SetY { 438 my($This, $Value) = @_; 439 440 if (!defined $Value) { 441 carp "Warning: ${ClassName}->SetY: Undefined Y value..."; 442 return; 443 } 444 $This->{XYZ}->SetY($Value); 445 return $This; 446 } 447 448 # Set Z value... 449 sub SetZ { 450 my($This, $Value) = @_; 451 452 if (!defined $Value) { 453 carp "Warning: ${ClassName}->SetZ: Undefined Z value..."; 454 return; 455 } 456 $This->{XYZ}->SetZ($Value); 457 return $This; 458 } 459 460 # Return XYZ as: 461 # . Reference to an array 462 # . An array 463 # 464 sub GetXYZ { 465 my($This) = @_; 466 467 return $This->{XYZ}->GetXYZ(); 468 } 469 470 # Return XYZ as a vector object... 471 # 472 sub GetXYZVector { 473 my($This) = @_; 474 475 return $This->{XYZ}; 476 } 477 478 # Get X value... 479 sub GetX { 480 my($This) = @_; 481 482 return $This->{XYZ}->GetX(); 483 } 484 485 # Get Y value... 486 sub GetY { 487 my($This) = @_; 488 489 return $This->{XYZ}->GetY(); 490 } 491 492 # Get Z value... 493 sub GetZ { 494 my($This) = @_; 495 496 return $This->{XYZ}->GetZ(); 497 } 498 499 # Delete atom... 500 sub DeleteAtom { 501 my($This) = @_; 502 503 # Is this atom in a molecule? 504 if (!$This->HasProperty('Molecule')) { 505 # Nothing to do... 506 return $This; 507 } 508 my($Molecule) = $This->GetProperty('Molecule'); 509 510 return $Molecule->_DeleteAtom($This); 511 } 512 513 # Get atom neighbor objects as array. In scalar conetxt, return number of neighbors... 514 sub GetNeighbors { 515 my($This, @ExcludeNeighbors) = @_; 516 517 # Is this atom in a molecule? 518 if (!$This->HasProperty('Molecule')) { 519 return undef; 520 } 521 my($Molecule) = $This->GetProperty('Molecule'); 522 523 if (@ExcludeNeighbors) { 524 return $This->_GetAtomNeighbors(@ExcludeNeighbors); 525 } 526 else { 527 return $This->_GetAtomNeighbors(); 528 } 529 } 530 531 # Get atom neighbor objects as array. In scalar conetxt, return number of neighbors... 532 sub _GetAtomNeighbors { 533 my($This, @ExcludeNeighbors) = @_; 534 my($Molecule) = $This->GetProperty('Molecule'); 535 536 if (!@ExcludeNeighbors) { 537 return $Molecule->_GetAtomNeighbors($This); 538 } 539 540 # Setup a map for neigbhors to exclude... 541 my($ExcludeNeighbor, $ExcludeNeighborID, %ExcludeNeighborsIDsMap); 542 543 %ExcludeNeighborsIDsMap = (); 544 for $ExcludeNeighbor (@ExcludeNeighbors) { 545 $ExcludeNeighborID = $ExcludeNeighbor->GetID(); 546 $ExcludeNeighborsIDsMap{$ExcludeNeighborID} = $ExcludeNeighborID; 547 } 548 549 # Generate a filtered neighbors list... 550 my($Neighbor, $NeighborID, @FilteredAtomNeighbors); 551 @FilteredAtomNeighbors = (); 552 NEIGHBOR: for $Neighbor ($Molecule->_GetAtomNeighbors($This)) { 553 $NeighborID = $Neighbor->GetID(); 554 if (exists $ExcludeNeighborsIDsMap{$NeighborID}) { 555 next NEIGHBOR; 556 } 557 push @FilteredAtomNeighbors, $Neighbor; 558 } 559 560 return wantarray ? @FilteredAtomNeighbors : scalar @FilteredAtomNeighbors; 561 } 562 563 # Get specific atom neighbor objects as array. In scalar conetxt, return number of neighbors. 564 # 565 # Notes: 566 # . AtomSpecification correspond to any valid AtomicInvariant based atomic specifications 567 # as implemented in DoesAtomNeighborhoodMatch method. 568 # . Multiple atom specifications can be used in a string delimited by comma. 569 # 570 sub GetNeighborsUsingAtomSpecification { 571 my($This, $AtomSpecification, @ExcludeNeighbors) = @_; 572 my(@AtomNeighbors); 573 574 @AtomNeighbors = (); 575 @AtomNeighbors = $This->GetNeighbors(@ExcludeNeighbors); 576 577 # Does atom has any neighbors and do they need to be filtered? 578 if (!(@AtomNeighbors && defined($AtomSpecification) && $AtomSpecification)) { 579 return wantarray ? @AtomNeighbors : scalar @AtomNeighbors; 580 } 581 582 # Filter neighbors using atom specification... 583 my($AtomNeighbor, @FilteredAtomNeighbors); 584 585 @FilteredAtomNeighbors = (); 586 NEIGHBOR: for $AtomNeighbor (@AtomNeighbors) { 587 if (!$AtomNeighbor->_DoesAtomSpecificationMatch($AtomSpecification)) { 588 next NEIGHBOR; 589 } 590 push @FilteredAtomNeighbors, $AtomNeighbor; 591 } 592 593 return wantarray ? @FilteredAtomNeighbors : scalar @FilteredAtomNeighbors; 594 } 595 596 597 # Get non-hydrogen atom neighbor objects as array. In scalar context, return number of neighbors... 598 sub GetHeavyAtomNeighbors { 599 my($This) = @_; 600 601 return $This->GetNonHydrogenAtomNeighbors(); 602 } 603 604 # Get non-hydrogen atom neighbor objects as array. In scalar context, return number of neighbors... 605 sub GetNonHydrogenAtomNeighbors { 606 my($This) = @_; 607 608 # Is this atom in a molecule? 609 if (!$This->HasProperty('Molecule')) { 610 return undef; 611 } 612 my($NonHydrogenAtomsOnly, $HydrogenAtomsOnly) = (1, 0); 613 614 return $This->_GetFilteredAtomNeighbors($NonHydrogenAtomsOnly, $HydrogenAtomsOnly); 615 } 616 617 # Get hydrogen atom neighbor objects as array. In scalar context, return numbe of neighbors... 618 sub GetHydrogenAtomNeighbors { 619 my($This) = @_; 620 621 # Is this atom in a molecule? 622 if (!$This->HasProperty('Molecule')) { 623 return undef; 624 } 625 my($NonHydrogenAtomsOnly, $HydrogenAtomsOnly) = (0, 1); 626 627 return $This->_GetFilteredAtomNeighbors($NonHydrogenAtomsOnly, $HydrogenAtomsOnly); 628 } 629 630 # Get non-hydrogen neighbor of hydrogen atom... 631 # 632 sub GetNonHydrogenNeighborOfHydrogenAtom { 633 my($This) = @_; 634 635 # Is it Hydrogen? 636 if (!$This->IsHydrogen()) { 637 return undef; 638 } 639 my(@Neighbors); 640 641 @Neighbors = $This->GetNonHydrogenAtomNeighbors(); 642 643 return (@Neighbors == 1) ? $Neighbors[0] : undef; 644 } 645 646 # Get filtered atom atom neighbors 647 sub _GetFilteredAtomNeighbors { 648 my($This, $NonHydrogenAtomsOnly, $HydrogenAtomsOnly) = @_; 649 650 # Check flags... 651 if (!defined $NonHydrogenAtomsOnly) { 652 $NonHydrogenAtomsOnly = 0; 653 } 654 if (!defined $HydrogenAtomsOnly) { 655 $HydrogenAtomsOnly = 0; 656 } 657 my($Neighbor, @FilteredAtomNeighbors); 658 659 @FilteredAtomNeighbors = (); 660 NEIGHBOR: for $Neighbor ($This->GetNeighbors()) { 661 if ($NonHydrogenAtomsOnly && $Neighbor->IsHydrogen()) { 662 next NEIGHBOR; 663 } 664 if ($HydrogenAtomsOnly && (!$Neighbor->IsHydrogen())) { 665 next NEIGHBOR; 666 } 667 push @FilteredAtomNeighbors, $Neighbor; 668 } 669 670 return wantarray ? @FilteredAtomNeighbors : scalar @FilteredAtomNeighbors; 671 } 672 673 # Get number of neighbors... 674 # 675 sub GetNumOfNeighbors { 676 my($This) = @_; 677 my($NumOfNeighbors); 678 679 $NumOfNeighbors = $This->GetNeighbors(); 680 681 return (defined $NumOfNeighbors) ? $NumOfNeighbors : undef; 682 } 683 684 # Get number of neighbors which are non-hydrogen atoms... 685 sub GetNumOfHeavyAtomNeighbors { 686 my($This) = @_; 687 688 return $This->GetNumOfNonHydrogenAtomNeighbors(); 689 } 690 691 # Get number of neighbors which are non-hydrogen atoms... 692 sub GetNumOfNonHydrogenAtomNeighbors { 693 my($This) = @_; 694 my($NumOfNeighbors); 695 696 $NumOfNeighbors = $This->GetNonHydrogenAtomNeighbors(); 697 698 return (defined $NumOfNeighbors) ? $NumOfNeighbors : undef; 699 } 700 701 # Get number of neighbors which are hydrogen atoms... 702 sub GetNumOfHydrogenAtomNeighbors { 703 my($This) = @_; 704 my($NumOfNeighbors); 705 706 $NumOfNeighbors = $This->GetHydrogenAtomNeighbors(); 707 708 return (defined $NumOfNeighbors) ? $NumOfNeighbors : undef; 709 } 710 711 # Get bond objects as array. In scalar context, return number of bonds... 712 sub GetBonds { 713 my($This) = @_; 714 715 # Is this atom in a molecule? 716 if (!$This->HasProperty('Molecule')) { 717 return undef; 718 } 719 my($Molecule) = $This->GetProperty('Molecule'); 720 721 return $Molecule->_GetAtomBonds($This); 722 } 723 724 # Get bond to specified atom... 725 sub GetBondToAtom { 726 my($This, $Other) = @_; 727 728 # Is this atom in a molecule? 729 if (!$This->HasProperty('Molecule')) { 730 return undef; 731 } 732 my($Molecule) = $This->GetProperty('Molecule'); 733 734 return $Molecule->_GetBondToAtom($This, $Other); 735 } 736 737 # It it bonded to a specified atom? 738 sub IsBondedToAtom { 739 my($This, $Other) = @_; 740 741 # Is this atom in a molecule? 742 if (!$This->HasProperty('Molecule')) { 743 return undef; 744 } 745 my($Molecule) = $This->GetProperty('Molecule'); 746 747 return $Molecule->_IsBondedToAtom($This, $Other); 748 } 749 750 # Get bond objects to non-hydrogen atoms as array. In scalar context, return number of bonds... 751 sub GetBondsToHeavyAtoms { 752 my($This) = @_; 753 754 return $This->GetBondsToNonHydrogenAtoms(); 755 } 756 757 # Get bond objects to non-hydrogen atoms as array. In scalar context, return number of bonds... 758 sub GetBondsToNonHydrogenAtoms { 759 my($This) = @_; 760 761 # Is this atom in a molecule? 762 if (!$This->HasProperty('Molecule')) { 763 return undef; 764 } 765 my($BondsToNonHydrogenAtomsOnly, $BondsToHydrogenAtomsOnly) = (1, 0); 766 767 return $This->_GetFilteredBonds($BondsToNonHydrogenAtomsOnly, $BondsToHydrogenAtomsOnly); 768 } 769 770 # Get bond objects to hydrogen atoms as array. In scalar context, return number of bonds... 771 sub GetBondsToHydrogenAtoms { 772 my($This) = @_; 773 774 # Is this atom in a molecule? 775 if (!$This->HasProperty('Molecule')) { 776 return undef; 777 } 778 my($BondsToNonHydrogenAtomsOnly, $BondsToHydrogenAtomsOnly) = (0, 1); 779 780 return $This->_GetFilteredBonds($BondsToNonHydrogenAtomsOnly, $BondsToHydrogenAtomsOnly); 781 } 782 783 # Get filtered bonds... 784 sub _GetFilteredBonds { 785 my($This, $BondsToNonHydrogenAtomsOnly, $BondsToHydrogenAtomsOnly) = @_; 786 787 # Check flags... 788 if (!defined $BondsToNonHydrogenAtomsOnly) { 789 $BondsToNonHydrogenAtomsOnly = 0; 790 } 791 if (!defined $BondsToHydrogenAtomsOnly) { 792 $BondsToHydrogenAtomsOnly = 0; 793 } 794 795 my($Bond, $BondedAtom, @FilteredBonds); 796 797 @FilteredBonds = (); 798 BOND: for $Bond ($This->GetBonds()) { 799 $BondedAtom = $Bond->GetBondedAtom($This); 800 if ($BondsToNonHydrogenAtomsOnly && $BondedAtom->IsHydrogen()) { 801 next BOND; 802 } 803 if ($BondsToHydrogenAtomsOnly && (!$BondedAtom->IsHydrogen())) { 804 next BOND; 805 } 806 push @FilteredBonds, $Bond; 807 } 808 809 return wantarray ? @FilteredBonds : (scalar @FilteredBonds); 810 } 811 812 # Get number of bonds... 813 # 814 sub GetNumOfBonds { 815 my($This) = @_; 816 my($NumOfBonds); 817 818 $NumOfBonds = $This->GetBonds(); 819 820 return (defined $NumOfBonds) ? ($NumOfBonds) : undef; 821 } 822 823 # Get number of bonds to non-hydrogen atoms... 824 sub GetNumOfBondsToHeavyAtoms { 825 my($This) = @_; 826 827 return $This->GetNumOfBondsToNonHydrogenAtoms(); 828 } 829 830 # Get number of bonds to non-hydrogen atoms... 831 sub GetNumOfBondsToNonHydrogenAtoms { 832 my($This) = @_; 833 my($NumOfBonds); 834 835 $NumOfBonds = $This->GetBondsToNonHydrogenAtoms(); 836 837 return (defined $NumOfBonds) ? ($NumOfBonds) : undef; 838 } 839 840 # Get number of single bonds to heavy atoms... 841 sub GetNumOfSingleBondsToHeavyAtoms { 842 my($This) = @_; 843 844 return $This->GetNumOfSingleBondsToNonHydrogenAtoms(); 845 } 846 847 # Get number of single bonds to non-hydrogen atoms... 848 sub GetNumOfSingleBondsToNonHydrogenAtoms { 849 my($This) = @_; 850 851 # Is this atom in a molecule? 852 if (!$This->HasProperty('Molecule')) { 853 return undef; 854 } 855 return $This->_GetNumOfBondsWithSpecifiedBondOrderToNonHydrogenAtoms(1); 856 } 857 858 # Get number of double bonds to heavy atoms... 859 sub GetNumOfDoubleBondsToHeavyAtoms { 860 my($This) = @_; 861 862 return $This->GetNumOfDoubleBondsToNonHydrogenAtoms(); 863 } 864 865 # Get number of double bonds to non-hydrogen atoms... 866 sub GetNumOfDoubleBondsToNonHydrogenAtoms { 867 my($This) = @_; 868 869 # Is this atom in a molecule? 870 if (!$This->HasProperty('Molecule')) { 871 return undef; 872 } 873 return $This->_GetNumOfBondsWithSpecifiedBondOrderToNonHydrogenAtoms(2); 874 } 875 876 # Get number of triple bonds to heavy atoms... 877 sub GetNumOfTripleBondsToHeavyAtoms { 878 my($This) = @_; 879 880 return $This->GetNumOfTripleBondsToNonHydrogenAtoms(); 881 } 882 883 # Get number of triple bonds to non-hydrogen atoms... 884 sub GetNumOfTripleBondsToNonHydrogenAtoms { 885 my($This) = @_; 886 887 # Is this atom in a molecule? 888 if (!$This->HasProperty('Molecule')) { 889 return undef; 890 } 891 return $This->_GetNumOfBondsWithSpecifiedBondOrderToNonHydrogenAtoms(3); 892 } 893 894 # Get number of bonds of specified bond order to non-hydrogen atoms... 895 sub _GetNumOfBondsWithSpecifiedBondOrderToNonHydrogenAtoms { 896 my($This, $SpecifiedBondOrder) = @_; 897 my($NumOfBonds, $Bond, $BondOrder, @Bonds); 898 899 $NumOfBonds = 0; 900 @Bonds = $This->GetBondsToNonHydrogenAtoms(); 901 for $Bond (@Bonds) { 902 $BondOrder = $Bond->GetBondOrder(); 903 if ($SpecifiedBondOrder == $BondOrder) { 904 $NumOfBonds++; 905 } 906 } 907 return $NumOfBonds; 908 } 909 910 # Get number of aromatic bonds to heavy atoms... 911 sub GetNumOfAromaticBondsToHeavyAtoms { 912 my($This) = @_; 913 914 return $This->GetNumOfAromaticBondsToNonHydrogenAtoms(); 915 } 916 917 # Get number of aromatic bonds to non-hydrogen atoms... 918 sub GetNumOfAromaticBondsToNonHydrogenAtoms { 919 my($This) = @_; 920 my($NumOfBonds, $Bond, @Bonds); 921 922 # Is this atom in a molecule? 923 if (!$This->HasProperty('Molecule')) { 924 return undef; 925 } 926 927 $NumOfBonds = 0; 928 @Bonds = $This->GetBondsToNonHydrogenAtoms(); 929 for $Bond (@Bonds) { 930 if ($Bond->IsAromatic()) { $NumOfBonds++; } 931 } 932 return $NumOfBonds; 933 } 934 935 # Get number of different bond types to non-hydrogen atoms... 936 # 937 sub GetNumOfBondTypesToHeavyAtoms { 938 my($This, $CountAromaticBonds) = @_; 939 940 return $This->GetNumOfBondTypesToNonHydrogenAtoms($CountAromaticBonds); 941 } 942 943 # Get number of single, double, triple, and aromatic bonds from an atom to all other 944 # non-hydrogen atoms. Value of CountAtomaticBonds parameter controls whether 945 # number of aromatic bonds is returned; default is not to count aromatic bonds. During 946 # counting of aromatic bonds, the bond marked aromatic is not included in the count 947 # of other bond types. 948 # 949 sub GetNumOfBondTypesToNonHydrogenAtoms { 950 my($This, $CountAromaticBonds) = @_; 951 my($NumOfSingleBonds, $NumOfDoubleBonds, $NumOfTripleBonds, $NumOfAromaticBonds, $None, $Bond, @Bonds); 952 953 $CountAromaticBonds = defined($CountAromaticBonds) ? $CountAromaticBonds : 0; 954 955 ($NumOfSingleBonds, $NumOfDoubleBonds, $NumOfTripleBonds) = ('0') x 3; 956 $NumOfAromaticBonds = $CountAromaticBonds ? 0 : undef; 957 958 # Is this atom in a molecule? 959 if (!$This->HasProperty('Molecule')) { 960 return ($NumOfSingleBonds, $NumOfDoubleBonds, $NumOfTripleBonds, $NumOfAromaticBonds); 961 } 962 963 @Bonds = $This->GetBondsToNonHydrogenAtoms(); 964 965 for $Bond (@Bonds) { 966 BONDTYPE: { 967 if ($CountAromaticBonds) { 968 if ($Bond->IsAromatic()) { $NumOfAromaticBonds++; last BONDTYPE; } 969 } 970 if ($Bond->IsSingle()) { $NumOfSingleBonds++; last BONDTYPE; } 971 if ($Bond->IsDouble()) { $NumOfDoubleBonds++; last BONDTYPE; } 972 if ($Bond->IsTriple()) { $NumOfTripleBonds++; last BONDTYPE; } 973 $None = 1; 974 } 975 } 976 return ($NumOfSingleBonds, $NumOfDoubleBonds, $NumOfTripleBonds, $NumOfAromaticBonds); 977 } 978 979 # Get number of sigma and pi bonds to heavy atoms... 980 # 981 sub GetNumOfSigmaAndPiBondsToHeavyAtoms { 982 my($This) = @_; 983 984 return $This->GetNumOfSigmaAndPiBondsToNonHydrogenAtoms(); 985 } 986 987 # Get number of sigma and pi bonds from an atom to all other non-hydrogen atoms. 988 # Sigma and pi bonds are counted using the following methodology: a single bond 989 # correspond to one sigma bond; a double bond contributes one to sigma bond count 990 # and one to pi bond count; a triple bond contributes one to sigma bond count and 991 # two to pi bond count. 992 # 993 sub GetNumOfSigmaAndPiBondsToNonHydrogenAtoms { 994 my($This) = @_; 995 my($NumOfSingleBonds, $NumOfDoubleBonds, $NumOfTripleBonds, $NumOfSigmaBonds, $NumOfPiBonds); 996 997 ($NumOfSingleBonds, $NumOfDoubleBonds, $NumOfTripleBonds) = $This->GetNumOfBondTypesToNonHydrogenAtoms(); 998 999 $NumOfSigmaBonds = $NumOfSingleBonds + $NumOfDoubleBonds + $NumOfTripleBonds; 1000 $NumOfPiBonds = $NumOfDoubleBonds + 2*$NumOfTripleBonds; 1001 1002 return ($NumOfSigmaBonds, $NumOfPiBonds); 1003 } 1004 1005 # Get information related to atoms for all heavy atoms attached to an atom.. 1006 # 1007 sub GetHeavyAtomNeighborsAtomInformation { 1008 my($This) = @_; 1009 1010 return $This->GetNonHydrogenAtomNeighborsAtomInformation(); 1011 } 1012 1013 # Get information related to atoms for all non-hydrogen atoms attached to an atom.. 1014 # 1015 # The following values are returned: 1016 # . Number of non-hydrogen atom neighbors 1017 # . A reference to an array containing atom objects correpsonding to non-hydrogen 1018 # atom neighbors 1019 # . Number of different types of non-hydrogen atom neighbors 1020 # . A reference to a hash containing atom symbol as key with value corresponding 1021 # to its count for non-hydrogen atom neighbors 1022 # 1023 sub GetNonHydrogenAtomNeighborsAtomInformation { 1024 my($This) = @_; 1025 1026 # Is this atom in a molecule? 1027 if (!$This->HasProperty('Molecule')) { 1028 return (undef, undef, undef, undef); 1029 } 1030 my($AtomSymbol, $AtomNeighbor, $NumOfAtomNeighbors, $NumOfAtomNeighborsType, @AtomNeighbors, %AtomNeighborsTypeMap); 1031 1032 $NumOfAtomNeighbors = 0; @AtomNeighbors = (); 1033 $NumOfAtomNeighborsType = 0; %AtomNeighborsTypeMap = (); 1034 1035 @AtomNeighbors = $This->GetNonHydrogenAtomNeighbors(); 1036 $NumOfAtomNeighbors = scalar @AtomNeighbors; 1037 1038 for $AtomNeighbor (@AtomNeighbors) { 1039 $AtomSymbol = $AtomNeighbor->{AtomSymbol}; 1040 if (exists $AtomNeighborsTypeMap{$AtomSymbol}) { 1041 $AtomNeighborsTypeMap{$AtomSymbol} += 1; 1042 } 1043 else { 1044 $AtomNeighborsTypeMap{$AtomSymbol} = 1; 1045 $NumOfAtomNeighborsType++; 1046 } 1047 } 1048 1049 return ($NumOfAtomNeighbors, \@AtomNeighbors, $NumOfAtomNeighborsType, \%AtomNeighborsTypeMap); 1050 } 1051 1052 # Get information related to bonds for all heavy atoms attached to an atom.. 1053 # 1054 sub GetHeavyAtomNeighborsBondformation { 1055 my($This) = @_; 1056 1057 return $This->GetNonHydrogenAtomNeighborsBondInformation(); 1058 } 1059 1060 # Get information related to bonds for all non-hydrogen atoms attached to an atom.. 1061 # 1062 # The following values are returned: 1063 # . Number of bonds to non-hydrogen atom neighbors 1064 # . A reference to an array containing bond objects correpsonding to non-hydrogen 1065 # atom neighbors 1066 # . A reference to a hash containing bond type as key with value corresponding 1067 # to its count for non-hydrogen atom neighbors. Bond types are: Single, Double or Triple 1068 # . A reference to a hash containing atom symbol as key pointing to bond type as second 1069 # key with values correponding to count of bond types for atom symbol for non-hydrogen 1070 # atom neighbors 1071 # . A reference to a hash containing atom symbol as key pointing to bond type as second 1072 # key with values correponding to atom objects array involved in corresponding bond type for 1073 # atom symbol for non-hydrogen atom neighbors 1074 # 1075 sub GetNonHydrogenAtomNeighborsBondInformation { 1076 my($This) = @_; 1077 1078 # Is this atom in a molecule? 1079 if (!$This->HasProperty('Molecule')) { 1080 return (undef, undef, undef, undef, undef); 1081 } 1082 my($BondedAtom, $BondedAtomSymbol, $BondType, $None, $Bond, $NumOfBonds, @Bonds, %BondTypeCountMap, %AtomsBondTypesCountMap, %AtomsBondTypeAtomsMap); 1083 1084 $NumOfBonds = 0; @Bonds = (); 1085 %BondTypeCountMap = (); 1086 %AtomsBondTypesCountMap = (); %AtomsBondTypeAtomsMap = (); 1087 1088 $BondTypeCountMap{Single} = 0; 1089 $BondTypeCountMap{Double} = 0; 1090 $BondTypeCountMap{Triple} = 0; 1091 1092 @Bonds = $This->GetBondsToNonHydrogenAtoms(); 1093 $NumOfBonds = scalar @Bonds; 1094 1095 BOND: for $Bond (@Bonds) { 1096 $BondType = $Bond->IsSingle() ? "Single" : ($Bond->IsDouble() ? "Double" : ($Bond->IsTriple() ? "Triple" : "")); 1097 if (!$BondType) { 1098 next BOND; 1099 } 1100 1101 # Track bond types... 1102 if (exists $BondTypeCountMap{$BondType}) { 1103 $BondTypeCountMap{$BondType} += 1; 1104 } 1105 else { 1106 $BondTypeCountMap{$BondType} = 1; 1107 } 1108 1109 $BondedAtom = $Bond->GetBondedAtom($This); 1110 $BondedAtomSymbol = $BondedAtom->{AtomSymbol}; 1111 1112 # Track bond types count for atom types involved in specific bond types... 1113 if (!exists $AtomsBondTypesCountMap{$BondedAtomSymbol}) { 1114 %{$AtomsBondTypesCountMap{$BondedAtomSymbol}} = (); 1115 } 1116 if (exists $AtomsBondTypesCountMap{$BondedAtomSymbol}{$BondType}) { 1117 $AtomsBondTypesCountMap{$BondedAtomSymbol}{$BondType} += 1; 1118 } 1119 else { 1120 $AtomsBondTypesCountMap{$BondedAtomSymbol}{$BondType} = 1; 1121 } 1122 1123 # Track atoms involved in specific bond types for specific atom types... 1124 if (!exists $AtomsBondTypeAtomsMap{$BondedAtomSymbol}) { 1125 %{$AtomsBondTypeAtomsMap{$BondedAtomSymbol}} = (); 1126 } 1127 if (!exists $AtomsBondTypeAtomsMap{$BondedAtomSymbol}{$BondType}) { 1128 @{$AtomsBondTypeAtomsMap{$BondedAtomSymbol}{$BondType}} = (); 1129 } 1130 push @{$AtomsBondTypeAtomsMap{$BondedAtomSymbol}{$BondType}}, $BondedAtom; 1131 } 1132 1133 return ($NumOfBonds, \@Bonds, \%BondTypeCountMap, \%AtomsBondTypesCountMap, \%AtomsBondTypeAtomsMap); 1134 } 1135 1136 # Get number of bonds to hydrogen atoms... 1137 sub GetNumOfBondsToHydrogenAtoms { 1138 my($This) = @_; 1139 my($NumOfBonds); 1140 1141 $NumOfBonds = $This->GetBondsToHydrogenAtoms(); 1142 1143 return (defined $NumOfBonds) ? ($NumOfBonds) : undef; 1144 } 1145 1146 # Get sum of bond orders to all bonded atoms... 1147 # 1148 sub GetSumOfBondOrders { 1149 my($This) = @_; 1150 1151 # Is this atom in a molecule? 1152 if (!$This->HasProperty('Molecule')) { 1153 return undef; 1154 } 1155 1156 return $This->_GetSumOfBondOrders(); 1157 } 1158 1159 # Get sum of bond orders to non-hydrogen atoms only... 1160 # 1161 sub GetSumOfBondOrdersToHeavyAtoms { 1162 my($This) = @_; 1163 1164 return $This->GetSumOfBondOrdersToNonHydrogenAtoms(); 1165 } 1166 1167 # Get sum of bond orders to non-hydrogen atoms only... 1168 # 1169 sub GetSumOfBondOrdersToNonHydrogenAtoms { 1170 my($This) = @_; 1171 1172 # Is this atom in a molecule? 1173 if (!$This->HasProperty('Molecule')) { 1174 return undef; 1175 } 1176 my($ToNonHydrogenAtomsOnly, $ToHydrogenAtomsOnly) = (1, 0); 1177 1178 return $This->_GetSumOfBondOrders($ToNonHydrogenAtomsOnly, $ToHydrogenAtomsOnly); 1179 } 1180 1181 # Get sum of bond orders to hydrogen atoms only... 1182 # 1183 sub GetSumOfBondOrdersToHydrogenAtoms { 1184 my($This) = @_; 1185 1186 # Is this atom in a molecule? 1187 if (!$This->HasProperty('Molecule')) { 1188 return undef; 1189 } 1190 my($ToNonHydrogenAtomsOnly, $ToHydrogenAtomsOnly) = (0, 1); 1191 1192 return $This->_GetSumOfBondOrders($ToNonHydrogenAtomsOnly, $ToHydrogenAtomsOnly); 1193 } 1194 1195 # Get sum of bond orders to all bonded atoms, non-hydrogen or hydrogen bonded atoms... 1196 # 1197 sub _GetSumOfBondOrders { 1198 my($This, $ToNonHydrogenAtomsOnly, $ToHydrogenAtomsOnly) = @_; 1199 1200 # Check flags... 1201 if (!defined $ToNonHydrogenAtomsOnly) { 1202 $ToNonHydrogenAtomsOnly = 0; 1203 } 1204 if (!defined $ToHydrogenAtomsOnly) { 1205 $ToHydrogenAtomsOnly = 0; 1206 } 1207 my($Bond, $SumOfBondOrders, @Bonds); 1208 @Bonds = (); 1209 1210 if ($ToNonHydrogenAtomsOnly) { 1211 @Bonds = $This->GetBondsToNonHydrogenAtoms(); 1212 } 1213 elsif ($ToHydrogenAtomsOnly) { 1214 @Bonds = $This->GetBondsToHydrogenAtoms(); 1215 } 1216 else { 1217 # All bonds... 1218 @Bonds = $This->GetBonds(); 1219 } 1220 1221 $SumOfBondOrders = 0; 1222 for $Bond (@Bonds) { 1223 $SumOfBondOrders += $Bond->GetBondOrder(); 1224 } 1225 1226 if ($SumOfBondOrders =~ /\./) { 1227 # 1228 # Change any fractional bond order to next largest integer... 1229 # 1230 # As long as aromatic bond orders in a ring are correctly using using 4n + 2 Huckel rule 1231 # (BondOrder: 1.5) or explicity set as Kekule bonds (alternate single/double), 1232 # SumOfBondOrders should add up to an integer. 1233 # 1234 $SumOfBondOrders = ceil($SumOfBondOrders); 1235 } 1236 1237 return $SumOfBondOrders; 1238 } 1239 1240 # Get largest bond order to any bonded atoms... 1241 # 1242 sub GetLargestBondOrder { 1243 my($This) = @_; 1244 1245 # Is this atom in a molecule? 1246 if (!$This->HasProperty('Molecule')) { 1247 return undef; 1248 } 1249 1250 return $This->_GetLargestBondOrder(); 1251 } 1252 1253 # Get largest bond order to bonded non-hydrogen atoms... 1254 # 1255 sub GetLargestBondOrderToHeavyAtoms { 1256 my($This) = @_; 1257 1258 return $This->GetLargestBondOrderToNonHydrogenAtoms(); 1259 } 1260 1261 # Get largest bond order to bonded non-hydrogen atoms... 1262 # 1263 sub GetLargestBondOrderToNonHydrogenAtoms { 1264 my($This) = @_; 1265 1266 # Is this atom in a molecule? 1267 if (!$This->HasProperty('Molecule')) { 1268 return undef; 1269 } 1270 1271 my($ToNonHydrogenAtomsOnly) = (1); 1272 1273 return $This->_GetLargestBondOrder($ToNonHydrogenAtomsOnly); 1274 } 1275 1276 # Get largest bond order to all bonded atoms, non-hydrogen or hydrogen bonded atoms... 1277 # 1278 sub _GetLargestBondOrder { 1279 my($This, $ToNonHydrogenAtomsOnly, $ToHydrogenAtomsOnly) = @_; 1280 1281 # Check flags... 1282 if (!defined $ToNonHydrogenAtomsOnly) { 1283 $ToNonHydrogenAtomsOnly = 0; 1284 } 1285 if (!defined $ToHydrogenAtomsOnly) { 1286 $ToHydrogenAtomsOnly = 0; 1287 } 1288 my($Bond, $LargestBondOrder, $BondOrder, @Bonds); 1289 @Bonds = (); 1290 1291 if ($ToNonHydrogenAtomsOnly) { 1292 @Bonds = $This->GetBondsToNonHydrogenAtoms(); 1293 } 1294 elsif ($ToHydrogenAtomsOnly) { 1295 @Bonds = $This->GetBondsToHydrogenAtoms(); 1296 } 1297 else { 1298 # All bonds... 1299 @Bonds = $This->GetBonds(); 1300 } 1301 1302 $LargestBondOrder = 0; 1303 for $Bond (@Bonds) { 1304 $BondOrder = $Bond->GetBondOrder(); 1305 if ($BondOrder > $LargestBondOrder) { 1306 $LargestBondOrder = $BondOrder; 1307 } 1308 } 1309 1310 return $LargestBondOrder; 1311 } 1312 1313 # Get number of implicit hydrogen for atom... 1314 # 1315 sub GetImplicitHydrogens { 1316 my($This) = @_; 1317 1318 return $This->GetNumOfImplicitHydrogens(); 1319 } 1320 1321 # Get number of implicit hydrogen for atom... 1322 # 1323 sub GetNumOfImplicitHydrogens { 1324 my($This) = @_; 1325 1326 # Is this atom in a molecule? 1327 if (!$This->HasProperty('Molecule')) { 1328 return undef; 1329 } 1330 1331 # Is ImplicitHydrogens property explicitly set? 1332 if ($This->HasProperty('ImplicitHydrogens')) { 1333 return $This->GetProperty('ImplicitHydrogens'); 1334 } 1335 1336 # Is it an element symbol? 1337 if (!$This->{AtomicNumber}) { 1338 return 0; 1339 } 1340 1341 my($ImplicitHydrogens, $PotentialTotalValence, $SumOfBondOrders); 1342 1343 $ImplicitHydrogens = 0; 1344 $SumOfBondOrders = $This->GetSumOfBondOrders(); 1345 $PotentialTotalValence = $This->GetPotentialTotalCommonValence(); 1346 1347 if (defined($PotentialTotalValence) && defined($SumOfBondOrders)) { 1348 # Subtract sum of bond orders to non-hydrogen and hydrogen atom neighbors... 1349 $ImplicitHydrogens = $PotentialTotalValence - $SumOfBondOrders; 1350 } 1351 1352 return $ImplicitHydrogens > 0 ? $ImplicitHydrogens : 0; 1353 } 1354 1355 # Get number of bonds available to form additional bonds with heavy atoms, excluding 1356 # any implicit bonds to hydrogens set using ImplicitHydrogens property. 1357 # 1358 # It's different from number of implicit or missing hydrogens, both of which are equivalent. 1359 # 1360 # For example, in a SMILES string, [nH] ring atom corresponds to an aromatic nitrogen. 1361 # Although the hydrogen specified for n is treated internally as implicit hydrogen and shows 1362 # up in missing hydrogen count, it's not available to participate in double bonds to additional 1363 # heavy atoms. 1364 # 1365 sub GetNumOfBondsAvailableForHeavyAtoms { 1366 my($This) = @_; 1367 1368 return $This->GetNumOfBondsAvailableForNonHydrogenAtoms(); 1369 } 1370 1371 # It's another name for GetNumOfBondsAvailableForHeavyAtoms 1372 # 1373 sub GetNumOfBondsAvailableForNonHydrogenAtoms { 1374 my($This) = @_; 1375 my($NumOfAvailableBonds, $PotentialTotalValence, $SumOfBondOrders); 1376 1377 $NumOfAvailableBonds = 0; 1378 1379 $SumOfBondOrders = $This->GetSumOfBondOrders(); 1380 $PotentialTotalValence = $This->GetPotentialTotalCommonValence(); 1381 1382 if (defined($PotentialTotalValence) && defined($SumOfBondOrders)) { 1383 # Subtract sum of bond orders to non-hydrogen and hydrogen atom neighbors... 1384 $NumOfAvailableBonds = $PotentialTotalValence - $SumOfBondOrders; 1385 } 1386 1387 if ($This->HasProperty('ImplicitHydrogens')) { 1388 $NumOfAvailableBonds -= $This->GetProperty('ImplicitHydrogens'); 1389 } 1390 1391 return $NumOfAvailableBonds > 0 ? $NumOfAvailableBonds : 0; 1392 } 1393 1394 # Disable setting of explicit hydrogens property... 1395 sub SetExplicitHydrogens { 1396 my($This, $Value) = @_; 1397 1398 carp "Warning: ${ClassName}->SetExplicitHydrogens: Setting of explicit hydrogens is not supported..."; 1399 1400 return $This; 1401 } 1402 1403 # Get number of explicit hydrogens for atom... 1404 # 1405 sub GetExplicitHydrogens { 1406 my($This) = @_; 1407 1408 return $This->GetNumOfExplicitHydrogens(); 1409 } 1410 1411 # Get number of explicit hydrogens for atom... 1412 # 1413 sub GetNumOfExplicitHydrogens { 1414 my($This) = @_; 1415 my($HydrogenAtomNbrs); 1416 1417 # Is this atom in a molecule? 1418 if (!$This->HasProperty('Molecule')) { 1419 return undef; 1420 } 1421 1422 $HydrogenAtomNbrs = $This->GetNumOfHydrogenAtomNeighbors(); 1423 1424 return defined $HydrogenAtomNbrs ? $HydrogenAtomNbrs : 0; 1425 } 1426 1427 # Get num of missing hydrogens... 1428 # 1429 sub GetMissingHydrogens { 1430 my($This) = @_; 1431 1432 return $This->GetNumOfMissingHydrogens(); 1433 } 1434 1435 # Get num of missing hydrogens... 1436 # 1437 sub GetNumOfMissingHydrogens { 1438 my($This) = @_; 1439 1440 # Is this atom in a molecule? 1441 if (!$This->HasProperty('Molecule')) { 1442 return undef; 1443 } 1444 1445 return $This->GetNumOfImplicitHydrogens(); 1446 } 1447 1448 # Get total number of hydrogens... 1449 # 1450 sub GetHydrogens { 1451 my($This) = @_; 1452 1453 return $This->GetNumOfHydrogens(); 1454 } 1455 1456 # Get total number of hydrogens... 1457 # 1458 sub GetNumOfHydrogens { 1459 my($This) = @_; 1460 1461 # Is this atom in a molecule? 1462 if (!$This->HasProperty('Molecule')) { 1463 return undef; 1464 } 1465 1466 return $This->GetNumOfImplicitHydrogens() + $This->GetNumOfExplicitHydrogens(); 1467 } 1468 1469 # Valence corresponds to the number of electrons used by an atom in bonding: 1470 # 1471 # Valence = ValenceElectrons - ValenceFreeElectrons = BondingElectrons 1472 # 1473 # Single, double, triple bonds with bond orders of 1, 2 and 3 correspond to contribution of 1474 # 1, 2, and 3 bonding electrons. So Valence can be computed using: 1475 # 1476 # Valence = SumOfBondOrders + NumOfMissingHydrogens + FormalCharge 1477 # 1478 # where positive and negative values of FormalCharge increase and decrease the number 1479 # of bonding electrons respectively. 1480 # 1481 # The current release of MayaChemTools supports the following three valence models, which 1482 # are used during calculation of implicit hydrogens: MDLValenceModel, DaylightValenceModel, 1483 # InternalValenceModel or MayaChemToolsValenceModel. 1484 # 1485 # Notes: 1486 # . This doesn't always corresponds to explicit valence. 1487 # . Missing hydrogens are included in the valence. 1488 # . For neutral molecules, valence and sum of bond order are equal. 1489 # . For molecules containing only single bonds, SumOfBondOrders and NumOfBonds are equal. 1490 # . Free radical electrons lead to the decrease in valence. For atoms with explicit assignment 1491 # of SpinMultiplicity property values corresponding to Singlet (two unparied electrons 1492 # corresponding to one spin state), Doublet (free radical; an unpaired electron corresponding 1493 # to two spin states), and Triplet (two unparied electrons corresponding to three spin states; 1494 # divalent carbon atoms (carbenes)), FreeRadicalElectrons are calculated as follows: 1495 # 1496 # SpinMultiplicity: Doublet(2); FreeRadicalElectrons: 1 (one valence electron not available for bonding) 1497 # SpinMultiplicity: Singlet(1)/Triplet(3); FreeRadicalElectrons: 2 (two valence electrons not available for bonding) 1498 # 1499 sub GetValence { 1500 my($This) = @_; 1501 1502 # Is this atom in a molecule? 1503 if (!$This->HasProperty('Molecule')) { 1504 return undef; 1505 } 1506 1507 # Is Valence property explicitly set? 1508 if ($This->HasProperty('Valence')) { 1509 return $This->GetProperty('Valence'); 1510 } 1511 my($Valence); 1512 1513 $Valence = $This->GetSumOfBondOrders() + $This->GetNumOfMissingHydrogens() + $This->GetFormalCharge(); 1514 1515 return $Valence > 0 ? $Valence : 0; 1516 } 1517 1518 # Get free non-bodning valence electrons left on atom after taking into account 1519 # sum of bond orders, missing hydrogens and formal charged on the atom. Free 1520 # radical electrons are included in the valence free electrons count by default. 1521 # 1522 # Valence corresponds to number of electrons used by atom in bonding: 1523 # 1524 # Valence = ValenceElectrons - ValenceFreeElectrons 1525 # 1526 # Additionally, valence can also be calculated by: 1527 # 1528 # Valence = SumOfBondOrders + NumOfMissingHydrogens + FormalCharge 1529 # 1530 # Valence and SumOfBondOrders are equal for neutral molecules. 1531 # 1532 # From two formulas for Valence described above, non-bonding free electrons 1533 # left can be computed by: 1534 # 1535 # ValenceFreeElectrons = ValenceElectrons - Valence 1536 # = ValenceElectrons - SumOfBondOrders - 1537 # NumOfMissingHydrogens - FormalCharge 1538 # 1539 # . Notes: 1540 # . Missing hydrogens are excluded from the valence free electrons. 1541 # . Any free radical electrons are considered part of the valence free electrons 1542 # by default. 1543 # 1544 # Examples: 1545 # 1546 # o NH3: ValenceFreeElectrons = 5 - 3 = 5 - 3 - 0 - 0 = 2 1547 # o NH2: ValenceFreeElectrons = 5 - 3 = 5 - 2 - 1 - 0 = 2 1548 # o NH4+; ValenceFreeElectrons = 5 - 5 = 5 - 4 - 0 - 1 = 0 1549 # o NH3+; ValenceFreeElectrons = 5 - 5 = 5 - 3 - 1 - 1 = 0 1550 # o C(=O)O- : ValenceFreeElectrons on O- = 6 - 0 = 6 - 1 - 0 - (-1) = 6 1551 # o C(=O)O- : ValenceFreeElectrons on =O = 6 - 2 = 6 - 2 - 0 - 0 = 4 1552 # 1553 # 1554 sub GetValenceFreeElectrons { 1555 my($This, $ExcludeFreeRadicalElectrons) = @_; 1556 1557 # Is this atom in a molecule? 1558 if (!$This->HasProperty('Molecule')) { 1559 return undef; 1560 } 1561 1562 # Is ValenceFreeElectrons property explicitly set? 1563 if ($This->HasProperty('ValenceFreeElectrons')) { 1564 return $This->GetProperty('ValenceFreeElectrons'); 1565 } 1566 1567 if (!$This->{AtomicNumber}) { 1568 return 0; 1569 } 1570 1571 my($ValenceFreeElectrons); 1572 1573 $ValenceFreeElectrons = $This->GetValenceElectrons() - $This->GetValence(); 1574 if ($ExcludeFreeRadicalElectrons) { 1575 $ValenceFreeElectrons -= $This->GetFreeRadicalElectrons(); 1576 } 1577 1578 return $ValenceFreeElectrons > 0 ? $ValenceFreeElectrons : 0; 1579 } 1580 1581 # Get potential total common valence for calculating the number of implicit hydrogens 1582 # using the specified common valence model or default internal model for a molecule... 1583 # 1584 sub GetPotentialTotalCommonValence { 1585 my($This) = @_; 1586 1587 # Is this atom in a molecule? 1588 if (!$This->HasProperty('Molecule')) { 1589 return undef; 1590 } 1591 my($PotentialTotalValence, $ValenceModel); 1592 1593 $PotentialTotalValence = 0; 1594 $ValenceModel = $This->GetProperty('Molecule')->GetValenceModel(); 1595 1596 VALENCEMODEL: { 1597 if ($ValenceModel =~ /^MDLValenceModel$/i) { 1598 $PotentialTotalValence = $This->_GetPotentialTotalCommonValenceUsingMDLValenceModel(); 1599 last VALENCEMODEL; 1600 } 1601 if ($ValenceModel =~ /^DaylightValenceModel$/i) { 1602 $PotentialTotalValence = $This->_GetPotentialTotalCommonValenceUsingDaylightValenceModel(); 1603 last VALENCEMODEL; 1604 } 1605 if ($ValenceModel !~ /^(InternalValenceModel|MayaChemToolsValenceModel)$/i) { 1606 carp "Warning: ${ClassName}->GetPotentialTotalCommonValence: The current release of MayaChemTools doesn't support the specified valence model $ValenceModel. Supported valence models: MDLValenceModel, DaylightValenceModel, InternalValenceModel. Using internal valence model..."; 1607 } 1608 # Use internal valence model as the default valence model... 1609 $PotentialTotalValence = $This->_GetPotentialTotalCommonValenceUsingInternalValenceModel(); 1610 } 1611 1612 return $PotentialTotalValence; 1613 } 1614 1615 # Get potential total common valence using data for MDL valence model available in file, 1616 # lib/data/MDLValenceModelData.csv, distributed with the package... 1617 # 1618 sub _GetPotentialTotalCommonValenceUsingMDLValenceModel { 1619 my($This) = @_; 1620 1621 return $This->_GetPotentialTotalCommonValenceUsingValenceModelData(\%MDLValenceModelDataMap); 1622 1623 } 1624 1625 # Get potential total common valence using data for Daylight valence model available in file, 1626 # lib/data/DaylightValenceModelData.csv, distributed with the release... 1627 # 1628 sub _GetPotentialTotalCommonValenceUsingDaylightValenceModel { 1629 my($This) = @_; 1630 1631 return $This->_GetPotentialTotalCommonValenceUsingValenceModelData(\%DaylightValenceModelDataMap); 1632 } 1633 1634 # Get potential total common valence using data for a specific valence model... 1635 # 1636 sub _GetPotentialTotalCommonValenceUsingValenceModelData { 1637 my($This, $ValenceModelDataRef) = @_; 1638 my($AtomicNumber, $FormalCharge); 1639 1640 $AtomicNumber = $This->{AtomicNumber}; 1641 if (!$AtomicNumber) { 1642 return 0; 1643 } 1644 1645 $FormalCharge = $This->GetFormalCharge(); 1646 1647 # Is any valence model data available for atomic number and formal charge? 1648 if (!exists $ValenceModelDataRef->{$AtomicNumber}) { 1649 return 0; 1650 } 1651 if (!exists $ValenceModelDataRef->{$AtomicNumber}{$FormalCharge}) { 1652 return 0; 1653 } 1654 1655 my($PotentialTotalValence, $SumOfBondOrders, $CurrentEffectiveValence, $AvailableCommonValence); 1656 1657 $SumOfBondOrders = $This->GetSumOfBondOrders(); 1658 if (!defined $SumOfBondOrders) { 1659 $SumOfBondOrders = 0; 1660 } 1661 $CurrentEffectiveValence = $SumOfBondOrders + $This->GetFreeRadicalElectrons(); 1662 1663 $PotentialTotalValence = 0; 1664 VALENCE: for $AvailableCommonValence (@{$ValenceModelDataRef->{$AtomicNumber}{$FormalCharge}{CommonValences}}) { 1665 if ($CurrentEffectiveValence <= $AvailableCommonValence) { 1666 $PotentialTotalValence = $AvailableCommonValence; 1667 last VALENCE; 1668 } 1669 } 1670 1671 return $PotentialTotalValence; 1672 } 1673 1674 # 1675 # For elements with one one common valence, potential total common valence used 1676 # during the calculation for number of implicit hydrogens during InternalValenceMode 1677 # corresponds to: 1678 # 1679 # CommonValence + FormalCharge - FreeRadicalElectrons 1680 # 1681 # For elements with multiple common valences, each common valence is used to 1682 # calculate total potential common valence as shown above, and the first total potential 1683 # common valence gerater than the sum of bond orderes is selected as the final total 1684 # common valence. 1685 # 1686 # Group numbers > 14 - Group numbers 15 (N), 16 (O), 17 (F), 18 (He) 1687 # 1688 # Formal charge sign is not adjusted. Positive and negative values result in the 1689 # increase and decrease of valence. 1690 # 1691 # Group 14 containing C, Si, Ge, Sn, Pb... 1692 # 1693 # Formal charge sign is reversed for positive values. Both positive and negative 1694 # values result in the decrease of valence. 1695 # 1696 # Group 13 containing B, Al, Ga, In, Tl... 1697 # 1698 # Formal charge sign is always reversed. Positive and negative values result in the 1699 # decrease and increase of valence. 1700 # 1701 # Groups 1 (H) through 12 (Zn)... 1702 # 1703 # Formal charge sign is reversed for positive values. Both positive and negative 1704 # values result in the decrease of valence. 1705 # 1706 # Lanthanides and actinides... 1707 # 1708 # Formal charge sign is reversed for positive values. Both positive and negative 1709 # values result in the decrease of valence. 1710 # 1711 # Notes: 1712 # . CommonValence and HighestCommonValence available from PeriodicTable module 1713 # are equivalent to most common and highest sum of bond orders for an element. For 1714 # neutral atoms involved only in single bonds, it corresponds to highest number of 1715 # allowed bonds for the atom. 1716 # . FormalCharge sign is reversed for electropositive elements with positive formal charge 1717 # during common valence calculations. Electropositive elements, metals and transition elements, 1718 # have usually plus formal charge and it leads to decrease in common valence; the negative 1719 # formal charge should result in the decrease of common valence. 1720 # . For carbon, both plus/minus formal charge cause decrease in common valence 1721 # . For elements on the right of carbon in periodic table, electronegative elements, plus formal 1722 # charge causes common valence to increase and minus formal charge cause it to decrease. 1723 # 1724 sub _GetPotentialTotalCommonValenceUsingInternalValenceModel { 1725 my($This) = @_; 1726 my($AtomicNumber, $CommonValences); 1727 1728 $AtomicNumber = $This->{AtomicNumber}; 1729 if (!$AtomicNumber) { 1730 return 0; 1731 } 1732 1733 $CommonValences = PeriodicTable::GetElementCommonValences($AtomicNumber); 1734 if (!$CommonValences) { 1735 return 0; 1736 } 1737 1738 my($PotentialTotalValence, $AdjustedFormalCharge, $FreeRadicalElectrons, $SumOfBondOrders, $AvailableCommonValence, @AvailableCommonValences); 1739 1740 $AdjustedFormalCharge = $This->_GetFormalChargeAdjustedForInternalValenceModel(); 1741 $FreeRadicalElectrons = $This->GetFreeRadicalElectrons(); 1742 1743 $SumOfBondOrders = $This->GetSumOfBondOrders(); 1744 if (!defined $SumOfBondOrders) { 1745 $SumOfBondOrders = 0; 1746 } 1747 1748 @AvailableCommonValences = split /\,/, $CommonValences; 1749 1750 if (@AvailableCommonValences == 1) { 1751 # Calculate potential total valence using the only available common valence... 1752 $PotentialTotalValence = $AvailableCommonValences[0] + $AdjustedFormalCharge - $FreeRadicalElectrons; 1753 } 1754 else { 1755 # Calculate potential total valence using common valence from a list of available valences 1756 # that makes it higher than sum of bond orders or using the highest common valence... 1757 VALENCE: for $AvailableCommonValence (@AvailableCommonValences) { 1758 $PotentialTotalValence = $AvailableCommonValence + $AdjustedFormalCharge - $FreeRadicalElectrons; 1759 1760 if ($PotentialTotalValence < 0 || $PotentialTotalValence >= $SumOfBondOrders) { 1761 last VALENCE; 1762 } 1763 } 1764 } 1765 1766 return $PotentialTotalValence > 0 ? $PotentialTotalValence : 0; 1767 } 1768 1769 # Adjust sign of the formal charge for potential total common valence calculation 1770 # used during internal valence model to figure out number of implicit hydrogens. 1771 # 1772 sub _GetFormalChargeAdjustedForInternalValenceModel { 1773 my($This) = @_; 1774 my($FormalCharge, $GroupNumber, $SwitchSign); 1775 1776 $FormalCharge = $This->GetFormalCharge(); 1777 if ($FormalCharge == 0) { 1778 return 0; 1779 } 1780 1781 $GroupNumber = $This->GetGroupNumber(); 1782 if (!defined $GroupNumber) { 1783 return $FormalCharge; 1784 } 1785 1786 # Group numbers > 14 - Group numbers 15 (N), 16 (O), 17 (F), 18 (He) 1787 # 1788 # Formal charge sign is not adjusted. Positive and negative values result in the 1789 # increase and decrease of valence. 1790 # 1791 # Group 14 containing C, Si, Ge, Sn, Pb... 1792 # 1793 # Formal charge sign is reversed for positive values. Both positive and negative 1794 # values result in the decrease of valence. 1795 # 1796 # Group 13 containing B, Al, Ga, In, Tl... 1797 # 1798 # Formal charge sign is always reversed. Positive and negative values result in the 1799 # decrease and increase of valence. 1800 # 1801 # Groups 1 (H) through 12 (Zn)... 1802 # 1803 # Formal charge sign is reversed for positive values. Both positive and negative 1804 # values result in the decrease of valence. 1805 # 1806 # Lanthanides and actinides... 1807 # 1808 # Formal charge sign is reversed for positive values. Both positive and negative 1809 # values result in the decrease of valence. 1810 # 1811 1812 $SwitchSign = 0; 1813 if (length $GroupNumber) { 1814 GROUPNUMBER: { 1815 if ($GroupNumber > 14) { 1816 # Groups on the right side of C group in the periodic table... 1817 $SwitchSign = 0; 1818 last GROUPNUMBER; 1819 } 1820 if ($GroupNumber == 14) { 1821 # Group containing C, Si, Ge, Sn, Pb... 1822 $SwitchSign = ($FormalCharge > 0) ? 1 : 0; 1823 last GROUPNUMBER; 1824 } 1825 if ($GroupNumber == 13) { 1826 # Group containing B, Al, Ga, In, Tl... 1827 $SwitchSign = 1; 1828 last GROUPNUMBER; 1829 } 1830 # Groups 1 (H) through 12 (Zn)... 1831 if ($GroupNumber >=1 && $GroupNumber <= 12) { 1832 # Groups 1 (H) through 12 (Zn)... 1833 $SwitchSign = ($FormalCharge > 0) ? 1 : 0; 1834 last GROUPNUMBER; 1835 } 1836 } 1837 } 1838 else { 1839 # Lanthanides and actinides... 1840 $SwitchSign = ($FormalCharge > 0) ? 1 : 0; 1841 } 1842 1843 if ($SwitchSign) { 1844 $FormalCharge *= -1.0; 1845 } 1846 1847 return $FormalCharge; 1848 } 1849 1850 # Get lowest common valence... 1851 sub GetLowestCommonValence { 1852 my($This) = @_; 1853 1854 # Is LowestCommonValence property explicitly set? 1855 if ($This->HasProperty('LowestCommonValence')) { 1856 return $This->GetProperty('LowestCommonValence'); 1857 } 1858 my($AtomicNumber, $LowestCommonValence); 1859 1860 $AtomicNumber = $This->{AtomicNumber}; 1861 if (!$AtomicNumber) { 1862 return 0; 1863 } 1864 # Any need to differentiate between internal and other valence models... 1865 1866 # LowestCommonValence is not set for all elements... 1867 $LowestCommonValence = PeriodicTable::GetElementLowestCommonValence($AtomicNumber); 1868 if (!$LowestCommonValence) { 1869 $LowestCommonValence = undef; 1870 } 1871 1872 return $LowestCommonValence; 1873 } 1874 1875 # Get highest common valence... 1876 sub GetHighestCommonValence { 1877 my($This) = @_; 1878 1879 # Is HighestCommonValence property explicitly set? 1880 if ($This->HasProperty('HighestCommonValence')) { 1881 return $This->GetProperty('HighestCommonValence'); 1882 } 1883 my($AtomicNumber, $HighestCommonValence); 1884 1885 $AtomicNumber = $This->{AtomicNumber}; 1886 if (!$AtomicNumber) { 1887 return 0; 1888 } 1889 1890 # Any need to differentiate between internal and other valence models... 1891 1892 # HighestCommonValence is not set for all elements... 1893 $HighestCommonValence = PeriodicTable::GetElementHighestCommonValence($AtomicNumber); 1894 if (!$HighestCommonValence) { 1895 $HighestCommonValence = undef; 1896 } 1897 1898 return $HighestCommonValence; 1899 } 1900 1901 # Get valence electrons... 1902 sub GetValenceElectrons { 1903 my($This) = @_; 1904 1905 # Is ValenceElectrons property explicitly set? 1906 if ($This->HasProperty('ValenceElectrons')) { 1907 return $This->GetProperty('ValenceElectrons'); 1908 } 1909 my($AtomicNumber, $ValenceElectrons); 1910 1911 $AtomicNumber = $This->{AtomicNumber}; 1912 if (!$AtomicNumber) { 1913 return 0; 1914 } 1915 1916 $ValenceElectrons = PeriodicTable::GetElementValenceElectrons($AtomicNumber); 1917 1918 return $ValenceElectrons; 1919 } 1920 1921 # Add hydrogens to specified atom in molecule and return number of hydrogens added: 1922 # 1923 # o HydrogensToAdd = ImplicitHydrogenCount - ExplicitHydrogenCount 1924 # 1925 # o XYZ are set to ZeroVector 1926 # 1927 sub AddHydrogens { 1928 my($This, $HydrogenPositionsWarning) = @_; 1929 1930 # Is this atom in a molecule? 1931 if (!$This->HasProperty('Molecule')) { 1932 return undef; 1933 } 1934 if (!defined $HydrogenPositionsWarning) { 1935 $HydrogenPositionsWarning = 1; 1936 } 1937 if ($HydrogenPositionsWarning) { 1938 carp "Warning: ${ClassName}->AddHydrogens: The current release of MayaChemTools doesn't assign any hydrogen positions..."; 1939 } 1940 1941 # Is it an element symbol? 1942 if (!$This->{AtomicNumber}) { 1943 return 0; 1944 } 1945 1946 my($Molecule, $HydrogensAdded, $HydrogensToAdd); 1947 1948 $Molecule = $This->GetProperty('Molecule'); 1949 $HydrogensAdded = 0; 1950 $HydrogensToAdd = $This->GetNumOfMissingHydrogens(); 1951 if ($HydrogensToAdd <= 0) { 1952 return $HydrogensAdded; 1953 } 1954 1955 my($Count, $Hydrogen); 1956 1957 for $Count (1 .. $HydrogensToAdd) { 1958 $HydrogensAdded++; 1959 1960 $Hydrogen = $Molecule->NewAtom('AtomSymbol' => 'H', 'XYZ' => [0, 0, 0]); 1961 $Molecule->NewBond('Atoms' => [$This, $Hydrogen], 'BondOrder' => 1); 1962 } 1963 1964 return $HydrogensAdded; 1965 } 1966 1967 # Delete hydrogens attached to atom in molecule and return total number of hydrogens deleted... 1968 sub DeleteHydrogens { 1969 my($This) = @_; 1970 1971 # Is this atom in a molecule? 1972 if (!$This->HasProperty('Molecule')) { 1973 return undef; 1974 } 1975 1976 # Is it an element symbol? 1977 if (!$This->{AtomicNumber}) { 1978 return 0; 1979 } 1980 1981 my($Molecule, $Neighbor, $HydrogensDeleted, @Neighbors); 1982 1983 $Molecule = $This->GetProperty('Molecule'); 1984 $HydrogensDeleted = 0; 1985 @Neighbors = $This->GetNeighbors(); 1986 1987 NEIGHBOR: for $Neighbor (@Neighbors) { 1988 if (!$Neighbor->IsHydrogen()) { 1989 next NEIGHBOR; 1990 } 1991 $Molecule->_DeleteAtom($Neighbor); 1992 $HydrogensDeleted++; 1993 } 1994 1995 return $HydrogensDeleted; 1996 } 1997 1998 # Copy atom and all its associated data... 1999 sub Copy { 2000 my($This) = @_; 2001 my($Atom); 2002 2003 $Atom = Storable::dclone($This); 2004 2005 return $Atom; 2006 } 2007 2008 # Get atomic invariant value... 2009 # 2010 sub GetAtomicInvariantValue { 2011 my($This, $AtomicInvariant) = @_; 2012 my($Value); 2013 2014 $Value = ""; 2015 2016 ATOMICVARIANT: { 2017 if ($AtomicInvariant =~ /^(AS|AtomSymbol|ElementSymbol)$/i) { 2018 $Value = $This->GetAtomSymbol(); 2019 last ATOMICVARIANT; 2020 } 2021 if ($AtomicInvariant =~ /^(X|NumOfNonHydrogenAtomNeighbors|NumOfHeavyAtomNeighbors)$/i) { 2022 $Value = $This->GetNumOfNonHydrogenAtomNeighbors(); 2023 last ATOMICVARIANT; 2024 } 2025 if ($AtomicInvariant =~ /^(BO|SumOfBondOrdersToNonHydrogenAtoms|SumOfBondOrdersToHeavyAtoms)$/i) { 2026 $Value = $This->GetSumOfBondOrdersToNonHydrogenAtoms(); 2027 last ATOMICVARIANT; 2028 } 2029 if ($AtomicInvariant =~ /^(LBO|LargestBondOrderToNonHydrogenAtoms|LargestBondOrderToHeavyAtoms)$/i) { 2030 $Value = $This->GetLargestBondOrderToNonHydrogenAtoms(); 2031 last ATOMICVARIANT; 2032 } 2033 if ($AtomicInvariant =~ /^(H|NumOfImplicitAndExplicitHydrogens)$/i) { 2034 $Value = $This->GetNumOfHydrogens(); 2035 last ATOMICVARIANT; 2036 } 2037 if ($AtomicInvariant =~ /^(SB|NumOfSingleBondsToNonHydrogenAtoms|NumOfSingleBondsToHeavyAtoms)$/i) { 2038 $Value = $This->GetNumOfSingleBondsToNonHydrogenAtoms(); 2039 last ATOMICVARIANT; 2040 } 2041 if ($AtomicInvariant =~ /^(DB|NumOfDoubleBondsToNonHydrogenAtoms|NumOfDoubleBondsToHeavyAtoms)$/i) { 2042 $Value = $This->GetNumOfDoubleBondsToNonHydrogenAtoms(); 2043 last ATOMICVARIANT; 2044 } 2045 if ($AtomicInvariant =~ /^(TB|NumOfTripleBondsToNonHydrogenAtoms|NumOfTripleBondsToHeavyAtoms)$/i) { 2046 $Value = $This->GetNumOfTripleBondsToNonHydrogenAtoms(); 2047 last ATOMICVARIANT; 2048 } 2049 if ($AtomicInvariant =~ /^(AB|NumOfAromaticBondsToNonHydrogenAtoms|NumOfAromaticBondsToHeavyAtoms)$/i) { 2050 $Value = $This->GetNumOfAromaticBondsToNonHydrogenAtoms(); 2051 last ATOMICVARIANT; 2052 } 2053 if ($AtomicInvariant =~ /^(FC|FormalCharge)$/i) { 2054 $Value = $This->GetFormalCharge(); 2055 $Value = defined $Value ? $Value : 0; 2056 last ATOMICVARIANT; 2057 } 2058 if ($AtomicInvariant =~ /^(T|TotalNumOfAtomNeighbors)$/i) { 2059 $Value = $This->GetNumOfNonHydrogenAtomNeighbors() + $This->GetNumOfHydrogens(); 2060 last ATOMICVARIANT; 2061 } 2062 if ($AtomicInvariant =~ /^(TSB|TotalNumOfSingleBonds)$/i) { 2063 $Value = $This->GetNumOfSingleBondsToNonHydrogenAtoms() + $This->GetNumOfHydrogens(); 2064 last ATOMICVARIANT; 2065 } 2066 if ($AtomicInvariant =~ /^(Ar|Aromatic)$/i) { 2067 $Value = $This->IsAromatic() ? 1 : 0; 2068 last ATOMICVARIANT; 2069 } 2070 if ($AtomicInvariant =~ /^(RA|RingAtom)$/i) { 2071 $Value = $This->IsInRing() ? 1 : 0; 2072 last ATOMICVARIANT; 2073 } 2074 if ($AtomicInvariant =~ /^(Str|Stereochemistry)$/i) { 2075 $Value = $This->GetStereochemistry(); 2076 $Value= (defined($Value) && ($Value =~ /^(R|S)$/i)) ? $Value : ''; 2077 last ATOMICVARIANT; 2078 } 2079 if ($AtomicInvariant =~ /^(AN|AtomicNumber)$/i) { 2080 $Value = $This->GetAtomicNumber(); 2081 last ATOMICVARIANT; 2082 } 2083 if ($AtomicInvariant =~ /^(AM|AtomicMass)$/i) { 2084 $Value = round($This->GetExactMass(), 4) + 0; 2085 last ATOMICVARIANT; 2086 } 2087 if ($AtomicInvariant =~ /^(MN|MassNumber)$/i) { 2088 $Value = $This->GetMassNumber(); 2089 last ATOMICVARIANT; 2090 } 2091 if ($AtomicInvariant =~ /^(SM|SpinMultiplicity)$/i) { 2092 $Value = $This->GetSpinMultiplicity(); 2093 $Value = defined $Value ? $Value : ''; 2094 last ATOMICVARIANT; 2095 } 2096 $Value = ""; 2097 carp "Warning: ${ClassName}->GetAtomicInvariantValue: Unknown atomic invariant $AtomicInvariant..."; 2098 } 2099 2100 return $Value; 2101 } 2102 2103 # Get period number of the atom.. 2104 # 2105 sub GetPeriodNumber { 2106 my($This) = @_; 2107 2108 # Is PeriodNumber property explicitly set? 2109 if ($This->HasProperty('PeriodNumber')) { 2110 return $This->GetProperty('PeriodNumber'); 2111 } 2112 my($AtomicNumber, $PeriodNumber); 2113 2114 $AtomicNumber = $This->{AtomicNumber}; 2115 if (!$AtomicNumber) { 2116 return 0; 2117 } 2118 2119 $PeriodNumber = PeriodicTable::GetElementPeriodNumber($AtomicNumber); 2120 2121 return $PeriodNumber; 2122 } 2123 2124 # Get group number of the atom.. 2125 # 2126 sub GetGroupNumber { 2127 my($This) = @_; 2128 2129 # Is GroupNumber property explicitly set? 2130 if ($This->HasProperty('GroupNumber')) { 2131 return $This->GetProperty('GroupNumber'); 2132 } 2133 my($AtomicNumber, $GroupNumber); 2134 2135 $AtomicNumber = $This->{AtomicNumber}; 2136 if (!$AtomicNumber) { 2137 return 0; 2138 } 2139 2140 $GroupNumber = PeriodicTable::GetElementGroupNumber($AtomicNumber); 2141 2142 return $GroupNumber; 2143 } 2144 2145 # Is it a specified topological pharmacophore atom type? 2146 # 2147 sub IsTopologicalPharmacophoreType { 2148 my($This, $Type) = @_; 2149 2150 return $This->_IsFunctionalClassType($Type); 2151 } 2152 2153 # Is it a specified functional class atom type? 2154 # 2155 sub IsFunctionalClassType { 2156 my($This, $Type) = @_; 2157 2158 return $This->_IsFunctionalClassType($Type); 2159 } 2160 2161 # Is it a specified functional/topological pharmacophore atom type? 2162 # 2163 sub _IsFunctionalClassType { 2164 my($This, $Type) = @_; 2165 my($Value); 2166 2167 $Value = 0; 2168 2169 TYPE: { 2170 if ($Type =~ /^(HBD|HydrogenBondDonor)$/i) { 2171 $Value = $This->IsHydrogenBondDonor(); 2172 last TYPE; 2173 } 2174 if ($Type =~ /^(HBA|HydrogenBondAcceptor)$/i) { 2175 $Value = $This->IsHydrogenBondAcceptor(); 2176 last TYPE; 2177 } 2178 if ($Type =~ /^(PI|PositivelyIonizable)$/i) { 2179 $Value = $This->IsPositivelyIonizable(); 2180 last TYPE; 2181 } 2182 if ($Type =~ /^(NI|NegativelyIonizable)$/i) { 2183 $Value = $This->IsNegativelyIonizable(); 2184 last TYPE; 2185 } 2186 if ($Type =~ /^(H|Hydrophobic)$/i) { 2187 $Value = $This->IsHydrophobic(); 2188 last TYPE; 2189 } 2190 if ($Type =~ /^(Ar|Aromatic)$/i) { 2191 $Value = $This->IsAromatic(); 2192 last TYPE; 2193 } 2194 if ($Type =~ /^(Hal|Halogen)$/i) { 2195 $Value = $This->IsHalogen(); 2196 last TYPE; 2197 } 2198 if ($Type =~ /^(RA|RingAtom)$/i) { 2199 $Value = $This->IsInRing(); 2200 last TYPE; 2201 } 2202 if ($Type =~ /^(CA|ChainAtom)$/i) { 2203 $Value = $This->IsNotInRing(); 2204 last TYPE; 2205 } 2206 $Value = 0; 2207 carp "Warning: ${ClassName}->_IsType: Unknown functional/pharmacohore type $Type..."; 2208 } 2209 return $Value; 2210 } 2211 2212 # Is it a Hydrogen atom? 2213 sub IsHydrogen { 2214 my($This) = @_; 2215 2216 return ($This->{AtomicNumber} == 1) ? 1 : 0; 2217 } 2218 2219 # Is it a Carbon atom? 2220 sub IsCarbon { 2221 my($This) = @_; 2222 2223 return ($This->{AtomicNumber} == 6) ? 1 : 0; 2224 } 2225 2226 # Is it a Nitrogen atom? 2227 sub IsNitrogen { 2228 my($This) = @_; 2229 2230 return ($This->{AtomicNumber} == 7) ? 1 : 0; 2231 } 2232 2233 # Is it a Oxygen atom? 2234 sub IsOxygen { 2235 my($This) = @_; 2236 2237 return ($This->{AtomicNumber} == 8) ? 1 : 0; 2238 } 2239 2240 # Is it a Fluorine atom? 2241 sub IsFluorine { 2242 my($This) = @_; 2243 2244 return ($This->{AtomicNumber} == 9) ? 1 : 0; 2245 } 2246 2247 # Is it a Silicon atom? 2248 sub IsSilicon { 2249 my($This) = @_; 2250 2251 return ($This->{AtomicNumber} == 14) ? 1 : 0; 2252 } 2253 2254 # Is it a Phosphorus atom? 2255 sub IsPhosphorus { 2256 my($This) = @_; 2257 2258 return ($This->{AtomicNumber} == 15) ? 1 : 0; 2259 } 2260 2261 # Is it a Sulphur atom? 2262 sub IsSulphur { 2263 my($This) = @_; 2264 2265 return $This->IsSulfur(); 2266 } 2267 2268 # Is it a Sulfur atom? 2269 sub IsSulfur { 2270 my($This) = @_; 2271 2272 return ($This->{AtomicNumber} == 16) ? 1 : 0; 2273 } 2274 2275 # Is it a Chlorine atom? 2276 sub IsChlorine { 2277 my($This) = @_; 2278 2279 return ($This->{AtomicNumber} == 17) ? 1 : 0; 2280 } 2281 2282 # Is it a Arsenic atom? 2283 sub IsArsenic { 2284 my($This) = @_; 2285 2286 return ($This->{AtomicNumber} == 33) ? 1 : 0; 2287 } 2288 2289 # Is it a Selenium atom? 2290 sub IsSelenium { 2291 my($This) = @_; 2292 2293 return ($This->{AtomicNumber} == 34) ? 1 : 0; 2294 } 2295 2296 # Is it a Bromine atom? 2297 sub IsBromine { 2298 my($This) = @_; 2299 2300 return ($This->{AtomicNumber} == 35) ? 1 : 0; 2301 } 2302 2303 # Is it a Tellurium atom? 2304 sub IsTellurium { 2305 my($This) = @_; 2306 2307 return ($This->{AtomicNumber} == 52) ? 1 : 0; 2308 } 2309 2310 # Is it a Iodine atom? 2311 sub IsIodine { 2312 my($This) = @_; 2313 2314 return ($This->{AtomicNumber} == 53) ? 1 : 0; 2315 } 2316 2317 # Is it a hetro atom? (N, O, F, P, S, Cl, Br, I) 2318 sub IsHeteroAtom { 2319 my($This) = @_; 2320 2321 return ($This->{AtomicNumber} =~ /^(7|8|9|15|16|17|35|53)$/) ? 1 : 0; 2322 } 2323 2324 # Is it a halogen atom? (F, Cl, Br, I) 2325 sub IsHalogen { 2326 my($This) = @_; 2327 2328 return ($This->{AtomicNumber} =~ /^(9|17|35|53)$/) ? 1 : 0; 2329 } 2330 2331 # Is it classified as metallic? 2332 sub IsMetallic { 2333 my($This) = @_; 2334 my($Classification); 2335 2336 $Classification = PeriodicTable::GetElementClassification($This->{AtomicNumber}); 2337 2338 return ($Classification =~ /^Metallic$/i) ? 1 : 0; 2339 } 2340 2341 # Is it a non carbon or hydrogen atom? (C, H) 2342 sub IsNonCarbonOrHydrogen { 2343 my($This) = @_; 2344 2345 return ($This->{AtomicNumber} =~ /^(1|6)$/) ? 0 : 1; 2346 } 2347 2348 # Is it a polar atom? ( N, O, P, S) 2349 sub IsPolarAtom { 2350 my($This) = @_; 2351 2352 return ($This->{AtomicNumber} =~ /^(7|8|15|16)$/) ? 1 : 0; 2353 } 2354 2355 # Is it an isotope? 2356 sub IsIsotope { 2357 my($This) = @_; 2358 2359 my($AtomicNumber) = $This->{AtomicNumber}; 2360 if (!$AtomicNumber) { 2361 return 0; 2362 } 2363 2364 if (!$This->HasProperty('MassNumber')) { 2365 return 0; 2366 } 2367 my($MassNumber, $MostAbundantMassNumber); 2368 2369 $MassNumber = $This->GetProperty('MassNumber'); 2370 $MostAbundantMassNumber = PeriodicTable::GetElementMostAbundantNaturalIsotopeMassNumber($AtomicNumber); 2371 2372 return ($MassNumber == $MostAbundantMassNumber) ? 0 : 1; 2373 } 2374 2375 # Is it a terminal atom? 2376 sub IsTerminal { 2377 my($This) = @_; 2378 2379 # Is this atom in a molecule? 2380 if (!$This->HasProperty('Molecule')) { 2381 return undef; 2382 } 2383 2384 return ($This->GetNumOfNonHydrogenAtomNeighbors() <= 1) ? 1 : 0 2385 2386 } 2387 2388 # Is aromatic property set for the atom? 2389 sub IsAromatic { 2390 my($This) = @_; 2391 my($Aromatic); 2392 2393 $Aromatic = $This->GetAromatic(); 2394 2395 return (defined($Aromatic) && $Aromatic) ? 1 : 0; 2396 } 2397 2398 # Is this a hydrogen atom and attached to one of these atoms: N, O, P, S 2399 sub IsPolarHydrogen { 2400 my($This) = @_; 2401 2402 if (!$This->IsHydrogen()) { 2403 return 0; 2404 } 2405 2406 my(@Bonds); 2407 @Bonds = $This->GetBonds(); 2408 if (@Bonds > 1) { 2409 return 0; 2410 } 2411 2412 my($Bond, $BondedAtom); 2413 ($Bond) = @Bonds; 2414 $BondedAtom = $Bond->GetBondedAtom($This); 2415 2416 return $BondedAtom->IsPolarAtom() ? 1 : 0; 2417 } 2418 2419 # Is it a hydrogen bond donor atom? 2420 # 2421 sub IsHBondDonor { 2422 my($This, $HydrogenBondsType) = @_; 2423 2424 return $This->IsHydrogenBondDonor($HydrogenBondsType); 2425 } 2426 2427 # The currrent release of MayaChemTools supports identification of two types of 2428 # hydrogen bond donor and acceptor atoms with these names: 2429 # 2430 # HBondsType1 or HydrogenBondsType1 2431 # HBondsType2 or HydrogenBondsType2 2432 # 2433 # The names of these hydrogen bond types are rather arbitrary. However, their 2434 # definitions have specific meaning and are as follows: 2435 # 2436 # HydrogenBondsType1 [ Ref 60-61, Ref 65-66 ]: 2437 # . Donor: NH, NH2, NH3, OH - Any N and O with available H 2438 # . Acceptor: N[!H], O - Any N without available H and any O 2439 # 2440 # HydrogenBondsType2 [ Ref 91 ]: 2441 # . Donor: NH, NH2, NH3, OH - Any N and O with availabe H 2442 # . Acceptor: N, O - Any N and O 2443 # 2444 # Note: 2445 # . HydrogenBondsType2 definition corresponds to Rule of 5. 2446 # 2447 2448 # Is it a hydrogen bond donor atom? 2449 # 2450 # The currrent release of MayaChemTools supports identification of two types of 2451 sub IsHydrogenBondDonor { 2452 my($This, $HydrogenBondsType) = @_; 2453 my($Status); 2454 2455 $HydrogenBondsType = defined $HydrogenBondsType ? $HydrogenBondsType : 'HBondsType1'; 2456 $Status = 0; 2457 2458 HYDROGENBONDSTYPE: { 2459 2460 if ($HydrogenBondsType =~ /^(HBondsType1|HydrogenBondsType1)$/i) { 2461 $Status = $This->_IsHydrogenBondDonorOfType1(); 2462 last HYDROGENBONDSTYPE; 2463 } 2464 2465 if ($HydrogenBondsType =~ /^(HBondsType2|HydrogenBondsType2)$/i) { 2466 $Status = $This->_IsHydrogenBondDonorOfType2(); 2467 last HYDROGENBONDSTYPE; 2468 } 2469 2470 $Status = 0; 2471 carp "Warning: ${ClassName}->IsHydrogenBondDonor: The current release of MayaChemTools doesn't support specified value, $HydrogenBondsType, for HydrogenBondsType. Valid values: HBondsType1, HydrogenBondsType1, HBondsType2 HydrogenBondsType2 ..."; 2472 } 2473 2474 return $Status; 2475 } 2476 2477 # Is it a MayaChemTools HBondType1 hydrogen bond donor atom? 2478 # 2479 sub _IsHydrogenBondDonorOfType1 { 2480 my($This) = @_; 2481 2482 return $This->_IsHydrogenBondDonorOfType1OrType2(); 2483 } 2484 2485 # Is it a MayaChemTools HBondType2 hydrogen bond donor atom? 2486 # 2487 sub _IsHydrogenBondDonorOfType2 { 2488 my($This) = @_; 2489 2490 return $This->_IsHydrogenBondDonorOfType1OrType2(); 2491 } 2492 2493 # Is it a hydrogen bond donor atom of MayaChemTools Type1 or Type2? 2494 # 2495 # HydrogenBondDonor definition [ Ref 60-61, Ref 65-66, Ref 91 ]: NH, NH2, OH 2496 # 2497 # In other words: 2498 # . NH, NH2 - Nitrogen atom with available hydrogen 2499 # . OH - Oxygen atom with avilable hydrogen 2500 # 2501 sub _IsHydrogenBondDonorOfType1OrType2 { 2502 my($This) = @_; 2503 2504 # Is this atom in a molecule? 2505 if (!$This->HasProperty('Molecule')) { 2506 return 0; 2507 } 2508 2509 # Is it N or O? 2510 if ($This->{AtomicNumber} !~ /^(7|8)$/) { 2511 return 0; 2512 } 2513 2514 # Any explicitly attached hydrogens? 2515 if ($This->GetExplicitHydrogens()) { 2516 return 1; 2517 } 2518 2519 # Any missing hydrogens? 2520 return $This->GetNumOfMissingHydrogens() ? 1 : 0; 2521 } 2522 2523 # Is it a hydrogen bond acceptor atom? 2524 # 2525 sub IsHBondAcceptor { 2526 my($This, $HydrogenBondsType) = @_; 2527 2528 return $This->IsHydrogenBondAcceptor($HydrogenBondsType); 2529 } 2530 2531 # Is it a hydrogen bond acceptor atom? 2532 # 2533 sub IsHydrogenBondAcceptor { 2534 my($This, $HydrogenBondsType) = @_; 2535 my($Status); 2536 2537 $HydrogenBondsType = defined $HydrogenBondsType ? $HydrogenBondsType : 'HBondsType1'; 2538 $Status = 0; 2539 2540 HYDROGENBONDSTYPE: { 2541 2542 if ($HydrogenBondsType =~ /^(HBondsType1|HydrogenBondsType1)$/i) { 2543 $Status = $This->_IsHydrogenBondAcceptorOfType1(); 2544 last HYDROGENBONDSTYPE; 2545 } 2546 2547 if ($HydrogenBondsType =~ /^(HBondsType2|HydrogenBondsType2)$/i) { 2548 $Status = $This->_IsHydrogenBondAcceptorOfType2(); 2549 last HYDROGENBONDSTYPE; 2550 } 2551 2552 $Status = 0; 2553 carp "Warning: ${ClassName}->IsHydrogenBondAcceptor: The current release of MayaChemTools doesn't support specified value, $HydrogenBondsType, for HydrogenBondsType. Valid values: HBondsType1, HydrogenBondsType1, HBondsType2 HydrogenBondsType2 ..."; 2554 } 2555 2556 return $Status; 2557 } 2558 2559 # Is it a MayaChemTools HBondType1 hydrogen bond acceptor atom? 2560 # 2561 # HydrogenBondAcceptor definition [ Ref 60-61, Ref 65-66 ]: N[!H], O 2562 # 2563 # In other words: 2564 # . N[!H] - Nitrogen atom with no hydrogen 2565 # . O - Oxygen atom 2566 # 2567 sub _IsHydrogenBondAcceptorOfType1 { 2568 my($This) = @_; 2569 2570 # Is this atom in a molecule? 2571 if (!$This->HasProperty('Molecule')) { 2572 return 0; 2573 } 2574 2575 # Is it N or O? 2576 if ($This->{AtomicNumber} !~ /^(7|8)$/) { 2577 return 0; 2578 } 2579 2580 # Is it O? 2581 if ($This->{AtomicNumber} == 8 ) { 2582 return 1; 2583 } 2584 2585 # Any explicitly attached hydrogens? 2586 if ($This->GetExplicitHydrogens()) { 2587 return 0; 2588 } 2589 2590 # Any missing hydrogens? 2591 return $This->GetNumOfMissingHydrogens() ? 0 : 1; 2592 } 2593 2594 # Is it a MayaChemTools HBondType2 hydrogen bond acceptor atom? 2595 # 2596 # HydrogenBondAcceptor definition [ Ref 91 ]: N, O 2597 # 2598 # In other words: 2599 # . Any Nitrogen or Oxygen atom 2600 # 2601 # Note: 2602 # . HydrogenBondsType2 definition corresponds to Rule of 5. 2603 # 2604 sub _IsHydrogenBondAcceptorOfType2 { 2605 my($This) = @_; 2606 2607 # Is this atom in a molecule? 2608 if (!$This->HasProperty('Molecule')) { 2609 return 0; 2610 } 2611 2612 return ($This->{AtomicNumber} =~ /^(7|8)$/) ? 1 : 0; 2613 } 2614 2615 # Is it a positively ionizable atom? 2616 # 2617 # PositivelyIonizable defintion [ Ref 60-61, Ref 65-66 ]: +, NH2 2618 # 2619 # In other words: 2620 # . Any atom with positve formal charge 2621 # . NH2 - Nitogen atom in amino group 2622 # 2623 sub IsPositivelyIonizable { 2624 my($This) = @_; 2625 my($FormalCharge); 2626 2627 # Is this atom in a molecule? 2628 if (!$This->HasProperty('Molecule')) { 2629 return 0; 2630 } 2631 2632 # Any explicit positive formal charge? 2633 $FormalCharge = $This->GetFormalCharge(); 2634 if (defined($FormalCharge) && $FormalCharge > 0) { 2635 return 1; 2636 } 2637 2638 # Is it N? 2639 if ($This->{AtomicNumber} != 7 ) { 2640 return 0; 2641 } 2642 2643 return ($This->GetNumOfHydrogens() == 2) ? 1 : 0; 2644 } 2645 2646 # Is it a negatively ionizable atom? 2647 # 2648 # NegativelyIonizable definition [ Ref 60-61, Ref 65-66 ]: -, C(=O)OH, S(=O)OH, P(=O)OH 2649 # 2650 # In other words: 2651 # . Any atom with negative formal charge 2652 # . Carbon atom in C(=O)OH group 2653 # . Phosphorous in P(=O)OH group 2654 # . Sulfur atom in S(=O)OH group 2655 # 2656 sub IsNegativelyIonizable { 2657 my($This) = @_; 2658 my($FormalCharge); 2659 2660 # Is this atom in a molecule? 2661 if (!$This->HasProperty('Molecule')) { 2662 return 0; 2663 } 2664 2665 # Any explicit negative formal charge? 2666 $FormalCharge = $This->GetFormalCharge(); 2667 if (defined($FormalCharge) && $FormalCharge < 0) { 2668 return 1; 2669 } 2670 2671 # Is it C, P or S? 2672 if ($This->{AtomicNumber} !~ /^(6|15|16)$/ ) { 2673 return 0; 2674 } 2675 2676 # Collect oxygens connected to C, P or S with single or double bonds and not connected to 2677 # any other heavy atom... 2678 my($Neighbor, $NeighborOxygenBondOrder, $NumOfNeighborOxygensWithSingleBonds, $NumOfNeighborOxygensWithDoubleBonds); 2679 2680 $NumOfNeighborOxygensWithSingleBonds = 0; $NumOfNeighborOxygensWithDoubleBonds = 0; 2681 2682 NEIGHBOR: for $Neighbor ($This->GetNeighbors()) { 2683 # Is it an oxygen? 2684 if ($Neighbor->{AtomicNumber} != 8) { 2685 next NEIGHBOR; 2686 } 2687 # Is oxygent connected to only heavy atom? 2688 if ($Neighbor->GetNumOfHeavyAtomNeighbors() != 1) { 2689 next NEIGHBOR; 2690 } 2691 $NeighborOxygenBondOrder = $This->GetBondToAtom($Neighbor)->GetBondOrder(); 2692 2693 if ($NeighborOxygenBondOrder == 2) { 2694 $NumOfNeighborOxygensWithDoubleBonds++; 2695 } 2696 elsif ($NeighborOxygenBondOrder == 1) { 2697 $NumOfNeighborOxygensWithSingleBonds++; 2698 } 2699 } 2700 return ($NumOfNeighborOxygensWithDoubleBonds >= 1 && $NumOfNeighborOxygensWithSingleBonds >= 1) ? 1 : 0; 2701 } 2702 2703 # Is it a liphophilic atom? 2704 # 2705 # Lipophilic definition [ Ref 60-61, Ref 65-66 ]: C(C)(C)(C)(C), Cl, Br, I, S(C)(C) 2706 # 2707 # In other words: 2708 # . C(C)(C)(C)(C) - Carbon atom connected to only other carbons 2709 # . Chlorine, Bromine or Iodine atom 2710 # . S(C)(C) - Sulfur connected to two carbons 2711 # 2712 sub IsLipophilic { 2713 my($This) = @_; 2714 2715 # Is this atom in a molecule? 2716 if (!$This->HasProperty('Molecule')) { 2717 return 0; 2718 } 2719 2720 # Is it Cl, Br, I? 2721 if ($This->{AtomicNumber} =~ /^(17|35|53)$/) { 2722 return 1; 2723 } 2724 2725 # Is it C, S? 2726 if ($This->{AtomicNumber} !~ /^(6|16)$/) { 2727 return 0; 2728 } 2729 2730 # Are all heavy atom neighbors Carbons? 2731 my($HeavyAtomNeighbor, @HeavyAtomNeighbors); 2732 @HeavyAtomNeighbors = (); 2733 @HeavyAtomNeighbors = $This->GetHeavyAtomNeighbors(); 2734 2735 for $HeavyAtomNeighbor (@HeavyAtomNeighbors) { 2736 if ($HeavyAtomNeighbor->{AtomicNumber} != 6) { 2737 return 0; 2738 } 2739 } 2740 2741 # Does sulfur has two carbon neighbors? 2742 if ($This->{AtomicNumber} == 16) { 2743 if (@HeavyAtomNeighbors != 2) { 2744 return 0; 2745 } 2746 } 2747 return 1; 2748 } 2749 2750 # Is it hydrophobic? 2751 # 2752 sub IsHydrophobic { 2753 my($This) = @_; 2754 2755 return $This->IsLipophilic(); 2756 } 2757 2758 # Is it a Nitrogen atom in Guadinium group? 2759 # 2760 sub IsGuadiniumNitrogen { 2761 my($This) = @_; 2762 2763 # Is it Nitrogen? 2764 if (!$This->IsNitrogen()) { 2765 return 0; 2766 } 2767 2768 # Is it connected to a Guadinium Carbon? 2769 my($AtomNeighbor); 2770 2771 for $AtomNeighbor ($This->GetNonHydrogenAtomNeighbors()) { 2772 if ($AtomNeighbor->IsGuadiniumCarbon()) { 2773 return 1; 2774 } 2775 } 2776 2777 return 0; 2778 } 2779 2780 # Is it a Carbon atom in Guadinium group? 2781 # 2782 # Guadinium group definition: 2783 # 2784 # R2N-C(=NR)-(NR2) or R2N-C(=NR2+)-(NR2) 2785 # 2786 # where: 2787 # . R = Hydrogens or group of atoms attached through Carbon 2788 # . Only one of the three Nitrogens has a double bond to Carbon and has optional 2789 # formal charge allowing it to be neutral or charged state 2790 # 2791 sub IsGuadiniumCarbon { 2792 my($This) = @_; 2793 2794 # Is it Carbon? 2795 if (!$This->IsCarbon()) { 2796 return 0; 2797 } 2798 2799 # Match atom neighborhood... 2800 my($CentralAtomSpec, @NbrAtomSpecsRef, @NbrBondSpecsRef, @NbrOfNbrAtomSpecsRef); 2801 2802 $CentralAtomSpec = 'C.X3.BO4'; 2803 @NbrAtomSpecsRef = ('N.FC0', 'N.FC0', 'N.FC0,N.FC+1'); 2804 @NbrBondSpecsRef = ('-', '-', '='); 2805 @NbrOfNbrAtomSpecsRef = ('C,H', 'C,H', 'C,H'); 2806 2807 if ($This->DoesAtomNeighborhoodMatch($CentralAtomSpec, \@NbrAtomSpecsRef, \@NbrBondSpecsRef, \@NbrOfNbrAtomSpecsRef)) { 2808 return 1; 2809 } 2810 2811 return 0; 2812 } 2813 2814 # Is it a Nitrogen atom in Amide group? 2815 # 2816 sub IsAmideNitrogen { 2817 my($This) = @_; 2818 2819 # Is it Nitrogen? 2820 if (!$This->IsNitrogen()) { 2821 return 0; 2822 } 2823 2824 # Is it connected to a Amide Carbon? 2825 my($AtomNeighbor); 2826 2827 for $AtomNeighbor ($This->GetNonHydrogenAtomNeighbors()) { 2828 if ($AtomNeighbor->IsAmideCarbon()) { 2829 return 1; 2830 } 2831 } 2832 2833 return 0; 2834 } 2835 2836 # Is it a Carbon atom in Amide group? 2837 # 2838 # Amide group definition: R-C(=O)-N(-R')-R'' 2839 # 2840 # where: 2841 # . R = Hydrogen or groups of atoms attached through Carbon 2842 # . R' = Hydrogens or groups of atoms attached through Carbon or hetro atoms 2843 # . R'' = Hydrogens or groups of atoms attached through Carbon or hetro atoms 2844 # 2845 sub IsAmideCarbon { 2846 my($This) = @_; 2847 2848 # Is this atom in a molecule? 2849 if (!$This->HasProperty('Molecule')) { 2850 return 0; 2851 } 2852 2853 # Is it Carbon? 2854 if (!$This->IsCarbon()) { 2855 return 0; 2856 } 2857 2858 # Match atom neighborhood... 2859 my($CentralAtomSpec, @NbrAtomSpecsRef, @NbrBondSpecsRef, @NbrOfNbrAtomSpecsRef); 2860 2861 $CentralAtomSpec = 'C.X3.BO4,C.X2.BO3'; 2862 @NbrAtomSpecsRef = ('C,H', 'O', 'N'); 2863 @NbrBondSpecsRef = ('-', '=', '-'); 2864 @NbrOfNbrAtomSpecsRef = ('C,H', 'C', 'C,H,N,O,S,P,F,Cl,Br,I'); 2865 2866 if ($This->DoesAtomNeighborhoodMatch($CentralAtomSpec, \@NbrAtomSpecsRef, \@NbrBondSpecsRef, \@NbrOfNbrAtomSpecsRef)) { 2867 return 1; 2868 } 2869 2870 return 0; 2871 } 2872 2873 # Is it a Oxygen atom in Carboxylate group? 2874 # 2875 sub IsCarboxylateOxygen { 2876 my($This) = @_; 2877 2878 return $This->_MatchCarboxylateAndOrCarboxylOxygen('Carboxylate'); 2879 } 2880 2881 # Is it a Carbon atom in Carboxylate group? 2882 # 2883 # Carboxyl group definition: R-C(=O)-O- 2884 # 2885 sub IsCarboxylateCarbon { 2886 my($This) = @_; 2887 2888 return $This->_MatchCarboxylateAndOrCarboxylCarbon('Carboxylate'); 2889 } 2890 2891 # Is it a Oxygen atom in Carboxyl group? 2892 # 2893 sub IsCarboxylOxygen { 2894 my($This) = @_; 2895 2896 return $This->_MatchCarboxylateAndOrCarboxylOxygen('Carboxyl'); 2897 } 2898 2899 # Is it a Carbon atom in Carboxyl group? 2900 # 2901 # Carboxyl group definition: R-C(=O)-OH 2902 # 2903 sub IsCarboxylCarbon { 2904 my($This) = @_; 2905 2906 return $This->_MatchCarboxylateAndOrCarboxylCarbon('Carboxyl'); 2907 } 2908 2909 # Match Carboxylate and/or Carboxyl oxygen... 2910 # 2911 sub _MatchCarboxylateAndOrCarboxylOxygen { 2912 my($This, $Mode) = @_; 2913 2914 # Is it Oxygen? 2915 if (!$This->IsOxygen()) { 2916 return 0; 2917 } 2918 2919 # Is it connected to a Carboxylate Carbon? 2920 my($AtomNeighbor); 2921 2922 for $AtomNeighbor ($This->GetNonHydrogenAtomNeighbors()) { 2923 if ($AtomNeighbor->_MatchCarboxylateAndOrCarboxylCarbon($Mode)) { 2924 return 1; 2925 } 2926 } 2927 2928 return 0; 2929 } 2930 2931 # Match Carboxylate and Carboxyl Carbon 2932 # 2933 # Carboxylate group definition: R-C(=O)-O- 2934 # Carboxyl group definition: R-C(=O)-OH 2935 # 2936 # where: 2937 # . R = Hydrogens or groups of atoms attached through Carbon 2938 # 2939 sub _MatchCarboxylateAndOrCarboxylCarbon { 2940 my($This, $Mode) = @_; 2941 2942 # Is this atom in a molecule? 2943 if (!$This->HasProperty('Molecule')) { 2944 return 0; 2945 } 2946 2947 # Is it Carbon? 2948 if (!$This->IsCarbon()) { 2949 return 0; 2950 } 2951 2952 # Match atom neighborhood... 2953 my($CentralAtomSpec, @NbrAtomSpecsRef, @NbrBondSpecsRef, @NbrOfNbrAtomSpecsRef); 2954 2955 $CentralAtomSpec = 'C.X3.BO4,C.X2.BO3'; 2956 MODE: { 2957 if ($Mode =~ /^Carboxylate$/i) { 2958 @NbrAtomSpecsRef = ('C,H', 'O', 'O.X1.FC-1'); 2959 last MODE; 2960 } 2961 if ($Mode =~ /^Carboxyl$/i) { 2962 @NbrAtomSpecsRef = ('C,H', 'O', 'O.X1.FC0'); 2963 last MODE; 2964 } 2965 if ($Mode =~ /^CarboxylateOrCarboxyl$/i) { 2966 @NbrAtomSpecsRef = ('C,H', 'O', 'O.X1.FC-1,O.X1.FC0'); 2967 last MODE; 2968 } 2969 carp "Warning: ${ClassName}->_MatchCarboxylateAndCarboxylCarbon.: Unknown mode $Mode..."; 2970 return 0; 2971 } 2972 @NbrBondSpecsRef = ('-', '=', '-'); 2973 @NbrOfNbrAtomSpecsRef = ('C,H', 'C', 'C'); 2974 2975 if ($This->DoesAtomNeighborhoodMatch($CentralAtomSpec, \@NbrAtomSpecsRef, \@NbrBondSpecsRef, \@NbrOfNbrAtomSpecsRef)) { 2976 return 1; 2977 } 2978 2979 return 0; 2980 } 2981 2982 # Is it a Oxygen atom in Phosphate group? 2983 # 2984 sub IsPhosphateOxygen { 2985 my($This) = @_; 2986 2987 # Is it Oxygen? 2988 if (!$This->IsOxygen()) { 2989 return 0; 2990 } 2991 2992 # Is it connected to a Phosphate Phosphorus? 2993 my($AtomNeighbor); 2994 2995 for $AtomNeighbor ($This->GetNonHydrogenAtomNeighbors()) { 2996 if ($AtomNeighbor->IsPhosphatePhosphorus()) { 2997 return 1; 2998 } 2999 } 3000 3001 return 0; 3002 } 3003 3004 # Is it a Phosphorus atom in Phosphate group? 3005 # 3006 # Phosphate group definition: AO-(O=)P(-OA)-OA 3007 # 3008 # where: 3009 # . A = Any Groups of atoms including hydrogens 3010 # 3011 sub IsPhosphatePhosphorus { 3012 my($This) = @_; 3013 3014 # Is this atom in a molecule? 3015 if (!$This->HasProperty('Molecule')) { 3016 return 0; 3017 } 3018 3019 # Is it Phosphorus? 3020 if (!$This->IsPhosphorus()) { 3021 return 0; 3022 } 3023 3024 # Match atom neighborhood... 3025 my($CentralAtomSpec, @NbrAtomSpecsRef, @NbrBondSpecsRef, @NbrOfNbrAtomSpecsRef); 3026 3027 $CentralAtomSpec = 'P.X4.BO5'; 3028 @NbrAtomSpecsRef = ('O', 'O', 'O', 'O'); 3029 @NbrBondSpecsRef = ('-', '=', '-', '-'); 3030 @NbrOfNbrAtomSpecsRef = (undef, undef, undef, undef); 3031 3032 if ($This->DoesAtomNeighborhoodMatch($CentralAtomSpec, \@NbrAtomSpecsRef, \@NbrBondSpecsRef, \@NbrOfNbrAtomSpecsRef)) { 3033 return 1; 3034 } 3035 3036 return 0; 3037 } 3038 3039 3040 # Match central atom and its neighborhood using specified atom and bonds specifications... 3041 # 3042 # Let: 3043 # AS = Atom symbol corresponding to element symbol, atomic number (#n) or any 3044 # atom (A) 3045 # 3046 # X<n> = Number of non-hydrogen atom neighbors or heavy atoms attached to atom 3047 # T<n> = Total number of atom neighbors including implcit and explicit hydrogens 3048 # BO<n> = Sum of bond orders to non-hydrogen atom neighbors or heavy atoms attached to atom 3049 # LBO<n> = Largest bond order of non-hydrogen atom neighbors or heavy atoms attached to atom 3050 # SB<n> = Number of single bonds to non-hydrogen atom neighbors or heavy atoms attached to atom 3051 # TSB<n> = Total number of single bonds to atom neighbors including implcit and explicit hydrogens 3052 # DB<n> = Number of double bonds to non-hydrogen atom neighbors or heavy atoms attached to atom 3053 # TB<n> = Number of triple bonds to non-hydrogen atom neighbors or heavy atoms attached to atom 3054 # H<n> = Number of implicit and explicit hydrogens for atom 3055 # Ar = Aromatic annotation indicating whether atom is aromatic 3056 # RA or RA<n> = Ring atom annotation indicating whether atom is a ring 3057 # TR<n> = Total number of rings containing atom 3058 # FC<+n/-n> = Formal charge assigned to atom 3059 # MN<n> = Mass number indicating isotope other than most abundant isotope 3060 # SM<n> = Spin multiplicity of atom. Possible values: 1 (singlet), 2 (doublet) or 3 (triplet) 3061 # 3062 # Then: 3063 # 3064 # Atom specification corresponds to: 3065 # 3066 # AS.X<n>.T<n>.BO<n>.LBO<n>.<SB><n>.TSB<n>.<DB><n>.<TB><n>.H<n>.Ar.RA<n>.TR<n>FC<+n/-n>.MN<n>.SM<n> 3067 # 3068 # Except for AS which is a required atomic invariant in atom specification, all other atomic invariants are 3069 # optional. For an atom specification to match an atom, the values of all specified atomic invariants must 3070 # match. Exclamation in from of atomic invariant can be used to negate its effect during the match. 3071 # 3072 # A comma delimited atom specification string is used to match any one of the specifed atom specification. 3073 # 3074 # Notes: 3075 # . During atom specification match to an atom, the first atomic invariant is always assumed to 3076 # atom symbol. 3077 # . Atom match specfication is based on AtomicInvariantAtomTypes implemented in 3078 # AotmTypes::AtomicInvariantAtomType.pm module 3079 # 3080 # Examples: 3081 # . ('N', 'N', 'N') 3082 # . ('N.FC0', 'N.FC0', 'N,N.FC+1.H1') 3083 # . ('N.H2', 'N.H2', 'N.H1') 3084 # . ('C,N', '!N', '!H') 3085 # . ('C,N', 'N.Ar', 'N.R5') 3086 # 3087 # Let: 3088 # -|1|s|Single = Single bond 3089 # =|2|d|Double = Double bond 3090 # #|3|t|Triple = Triple bond 3091 # :|1.5|a|Ar|Aromatic = Aromatic bond 3092 # 3093 # @|RB|Ring = Ring bond 3094 # ~|*|Any = Any bond 3095 # 3096 # Then: 3097 # 3098 # Bond specification corresponds to: 3099 # 3100 # -.: 3101 # =.@ 3102 # Double.Aromatic 3103 # 3104 # For a bond specification to match bond between two atoms, the values of all specified bond symbols must 3105 # match. Exclamation in from of bond symbol can be used to negate its effect during the match. 3106 # 3107 # A comma delimited bond specification string is used to match any one of the specifed atom specification. 3108 # 3109 sub DoesAtomNeighborhoodMatch { 3110 my($CentralAtom, $CentralAtomSpec, $NbrAtomSpecsRef, $NbrBondSpecsRef, $NbrOfNbrAtomSpecsRef) = @_; 3111 my($NumOfNbrAtomSpecs, $NumOfNbrBondSpecs, $NumOfNbrOfNbrAtomSpecs); 3112 3113 # Is this atom in a molecule? 3114 if (!$CentralAtom->HasProperty('Molecule')) { 3115 return 0; 3116 } 3117 3118 $NumOfNbrAtomSpecs = defined $NbrAtomSpecsRef ? scalar @{$NbrAtomSpecsRef} : 0; 3119 $NumOfNbrBondSpecs = defined $NbrBondSpecsRef ? scalar @{$NbrBondSpecsRef} : 0; 3120 $NumOfNbrOfNbrAtomSpecs = defined $NbrOfNbrAtomSpecsRef ? scalar @{$NbrOfNbrAtomSpecsRef} : 0; 3121 3122 # Validate number of specifications... 3123 if ($NumOfNbrBondSpecs && ($NumOfNbrAtomSpecs != $NumOfNbrBondSpecs)) { 3124 carp "Warning: ${ClassName}->DoesAtomNeighborhoodMatch: Number of specified central atom, $NumOfNbrAtomSpecs, and bond, $NumOfNbrBondSpecs, specifications must be same; No neighborhood match performed ..."; 3125 return 0; 3126 } 3127 3128 if ($NumOfNbrOfNbrAtomSpecs && ($NumOfNbrOfNbrAtomSpecs != $NumOfNbrAtomSpecs)) { 3129 carp "Warning: ${ClassName}->DoesAtomNeighborhoodMatch: Number of specified central atom, $NumOfNbrAtomSpecs, and neighbor of neighbor atoms specifications, $NumOfNbrOfNbrAtomSpecs, must be same; No neighborhood match performed ..."; 3130 return 0; 3131 } 3132 3133 # Sort atom and bond specifications in terms of being most specific to least specific.. 3134 ($NbrAtomSpecsRef, $NbrBondSpecsRef, $NbrOfNbrAtomSpecsRef) = $CentralAtom->_SortSpecificationsForAtomNeighborhoodMatch($NbrAtomSpecsRef, $NbrBondSpecsRef, $NbrOfNbrAtomSpecsRef); 3135 3136 # Does central atom specification match? 3137 if (!$CentralAtom->_DoesAtomSpecificationMatch($CentralAtomSpec)) { 3138 return 0; 3139 } 3140 3141 # No neighbors to match... 3142 if (!$NumOfNbrAtomSpecs) { 3143 return 1; 3144 } 3145 3146 # Match neighbors... 3147 my($NbrSpecsMatched, $NbrSpecCount, $NbrSpecMatchCount, %NbrSpecAlreadyMatchedMap); 3148 3149 $NbrSpecCount = $NumOfNbrAtomSpecs; 3150 $NbrSpecMatchCount = 0; 3151 3152 %NbrSpecAlreadyMatchedMap = (); 3153 ($NbrSpecsMatched, $NbrSpecMatchCount) = $CentralAtom->_MatchAtomNeighborhoodUsingAtomBondSpecs($NbrSpecCount, $NbrSpecMatchCount, \%NbrSpecAlreadyMatchedMap, $NbrAtomSpecsRef, $NbrBondSpecsRef, $NbrOfNbrAtomSpecsRef); 3154 3155 if ($NbrSpecsMatched) { 3156 # It's match... 3157 return 1; 3158 } 3159 3160 # Match central atom's missing hydrogens with any unmatched atom 3161 # and bond specifications... 3162 # 3163 ($NbrSpecsMatched, $NbrSpecMatchCount) = $CentralAtom->_MatchAtomNeighborhoodUsingMissingHydrogens($NbrSpecCount, $NbrSpecMatchCount, \%NbrSpecAlreadyMatchedMap, $NbrAtomSpecsRef, $NbrBondSpecsRef, $NbrOfNbrAtomSpecsRef); 3164 3165 if ($NbrSpecsMatched) { 3166 # It's match... 3167 return 1; 3168 } 3169 3170 # No match... 3171 return 0; 3172 } 3173 3174 # Match central atom neighborhood atom and bond specifications... 3175 # 3176 sub _MatchAtomNeighborhoodUsingAtomBondSpecs { 3177 my($CentralAtom, $NbrSpecCount, $NbrSpecMatchCount, $NbrSpecAlreadyMatchedRef, $NbrAtomSpecsRef, $NbrBondSpecsRef, $NbrOfNbrAtomSpecsRef) = @_; 3178 my($Index, $NbrAtom, $NbrAtomSpec, $NbrBondSpec, $NbrOfNbrAtom, $NbrOfNbrAtomSpec, $MatchNbrOfNbrAtomSpecs, $NbrSpecsMatched); 3179 3180 $MatchNbrOfNbrAtomSpecs = (defined $NbrOfNbrAtomSpecsRef && scalar @{$NbrOfNbrAtomSpecsRef}) ? 1 : 0; 3181 3182 $NbrSpecsMatched = 0; 3183 3184 # Match central atom's immediate neighbors atom and bond specifications... 3185 NBRATOM: for $NbrAtom ($CentralAtom->GetNeighbors()) { 3186 NBRATOMSPEC: for $Index (0 .. ($NbrSpecCount - 1)) { 3187 if (exists $NbrSpecAlreadyMatchedRef->{$Index}) { 3188 next NBRATOMSPEC; 3189 } 3190 $NbrAtomSpec = $NbrAtomSpecsRef->[$Index]; 3191 $NbrBondSpec = $NbrBondSpecsRef->[$Index]; 3192 3193 $NbrOfNbrAtomSpec = $MatchNbrOfNbrAtomSpecs ? $NbrOfNbrAtomSpecsRef->[$Index] : undef; 3194 3195 # Match neighbor atom specification... 3196 if (!$NbrAtom->_DoesAtomSpecificationMatch($NbrAtomSpec)) { 3197 next NBRATOMSPEC; 3198 } 3199 3200 # Match central atom to neighbor atom bond specification... 3201 if (!$CentralAtom->_DoesBondSpecificationMatch($NbrAtom, $NbrBondSpec)) { 3202 next NBRATOMSPEC; 3203 } 3204 3205 # Match any neighbor of neighbor atom specifications... 3206 if (defined $NbrOfNbrAtomSpec) { 3207 # Go over the neighbors of central atom skipping the central atom... 3208 for $NbrOfNbrAtom ($NbrAtom->GetNeighbors($CentralAtom)) { 3209 if (!$NbrOfNbrAtom->_DoesAtomSpecificationMatch($NbrOfNbrAtomSpec)) { 3210 next NBRATOMSPEC; 3211 } 3212 } 3213 } 3214 3215 # It's a match for a neighbor atom specification... 3216 $NbrSpecAlreadyMatchedRef->{$Index} = $Index; 3217 $NbrSpecMatchCount++; 3218 3219 if ($NbrSpecMatchCount == $NbrSpecCount) { 3220 # It's match... 3221 $NbrSpecsMatched = 1; 3222 last NBRATOM; 3223 } 3224 # Match next neighbor atom... 3225 next NBRATOM; 3226 } 3227 } 3228 return ($NbrSpecsMatched, $NbrSpecMatchCount); 3229 } 3230 3231 # Match central atom's missing hydrogens with any unmatched atom and bond 3232 # specifications... 3233 # 3234 sub _MatchAtomNeighborhoodUsingMissingHydrogens { 3235 my($CentralAtom, $NbrSpecCount, $NbrSpecMatchCount, $NbrSpecAlreadyMatchedRef, $NbrAtomSpecsRef, $NbrBondSpecsRef, $NbrOfNbrAtomSpecsRef) = @_; 3236 my($Index, $NbrAtom, $NbrAtomSpec, $NbrBondSpec, $NumOfMissingHydrogens, $MissingHydrogensIndex, $NbrSpecsMatched, $AtomSpecMatched, $AtomSpec, $AtomSymbol); 3237 3238 $NbrSpecsMatched = 0; 3239 3240 $NumOfMissingHydrogens = $CentralAtom->GetNumOfMissingHydrogens(); 3241 if (($NbrSpecCount - $NbrSpecMatchCount) > $NumOfMissingHydrogens) { 3242 # It won't match... 3243 return ($NbrSpecsMatched, $NbrSpecMatchCount); 3244 } 3245 3246 MISSINGHYDROGENNBR: for $MissingHydrogensIndex (0 .. ($NumOfMissingHydrogens - 1)) { 3247 NBRATOMSPEC: for $Index (0 .. ($NbrSpecCount - 1)) { 3248 if (exists $NbrSpecAlreadyMatchedRef->{$Index}) { 3249 next NBRATOMSPEC; 3250 } 3251 $NbrAtomSpec = $NbrAtomSpecsRef->[$Index]; 3252 $NbrBondSpec = $NbrBondSpecsRef->[$Index]; 3253 3254 $NbrAtomSpec =~ s/ //g; 3255 3256 # Match neighbor atom specification hydrogen atom symbol... 3257 $AtomSpecMatched = 0; 3258 ATOMSPEC: for $AtomSpec (split /\,/, $NbrAtomSpec) { 3259 ($AtomSymbol) = split /\./, $AtomSpec; 3260 if ($AtomSymbol =~ /^(H|A|\*)$/i) { 3261 $AtomSpecMatched = 1; 3262 last ATOMSPEC; 3263 } 3264 } 3265 if (!$AtomSpecMatched) { 3266 next NBRATOMSPEC; 3267 } 3268 3269 # Match neighbor atom bond specification to singal bond... 3270 if (defined $NbrBondSpec) { 3271 $NbrBondSpec =~ s/ //g; 3272 if ($NbrBondSpec !~ /^(-|1|s|Single|\~|\*|Any)/i) { 3273 next NBRATOMSPEC; 3274 } 3275 } 3276 3277 # It's a match for a neighbor atom specification... 3278 $NbrSpecAlreadyMatchedRef->{$Index} = $Index; 3279 $NbrSpecMatchCount++; 3280 3281 if ($NbrSpecMatchCount == $NbrSpecCount) { 3282 # It's match... 3283 $NbrSpecsMatched = 1; 3284 last MISSINGHYDROGENNBR; 3285 } 3286 # Match next missing hydrogen neighbor... 3287 next MISSINGHYDROGENNBR; 3288 } 3289 } 3290 3291 return ($NbrSpecsMatched, $NbrSpecMatchCount); 3292 } 3293 3294 # Sort atom and bond specifications base on neighbor atom specifications going 3295 # from most to least specific atom specifications. 3296 # 3297 # Atom specifications are sorted at the following two levels: 3298 # 3299 # o By atom specification count with in each specification going from most specific 3300 # to least specific, where count is determined by the number of "," in each 3301 # specification. Wild card containing specifications are considered least specific 3302 # and end up at the end of the sorted list. 3303 # o By atomic invariant count with in each sorted list going from most specific to 3304 # least specific, where count is determined by the number of "." in each atom 3305 # specification. 3306 # 3307 #A single atom specification, 3308 # without any commas in atom specification, is is considered most specific... 3309 # 3310 sub _SortSpecificationsForAtomNeighborhoodMatch { 3311 my($This, $NbrAtomSpecsRef, $NbrBondSpecsRef, $NbrOfNbrAtomSpecsRef) = @_; 3312 my($Index, $NeedToSort, $NumOfNbrAtomSpecs, $NbrAtomSpecCount, $NbrAtomSpecAtomicInvarintCount, $NbrAtomSpecToMatch, $NbrAtomSpec, $FirstAtomicInvariant, $WildCardInNbrAtomSpec, @NbrAtomSpecs, @NbrAtomSpecAtomicInvariants, @SortedNbrAtomSpecs, @SortedNbrBondSpecs, @SortedNbrOfNbrAtomSpecs, %NbrAtomSpecDataMap); 3313 3314 $NumOfNbrAtomSpecs = defined $NbrAtomSpecsRef ? scalar @{$NbrAtomSpecsRef} : 0; 3315 3316 # Figure out whether sorting is necessary... 3317 $NeedToSort = 0; 3318 if ($NumOfNbrAtomSpecs > 1) { 3319 ATOMSPEC: for $NbrAtomSpecToMatch (@{$NbrAtomSpecsRef}) { 3320 if ($NbrAtomSpecToMatch =~ /(,|\.|A|\*)/i) { 3321 $NeedToSort = 1; 3322 last ATOMSPEC; 3323 } 3324 } 3325 } 3326 if (!$NeedToSort) { 3327 # Nothing to do... 3328 return ($NbrAtomSpecsRef, $NbrBondSpecsRef, $NbrOfNbrAtomSpecsRef); 3329 } 3330 3331 %NbrAtomSpecDataMap = (); 3332 3333 for $Index (0 .. ($NumOfNbrAtomSpecs - 1)) { 3334 $NbrAtomSpecToMatch = $NbrAtomSpecsRef->[$Index]; 3335 $NbrAtomSpecToMatch =~ s/ //g; 3336 3337 @NbrAtomSpecs = split /\,/, $NbrAtomSpecToMatch; 3338 $NbrAtomSpecCount = scalar @NbrAtomSpecs; 3339 3340 # Does neighbor specification contains a wild card in atom symbol specification? 3341 # 3342 if ($NbrAtomSpecToMatch =~ /(A|\*)/i) { 3343 $WildCardInNbrAtomSpec = 0; 3344 NBRATOMSPEC: for $NbrAtomSpec (@NbrAtomSpecs) { 3345 ($FirstAtomicInvariant) = split /\./, $NbrAtomSpec; 3346 if ($FirstAtomicInvariant =~ /^!/) { 3347 $FirstAtomicInvariant =~ s/^!//; 3348 } 3349 $WildCardInNbrAtomSpec = $This->_IsWildCardAtomSymbolAtomicInvariant($FirstAtomicInvariant); 3350 if ($WildCardInNbrAtomSpec) { 3351 last NBRATOMSPEC; 3352 } 3353 } 3354 if ($WildCardInNbrAtomSpec) { 3355 # Set NbrAtomSpecCount arbitrarily high to make the spec containing wild 3356 # card last on the sorted list while maintaining its original order in the list... 3357 $NbrAtomSpecCount = 999; 3358 } 3359 } 3360 3361 if (!exists $NbrAtomSpecDataMap{$NbrAtomSpecCount}) { 3362 %{$NbrAtomSpecDataMap{$NbrAtomSpecCount}} = (); 3363 } 3364 3365 # Use first NbrAtomSpec available in @NbrAtomSpecs to determine atomic invariant count 3366 # with in each NbrAtomSpecToMatch, as @NbrAtomSpecs derived from $NbrAtomSpecToMatch 3367 # simply corresponds to a list of possible matches... 3368 # 3369 ($NbrAtomSpec) = @NbrAtomSpecs; 3370 @NbrAtomSpecAtomicInvariants = split /\./, $NbrAtomSpec; 3371 $NbrAtomSpecAtomicInvarintCount = scalar @NbrAtomSpecAtomicInvariants; 3372 3373 if (!exists $NbrAtomSpecDataMap{$NbrAtomSpecCount}{$NbrAtomSpecAtomicInvarintCount}) { 3374 @{$NbrAtomSpecDataMap{$NbrAtomSpecCount}{$NbrAtomSpecAtomicInvarintCount}} = (); 3375 } 3376 push @{$NbrAtomSpecDataMap{$NbrAtomSpecCount}{$NbrAtomSpecAtomicInvarintCount}}, $Index; 3377 3378 } 3379 3380 @SortedNbrAtomSpecs = (); @SortedNbrBondSpecs = (); 3381 @SortedNbrOfNbrAtomSpecs = (); 3382 3383 for $NbrAtomSpecCount ( sort { $a <=> $b } keys %NbrAtomSpecDataMap) { 3384 for $NbrAtomSpecAtomicInvarintCount ( sort { $b <=> $a } keys %{$NbrAtomSpecDataMap{$NbrAtomSpecCount}}) { 3385 for $Index (@{$NbrAtomSpecDataMap{$NbrAtomSpecCount}{$NbrAtomSpecAtomicInvarintCount}}) { 3386 push @SortedNbrAtomSpecs, $NbrAtomSpecsRef->[$Index]; 3387 if (defined $NbrBondSpecsRef) { 3388 push @SortedNbrBondSpecs, $NbrBondSpecsRef->[$Index]; 3389 } 3390 if (defined $NbrOfNbrAtomSpecsRef) { 3391 push @SortedNbrOfNbrAtomSpecs, $NbrOfNbrAtomSpecsRef->[$Index]; 3392 } 3393 } 3394 } 3395 } 3396 3397 return (\@SortedNbrAtomSpecs, defined $NbrBondSpecsRef ? \@SortedNbrBondSpecs : undef, defined $NbrOfNbrAtomSpecsRef ? \@SortedNbrOfNbrAtomSpecs : undef); 3398 } 3399 3400 # Check whether atom matches supported atom specification... 3401 # 3402 sub _DoesAtomSpecificationMatch { 3403 my($This, $AtomSpecificationToMatch) = @_; 3404 my($AtomSpecification, $AtomicInvariant, $AtomSpecificationMatched, $AtomicInvariantMatched, $FirstMatch); 3405 3406 # Anything to match... 3407 if (!(defined($AtomSpecificationToMatch) && $AtomSpecificationToMatch)) { 3408 return 1; 3409 } 3410 3411 # Take out any spaces... 3412 $AtomSpecificationToMatch =~ s/ //g; 3413 3414 # Match specified atom specifications. For multiple atom specifications in a comma delimited string, 3415 # only one atom specification needs to match for a successful match. It's up to the caller to make 3416 # sure that the specificaton list is ordered from least to most specific atom specification... 3417 # 3418 for $AtomSpecification (split /\,/, $AtomSpecificationToMatch) { 3419 $AtomSpecificationMatched = 1; 3420 $FirstMatch = 1; 3421 3422 # Match all atom symbol atomic invariants... 3423 ATOMICINVARIANT: for $AtomicInvariant (split /\./, $AtomSpecification) { 3424 if ($FirstMatch) { 3425 # Match atom symbol atomic invariant... 3426 $FirstMatch = 0; 3427 $AtomicInvariantMatched = $This->_MatchAtomSymbolAtomicInvariant($AtomicInvariant); 3428 } 3429 else { 3430 # Match non atom symbol atomic invariant... 3431 $AtomicInvariantMatched = $This->_MatchNonAtomSymbolAtomicInvariant($AtomicInvariant); 3432 } 3433 3434 if (!$AtomicInvariantMatched) { 3435 # No need to match other atomic invariants... 3436 $AtomSpecificationMatched = 0; 3437 last ATOMICINVARIANT; 3438 } 3439 } 3440 3441 if ($AtomSpecificationMatched) { 3442 # No need to match other atom specifications... 3443 return 1; 3444 } 3445 } 3446 3447 # Nothing matched... 3448 return 0; 3449 } 3450 3451 # Check whether atom matches atom symbol atomic invariant... 3452 # 3453 sub _MatchAtomSymbolAtomicInvariant { 3454 my($This, $AtomicInvariant) = @_; 3455 my($NegateMatch, $Status, $AtomicNumber); 3456 3457 $Status = 0; 3458 $NegateMatch = 0; 3459 3460 # Does match needs to be negated? 3461 if ($AtomicInvariant =~ /^!/) { 3462 $NegateMatch = 1; 3463 $AtomicInvariant =~ s/^!//; 3464 } 3465 3466 ATOMICINVARIANT: { 3467 # Any atom match... 3468 if ($This->_IsWildCardAtomSymbolAtomicInvariant($AtomicInvariant)) { 3469 $Status = 1; 3470 last ATOMICINVARIANT; 3471 } 3472 3473 # Atomic number match... 3474 if ($AtomicInvariant =~ /^#/) { 3475 $AtomicNumber = $AtomicInvariant; $AtomicNumber =~ s/^#//; 3476 $Status = ($This->{AtomicNumber} == $AtomicNumber) ? 1 : 0; 3477 last ATOMICINVARIANT; 3478 } 3479 3480 # Atom symbol match... 3481 $Status = ($This->{AtomSymbol} =~ /^$AtomicInvariant$/i) ? 1 : 0; 3482 } 3483 3484 if ($NegateMatch) { 3485 $Status = $Status ? 0 : 1; 3486 } 3487 3488 return $Status; 3489 } 3490 3491 # Is it a wild card atom symbol atomic invariant? 3492 # 3493 sub _IsWildCardAtomSymbolAtomicInvariant { 3494 my($This, $AtomicInvariant) = @_; 3495 3496 return ($AtomicInvariant =~ /^(A|\*)$/i) ? 1 : 0; 3497 } 3498 3499 # Check whether atom matches non atom symbol atomic invariants... 3500 # 3501 sub _MatchNonAtomSymbolAtomicInvariant { 3502 my($This, $AtomicInvariant) = @_; 3503 my($NegateMatch, $Status, $Name, $Value, $UnknownName); 3504 3505 ($Status, $NegateMatch, $UnknownName) = ('0') x 3; 3506 3507 # Does match needs to be negated? 3508 if ($AtomicInvariant =~ /^!/) { 3509 $NegateMatch = 1; 3510 $AtomicInvariant =~ s/^!//; 3511 } 3512 3513 # Extract atomic invariant name and any value... 3514 if ($AtomicInvariant =~ /[0-9\*]+/) { 3515 ($Name, $Value) = $AtomicInvariant =~ /^([a-zA-Z]+)([0-9\-\+\*\>\<\=]+)$/; 3516 } 3517 else { 3518 ($Name, $Value) = ($AtomicInvariant, undef); 3519 } 3520 3521 NAME: { 3522 # Match number of non-hydrogen atom neighbors 3523 if ($Name =~ /^X$/i) { 3524 $Status = (defined($Value) && $This->GetNumOfNonHydrogenAtomNeighbors() == $Value) ? 1 : 0; 3525 last NAME; 3526 } 3527 3528 # Match total number of atom neighbors including missing hydrogens... 3529 if ($Name =~ /^T$/i) { 3530 $Status = (defined($Value) && ($This->GetNumOfNonHydrogenAtomNeighbors() + $This->GetNumOfHydrogens()) == $Value) ? 1 : 0; 3531 last NAME; 3532 } 3533 3534 # Match formal charge... 3535 if ($Name =~ /^FC$/i) { 3536 my $FormalCharge = $This->GetFormalCharge(); 3537 $Status = $This->_MatchNonAtomSymbolAtomicInvariantValue($FormalCharge, $Value); 3538 last NAME; 3539 } 3540 3541 # Match aromatic annotation indicating whether atom is aromatic... 3542 if ($Name =~ /^Ar$/i) { 3543 $Status = $This->IsAromatic() ? 1 : 0; 3544 last NAME; 3545 } 3546 3547 # Match number of implicit and explicit hydrogens... 3548 if ($Name =~ /^H$/i) { 3549 $Status = (defined($Value) && ($This->GetNumOfHydrogens() == $Value)) ? 1 : 0; 3550 last NAME; 3551 } 3552 3553 # Match ring atom annotation indicating whether atom is in ring... 3554 if ($Name =~ /^RA$/i) { 3555 $Status = defined($Value) ? $This->IsInRingOfSize($Value) : ($This->IsInRing() ? 1 : 0); 3556 last NAME; 3557 } 3558 3559 # Match number of rings for atom.. 3560 if ($Name =~ /^TR$/i) { 3561 $Status = (defined($Value) && ($Value == $This->GetNumOfRings())) ? 1 : 0; 3562 last NAME; 3563 } 3564 3565 # Match sum of bond orders to non-hydrogen atom neighbors... 3566 if ($Name =~ /^BO$/i) { 3567 $Status = (defined($Value) && $This->GetSumOfBondOrdersToNonHydrogenAtoms() == $Value) ? 1 : 0; 3568 last NAME; 3569 } 3570 3571 # Match largest bond order of non-hydrogen atom neighbors... 3572 if ($Name =~ /^LBO$/i) { 3573 $Status = (defined($Value) && $This->GetLargestBondOrderToNonHydrogenAtoms() == $Value) ? 1 : 0; 3574 last NAME; 3575 } 3576 3577 # Match number of single bonds to non-hydrogen atom neighbors... 3578 if ($Name =~ /^SB$/i) { 3579 $Status = (defined($Value) && $This->GetNumOfSingleBondsToNonHydrogenAtoms() == $Value) ? 1 : 0; 3580 last NAME; 3581 } 3582 3583 # Match total number of single bonds to atom neighbors including missing and explicit hydrogens... 3584 if ($Name =~ /^TSB$/i) { 3585 $Status = (defined($Value) && ($This->GetNumOfSingleBondsToNonHydrogenAtoms() + $This->GetNumOfHydrogens()) == $Value) ? 1 : 0; 3586 last NAME; 3587 } 3588 3589 # Match number of double bonds to non-hydrogen atom neighbors... 3590 if ($Name =~ /^DB$/i) { 3591 $Status = (defined($Value) && $This->GetNumOfDoubleBondsToNonHydrogenAtoms() == $Value) ? 1 : 0; 3592 last NAME; 3593 } 3594 3595 # Match number of triple bonds to non-hydrogen atom neighbors... 3596 if ($Name =~ /^TB$/i) { 3597 $Status = (defined($Value) && $This->GetNumOfTripleBondsToNonHydrogenAtoms() == $Value) ? 1 : 0; 3598 last NAME; 3599 } 3600 3601 # Match number of aromatic bonds to non-hydrogen atom neighbors... 3602 if ($Name =~ /^AB$/i) { 3603 $Status = (defined($Value) && $This->GetNumOfAromaticBondsToNonHydrogenAtoms() == $Value) ? 1 : 0; 3604 last NAME; 3605 } 3606 3607 3608 # Match mass number indicating isotope other than most abundant isotope... 3609 if ($Name =~ /^MN$/i) { 3610 $Status = (defined($Value) && $This->GetMassNumber() == $Value) ? 1 : 0; 3611 last NAME; 3612 } 3613 3614 # Match spin multiplicity... 3615 if ($Name =~ /^SM$/i) { 3616 my $SpinMultiplicity = $This->GetSpinMultiplicity(); 3617 if (!defined $SpinMultiplicity) { $SpinMultiplicity = 0; } 3618 $Status = (defined($Value) && defined($SpinMultiplicity) && $Value == $SpinMultiplicity) ? 1 : 0; 3619 last NAME; 3620 } 3621 3622 $UnknownName = 1; 3623 carp "Warning: ${ClassName}->_MatchNonAtomSymbolAtomicInvariant: Unknown atomic invariant $AtomicInvariant..."; 3624 } 3625 3626 if (!$UnknownName) { 3627 if ($NegateMatch) { 3628 $Status = $Status ? 0 : 1; 3629 } 3630 } 3631 3632 return $Status; 3633 } 3634 3635 # Match atomic invariant value... 3636 # 3637 # Specified value format: 3638 # . +* : Any positive value 3639 # . -* : Any negative value 3640 # . >ValidNumber or >=ValidNumber 3641 # . <ValidNumber or <=ValidNumber 3642 # . Any valid number 3643 # 3644 sub _MatchNonAtomSymbolAtomicInvariantValue { 3645 my($This, $TargetValue, $SpecifiedValue) = @_; 3646 my($Status); 3647 3648 $Status = 0; 3649 3650 if (!(defined($TargetValue) && defined($SpecifiedValue))) { 3651 return $Status; 3652 } 3653 3654 VALUE: { 3655 if ($SpecifiedValue =~ /^\+\*/) { 3656 $Status = ($TargetValue > 0) ? 1 : 0; 3657 last VALUE; 3658 } 3659 if ($SpecifiedValue =~ /^\-\*/) { 3660 $Status = ($TargetValue < 0) ? 1 : 0; 3661 last VALUE; 3662 } 3663 if ($SpecifiedValue =~ /^>/) { 3664 if ($SpecifiedValue =~ /^>=/) { 3665 $SpecifiedValue =~ s/^>=//; 3666 $Status = ($SpecifiedValue >= $TargetValue) ? 1 : 0; 3667 } 3668 else { 3669 $SpecifiedValue =~ s/^>//; 3670 $Status = ($SpecifiedValue > $TargetValue) ? 1 : 0; 3671 } 3672 last VALUE; 3673 } 3674 if ($SpecifiedValue =~ /^</) { 3675 if ($SpecifiedValue =~ /^<=/) { 3676 $SpecifiedValue =~ s/^<=//; 3677 $Status = ($SpecifiedValue <= $TargetValue) ? 1 : 0; 3678 } 3679 else { 3680 $SpecifiedValue =~ s/^<//; 3681 $Status = ($SpecifiedValue < $TargetValue) ? 1 : 0; 3682 } 3683 last VALUE; 3684 } 3685 # Default is do perform an equality match... 3686 $Status = ($SpecifiedValue == $TargetValue) ? 1 : 0; 3687 } 3688 3689 return $Status; 3690 } 3691 3692 # Check whether atoms match bond specifications... 3693 # 3694 sub _DoesBondSpecificationMatch { 3695 my($This, $BondedAtom, $BondSpecificationToMatch) = @_; 3696 my($BondSpecification, $BondSymbolSpecification, $BondSpecificationMatched); 3697 3698 # Anything to match... 3699 if (!(defined($BondSpecificationToMatch) && $BondSpecificationToMatch)) { 3700 return 1; 3701 } 3702 3703 # Take out any spaces... 3704 $BondSpecificationToMatch =~ s/ //g; 3705 3706 # Match specified bond specifications. For multiple bond specifications in a comma delimited string, 3707 # only one bond specification needs to match for a successful match... 3708 # 3709 for $BondSpecification (split /\,/, $BondSpecificationToMatch) { 3710 $BondSpecificationMatched = 1; 3711 3712 # Match all specified bond symbol specifications... 3713 BONDSYMBOL: for $BondSymbolSpecification (split /\./, $BondSpecification) { 3714 if (!$This->_MatchBondSymbolSpecification($BondedAtom, $BondSymbolSpecification)) { 3715 # No need to match other bond symbol specifications... 3716 $BondSpecificationMatched = 0; 3717 last BONDSYMBOL; 3718 } 3719 } 3720 if ($BondSpecificationMatched) { 3721 # No need to try matching other bond specifications... 3722 return 1; 3723 } 3724 } 3725 3726 # Nothing matched... 3727 return 0; 3728 } 3729 3730 # Check whether atoms match bond symbol specification... 3731 # 3732 sub _MatchBondSymbolSpecification { 3733 my($This, $BondedAtom, $BondSymbolSpecification) = @_; 3734 my($NegateMatch, $Status, $Bond, $BondSymbol, $UnknownBondSymbol); 3735 3736 ($Status, $NegateMatch, $UnknownBondSymbol) = ('0') x 3; 3737 3738 # Does match needs to be negated? 3739 if ($BondSymbolSpecification =~ /^!/) { 3740 $NegateMatch = 1; 3741 $BondSymbolSpecification =~ s/^!//; 3742 } 3743 $BondSymbol = $BondSymbolSpecification; 3744 $Bond = $This->GetBondToAtom($BondedAtom); 3745 3746 BONDSYMBOL: { 3747 if ($BondSymbol =~ /^(-|1|s|Single)$/i) { $Status = $Bond->IsSingle() ? 1 : 0; last BONDSYMBOL; } 3748 if ($BondSymbol =~ /^(=|2|d|Double)$/i) { $Status = $Bond->IsDouble() ? 1 : 0; last BONDSYMBOL; } 3749 if ($BondSymbol =~ /^(#|3|t|Triple)$/i) { $Status = $Bond->IsTriple() ? 1 : 0; last BONDSYMBOL; } 3750 if ($BondSymbol =~ /^(:|a|Ar|Aromatic)$/i) { $Status = $Bond->IsAromatic() ? 1 : 0; last BONDSYMBOL; } 3751 3752 if ($BondSymbol =~ /^(\@|RB|Ring)$/i) { $Status = $Bond->IsInRing() ? 1 : 0; last BONDSYMBOL; } 3753 3754 if ($BondSymbol =~ /^(\~|\*|Any)$/i) { $Status = 1; last BONDSYMBOL; } 3755 3756 $UnknownBondSymbol = 1; 3757 carp "Warning: ${ClassName}->_MatchBondSpecification: Unknown bond specification $BondSymbolSpecification..."; 3758 } 3759 3760 if (!$UnknownBondSymbol) { 3761 if ($NegateMatch) { 3762 $Status = $Status ? 0 : 1; 3763 } 3764 } 3765 3766 return $Status; 3767 } 3768 3769 # Is it a saturated atom? 3770 # 3771 sub IsSaturated { 3772 my($This) = @_; 3773 3774 return !$This->IsUnsaturated(); 3775 } 3776 3777 # Is it an unsaturated atom containing at least one non-single bond? 3778 # 3779 sub IsUnsaturated { 3780 my($This) = @_; 3781 my($NumOfSingleBonds, $NumOfDoubleBonds, $NumOfTripleBonds, $NumOfAromaticBonds); 3782 3783 ($NumOfSingleBonds, $NumOfDoubleBonds, $NumOfTripleBonds, $NumOfAromaticBonds) = $This->GetNumOfBondTypesToNonHydrogenAtoms(); 3784 3785 return ($NumOfDoubleBonds || $NumOfTripleBonds || $NumOfAromaticBonds) ? 1 : 0; 3786 } 3787 3788 # Is atom in a ring? 3789 # 3790 sub IsInRing { 3791 my($This) = @_; 3792 3793 # Is this atom in a molecule? 3794 if (!$This->HasProperty('Molecule')) { 3795 return undef; 3796 } 3797 my($Molecule); 3798 $Molecule = $This->GetProperty('Molecule'); 3799 3800 return $Molecule->_IsAtomInRing($This); 3801 } 3802 3803 # Is atom not in a ring? 3804 # 3805 sub IsNotInRing { 3806 my($This) = @_; 3807 3808 # Is this atom in a molecule? 3809 if (!$This->HasProperty('Molecule')) { 3810 return undef; 3811 } 3812 my($Molecule); 3813 $Molecule = $This->GetProperty('Molecule'); 3814 3815 return $Molecule->_IsAtomNotInRing($This); 3816 } 3817 3818 # Is atom only in one ring? 3819 # 3820 sub IsOnlyInOneRing { 3821 my($This) = @_; 3822 3823 # Is this atom in a molecule? 3824 if (!$This->HasProperty('Molecule')) { 3825 return undef; 3826 } 3827 my($Molecule); 3828 $Molecule = $This->GetProperty('Molecule'); 3829 3830 return $Molecule->_IsAtomInOnlyOneRing($This); 3831 } 3832 3833 # Is atom in a ring of specific size? 3834 # 3835 sub IsInRingOfSize { 3836 my($This, $RingSize) = @_; 3837 3838 # Is this atom in a molecule? 3839 if (!$This->HasProperty('Molecule')) { 3840 return undef; 3841 } 3842 my($Molecule); 3843 $Molecule = $This->GetProperty('Molecule'); 3844 3845 return $Molecule->_IsAtomInRingOfSize($This, $RingSize); 3846 } 3847 3848 # Get size of smallest ring containing the atom... 3849 # 3850 sub GetSizeOfSmallestRing { 3851 my($This) = @_; 3852 3853 # Is this atom in a molecule? 3854 if (!$This->HasProperty('Molecule')) { 3855 return undef; 3856 } 3857 my($Molecule); 3858 $Molecule = $This->GetProperty('Molecule'); 3859 3860 return $Molecule->_GetSizeOfSmallestAtomRing($This); 3861 } 3862 3863 # Get size of largest ring containing the atom... 3864 # 3865 sub GetSizeOfLargestRing { 3866 my($This) = @_; 3867 3868 # Is this atom in a molecule? 3869 if (!$This->HasProperty('Molecule')) { 3870 return undef; 3871 } 3872 my($Molecule); 3873 $Molecule = $This->GetProperty('Molecule'); 3874 3875 return $Molecule->_GetSizeOfLargestAtomRing($This); 3876 } 3877 3878 # Get number of rings containing the atom... 3879 # 3880 sub GetNumOfRings { 3881 my($This) = @_; 3882 3883 # Is this atom in a molecule? 3884 if (!$This->HasProperty('Molecule')) { 3885 return undef; 3886 } 3887 my($Molecule); 3888 $Molecule = $This->GetProperty('Molecule'); 3889 3890 return $Molecule->_GetNumOfAtomRings($This); 3891 } 3892 3893 # Get number of rings with odd size containing the atom... 3894 # 3895 sub GetNumOfRingsWithOddSize { 3896 my($This) = @_; 3897 3898 # Is this atom in a molecule? 3899 if (!$This->HasProperty('Molecule')) { 3900 return undef; 3901 } 3902 my($Molecule); 3903 $Molecule = $This->GetProperty('Molecule'); 3904 3905 return $Molecule->_GetNumOfAtomRingsWithOddSize($This); 3906 } 3907 3908 # Get number of rings with even size containing the atom... 3909 # 3910 sub GetNumOfRingsWithEvenSize { 3911 my($This) = @_; 3912 3913 # Is this atom in a molecule? 3914 if (!$This->HasProperty('Molecule')) { 3915 return undef; 3916 } 3917 my($Molecule); 3918 $Molecule = $This->GetProperty('Molecule'); 3919 3920 return $Molecule->_GetNumOfAtomRingsWithEvenSize($This); 3921 } 3922 3923 # Get number of rings with specified size containing the atom... 3924 # 3925 sub GetNumOfRingsWithSize { 3926 my($This, $RingSize) = @_; 3927 3928 # Is this atom in a molecule? 3929 if (!$This->HasProperty('Molecule')) { 3930 return undef; 3931 } 3932 my($Molecule); 3933 $Molecule = $This->GetProperty('Molecule'); 3934 3935 return $Molecule->_GetNumOfAtomRingsWithSize($This, $RingSize); 3936 3937 } 3938 3939 # Get number of rings with size less than specified containing the atom... 3940 # 3941 sub GetNumOfRingsWithSizeLessThan { 3942 my($This, $RingSize) = @_; 3943 3944 # Is this atom in a molecule? 3945 if (!$This->HasProperty('Molecule')) { 3946 return undef; 3947 } 3948 my($Molecule); 3949 $Molecule = $This->GetProperty('Molecule'); 3950 3951 return $Molecule->_GetNumOfAtomRingsWithSizeLessThan($This, $RingSize); 3952 } 3953 3954 # Get number of rings with size greater than specified size containing the atom... 3955 # 3956 sub GetNumOfRingsWithSizeGreaterThan { 3957 my($This, $RingSize) = @_; 3958 3959 # Is this atom in a molecule? 3960 if (!$This->HasProperty('Molecule')) { 3961 return undef; 3962 } 3963 my($Molecule); 3964 $Molecule = $This->GetProperty('Molecule'); 3965 3966 return $Molecule->_GetNumOfAtomRingsWithSizeGreaterThan($This, $RingSize); 3967 } 3968 3969 # Get all rings an array of references to arrays containing ring atoms... 3970 # 3971 sub GetRings { 3972 my($This) = @_; 3973 3974 # Is this atom in a molecule? 3975 if (!$This->HasProperty('Molecule')) { 3976 return undef; 3977 } 3978 my($Molecule); 3979 $Molecule = $This->GetProperty('Molecule'); 3980 3981 return $Molecule->_GetAtomRings($This); 3982 } 3983 3984 # Get smallest ring as an array containing ring atoms... 3985 # 3986 sub GetSmallestRing { 3987 my($This) = @_; 3988 3989 # Is this atom in a molecule? 3990 if (!$This->HasProperty('Molecule')) { 3991 return undef; 3992 } 3993 my($Molecule); 3994 $Molecule = $This->GetProperty('Molecule'); 3995 3996 return $Molecule->_GetSmallestAtomRing($This); 3997 } 3998 3999 # Get largest ring as an array containing ring atoms... 4000 # 4001 sub GetLargestRing { 4002 my($This) = @_; 4003 4004 # Is this atom in a molecule? 4005 if (!$This->HasProperty('Molecule')) { 4006 return undef; 4007 } 4008 my($Molecule); 4009 $Molecule = $This->GetProperty('Molecule'); 4010 4011 return $Molecule->_GetLargestAtomRing($This); 4012 } 4013 4014 # Get odd size rings an array of references to arrays containing ring atoms... 4015 # 4016 sub GetRingsWithOddSize { 4017 my($This) = @_; 4018 4019 # Is this atom in a molecule? 4020 if (!$This->HasProperty('Molecule')) { 4021 return undef; 4022 } 4023 my($Molecule); 4024 $Molecule = $This->GetProperty('Molecule'); 4025 4026 return $Molecule->_GetAtomRingsWithOddSize($This); 4027 } 4028 4029 # Get even size rings an array of references to arrays containing ring atoms... 4030 # 4031 sub GetRingsWithEvenSize { 4032 my($This) = @_; 4033 4034 # Is this atom in a molecule? 4035 if (!$This->HasProperty('Molecule')) { 4036 return undef; 4037 } 4038 my($Molecule); 4039 $Molecule = $This->GetProperty('Molecule'); 4040 4041 return $Molecule->_GetAtomRingsWithEvenSize($This); 4042 } 4043 4044 # Get rings with specified size as an array of references to arrays containing ring atoms... 4045 # 4046 sub GetRingsWithSize { 4047 my($This, $RingSize) = @_; 4048 4049 # Is this atom in a molecule? 4050 if (!$This->HasProperty('Molecule')) { 4051 return undef; 4052 } 4053 my($Molecule); 4054 $Molecule = $This->GetProperty('Molecule'); 4055 4056 return $Molecule->_GetAtomRingsWithSize($This, $RingSize); 4057 } 4058 4059 # Get rings with size less than specfied size as an array of references to arrays containing ring atoms... 4060 # 4061 sub GetRingsWithSizeLessThan { 4062 my($This, $RingSize) = @_; 4063 4064 # Is this atom in a molecule? 4065 if (!$This->HasProperty('Molecule')) { 4066 return undef; 4067 } 4068 my($Molecule); 4069 $Molecule = $This->GetProperty('Molecule'); 4070 4071 return $Molecule->_GetAtomRingsWithSizeLessThan($This, $RingSize); 4072 } 4073 4074 # Get rings with size greater than specfied size as an array of references to arrays containing ring atoms... 4075 # 4076 sub GetRingsWithSizeGreaterThan { 4077 my($This, $RingSize) = @_; 4078 4079 # Is this atom in a molecule? 4080 if (!$This->HasProperty('Molecule')) { 4081 return undef; 4082 } 4083 my($Molecule); 4084 $Molecule = $This->GetProperty('Molecule'); 4085 4086 return $Molecule->_GetAtomRingsWithSizeGreaterThan($This, $RingSize); 4087 } 4088 4089 # Get next object ID... 4090 sub _GetNewObjectID { 4091 $ObjectID++; 4092 return $ObjectID; 4093 } 4094 4095 # Return a string containing vertices, edges and other properties... 4096 sub StringifyAtom { 4097 my($This) = @_; 4098 my($AtomString, $ID, $Name, $AtomSymbol, $AtomicNumber, $XYZVector, $AtomicWeight, $ExactMass, $NumOfNeighbors, $NumOfBonds, $Valence, $MissingHydrogens, $TotalHydrogens, $ImplicitHydrogens, $ExplicitHydrogens, $FormalCharge, $Charge, $SpinMultiplicity, $FreeRadicalElectrons, $StereoCenter, $StereoCenterStatus, $StereoChemistry, $StereochemistryString, $RingAtom, $NumOfRings, $AromaticAtom); 4099 4100 $ID = $This->GetID(); 4101 $Name = $This->GetName(); 4102 $AtomSymbol = $This->GetAtomSymbol(); 4103 $AtomicNumber = $This->GetAtomicNumber(); 4104 $XYZVector = $This->GetXYZVector(); 4105 4106 $AtomicWeight = $This->GetAtomicWeight(); 4107 if (!defined $AtomicWeight) { 4108 $AtomicWeight = 'undefined'; 4109 } 4110 $ExactMass = $This->GetExactMass(); 4111 if (!defined $ExactMass) { 4112 $ExactMass = 'undefined'; 4113 } 4114 $NumOfNeighbors = $This->GetNumOfNeighbors(); 4115 if (!defined $NumOfNeighbors) { 4116 $NumOfNeighbors = 'undefined'; 4117 } 4118 $NumOfBonds = $This->GetNumOfBonds(); 4119 if (!defined $NumOfBonds) { 4120 $NumOfBonds = 'undefined'; 4121 } 4122 $Valence = $This->GetValence(); 4123 if (!defined $Valence) { 4124 $Valence = 'undefined'; 4125 } 4126 4127 $MissingHydrogens = $This->GetNumOfMissingHydrogens(); 4128 if (!defined $MissingHydrogens) { 4129 $MissingHydrogens = 'undefined'; 4130 } 4131 $TotalHydrogens = $This->GetNumOfHydrogens(); 4132 if (!defined $TotalHydrogens) { 4133 $TotalHydrogens = 'undefined'; 4134 } 4135 $ImplicitHydrogens = $This->GetNumOfImplicitHydrogens(); 4136 if (!defined $ImplicitHydrogens) { 4137 $ImplicitHydrogens = 'undefined'; 4138 } 4139 $ExplicitHydrogens = $This->GetNumOfExplicitHydrogens(); 4140 if (!defined $ExplicitHydrogens) { 4141 $ExplicitHydrogens = 'undefined'; 4142 } 4143 4144 $FormalCharge = $This->GetFormalCharge(); 4145 if (!defined $FormalCharge) { 4146 $FormalCharge = 'undefined'; 4147 } 4148 $Charge = $This->GetCharge(); 4149 if (!defined $Charge) { 4150 $Charge = 'undefined'; 4151 } 4152 4153 $SpinMultiplicity = $This->GetSpinMultiplicity(); 4154 if (!defined $SpinMultiplicity) { 4155 $SpinMultiplicity = 'undefined'; 4156 } 4157 $FreeRadicalElectrons = $This->GetFreeRadicalElectrons(); 4158 if (!defined $FreeRadicalElectrons) { 4159 $FreeRadicalElectrons = 'undefined'; 4160 } 4161 4162 $RingAtom = $This->IsInRing(); 4163 if (defined $RingAtom) { 4164 $RingAtom = $RingAtom ? 'Yes' : 'No'; 4165 $NumOfRings = $This->GetNumOfRings(); 4166 } 4167 else { 4168 $RingAtom = 'undefined'; 4169 $NumOfRings = 'undefined'; 4170 } 4171 4172 $AromaticAtom = $This->GetAromatic(); 4173 if (defined $AromaticAtom) { 4174 $AromaticAtom = $AromaticAtom ? 'Yes' : 'No'; 4175 } 4176 else { 4177 $AromaticAtom = 'undefined'; 4178 } 4179 4180 $StereochemistryString = ''; 4181 $StereoCenter = $This->GetStereoCenter(); 4182 if (defined $StereoCenter) { 4183 $StereoCenterStatus = $This->IsStereoCenter() ? 'Yes' : 'No'; 4184 $StereoChemistry = $This->GetStereochemistry(); 4185 if (!defined $StereoChemistry) { 4186 $StereoChemistry = 'undefined'; 4187 } 4188 $StereochemistryString = "StereoCenter: $StereoCenterStatus; Stereochemistry: $StereoChemistry"; 4189 } 4190 4191 $AtomString = "Atom: ID: $ID; Name: \"$Name\"; AtomSymbol: \"$AtomSymbol\"; AtomicNumber: $AtomicNumber; XYZ: $XYZVector; AtomicWeight: $AtomicWeight; ExactMass: $ExactMass; NumOfNeighbors: $NumOfNeighbors; NumOfBonds: $NumOfBonds; Valence: $Valence; MissingHydrogens: $MissingHydrogens; TotalHydrogens: $TotalHydrogens; ImplicitHydrogens: $ImplicitHydrogens; ExplicitHydrogens: $ExplicitHydrogens; FormalCharge: $FormalCharge; Charge: $Charge; SpinMultiplicity: $SpinMultiplicity; FreeRadicalElectrons: $FreeRadicalElectrons; RingAtom: $RingAtom; NumOfAtomRings: $NumOfRings; AromaticAtom: $AromaticAtom"; 4192 4193 if ($StereochemistryString) { 4194 $AtomString .= "; $StereochemistryString"; 4195 } 4196 4197 return $AtomString; 4198 } 4199 4200 # Load appropriate atom data files from <MayaChemTools>/lib directory used by various 4201 # object methods in the current class... 4202 # 4203 sub _LoadAtomClassData { 4204 my($MayaChemToolsLibDir); 4205 4206 $MayaChemToolsLibDir = GetMayaChemToolsLibDirName(); 4207 4208 _LoadAtomValenceModelData($MayaChemToolsLibDir); 4209 4210 } 4211 4212 # 4213 # Load data for supported valence models... 4214 # 4215 sub _LoadAtomValenceModelData { 4216 my($MayaChemToolsLibDir) = @_; 4217 my($MDLValenceModelDataFile, $DaylightValenceModelDataFile); 4218 4219 %MDLValenceModelDataMap = (); 4220 %DaylightValenceModelDataMap = (); 4221 4222 $MDLValenceModelDataFile = $MayaChemToolsLibDir . "/data/MDLValenceModelData.csv"; 4223 $DaylightValenceModelDataFile = $MayaChemToolsLibDir . "/data/DaylightValenceModelData.csv"; 4224 4225 if (! -e "$MDLValenceModelDataFile") { 4226 croak "Error: ${ClassName}::_LoadAtomValenceModelData: MayaChemTools package file, $MDLValenceModelDataFile, is missing: Possible installation problems..."; 4227 } 4228 4229 if (! -e "$DaylightValenceModelDataFile") { 4230 croak "Error: ${ClassName}::_LoadAtomValenceModelData: MayaChemTools package file, $DaylightValenceModelDataFile, is missing: Possible installation problems..."; 4231 } 4232 4233 _LoadValenceModelDataFile($MDLValenceModelDataFile, \%MDLValenceModelDataMap); 4234 _LoadValenceModelDataFile($DaylightValenceModelDataFile, \%DaylightValenceModelDataMap); 4235 4236 } 4237 4238 # 4239 # Load valence model data file... 4240 # 4241 sub _LoadValenceModelDataFile { 4242 my($DataFile, $DataMapRef) = @_; 4243 4244 # File format: 4245 # 4246 # "AtomicNumber","ElementSymbol","FormalCharge","CommomValences" 4247 # 4248 my($InDelim, $Line, $NumOfCols, @ColLabels, @LineWords); 4249 4250 $InDelim = "\,"; 4251 open DATAFILE, "$DataFile" or croak "Couldn't open $DataFile: $! ..."; 4252 4253 # Skip lines up to column labels... 4254 LINE: while ($Line = GetTextLine(\*DATAFILE)) { 4255 if ($Line !~ /^#/) { 4256 last LINE; 4257 } 4258 } 4259 @ColLabels= quotewords($InDelim, 0, $Line); 4260 $NumOfCols = @ColLabels; 4261 4262 my($AtomicNumber, $ElementSymbol, $FormalCharge, $CommonValences); 4263 4264 # Process element data... 4265 LINE: while ($Line = GetTextLine(\*DATAFILE)) { 4266 if ($Line =~ /^#/) { 4267 next LINE; 4268 } 4269 @LineWords = (); 4270 @LineWords = quotewords($InDelim, 0, $Line); 4271 if (@LineWords != $NumOfCols) { 4272 croak "Error: ${ClassName}::_LoadValenceModelDataFile: The number of data fields, @LineWords, in $DataFile must be $NumOfCols.\nLine: $Line..."; 4273 } 4274 4275 ($AtomicNumber, $ElementSymbol, $FormalCharge, $CommonValences) = @LineWords; 4276 4277 if (exists $DataMapRef->{$AtomicNumber}) { 4278 # Additional data for an element... 4279 if (exists $DataMapRef->{$AtomicNumber}{$FormalCharge}) { 4280 # Duplicate data entries for an element... 4281 carp "Warning: ${ClassName}::_LoadValenceModelDataFile: Ignoring valence data for element with atomic number $AtomicNumber and formal charge $FormalCharge in data file $DataFile: It has already been loaded.\nLine: $Line..."; 4282 next LINE; 4283 } 4284 } 4285 else { 4286 # Data for a new element... 4287 %{$DataMapRef->{$AtomicNumber}} = (); 4288 } 4289 4290 %{$DataMapRef->{$AtomicNumber}{$FormalCharge}} = (); 4291 $DataMapRef->{$AtomicNumber}{$FormalCharge}{ElementSymbol} = $ElementSymbol; 4292 4293 @{$DataMapRef->{$AtomicNumber}{$FormalCharge}{CommonValences}} = (); 4294 @{$DataMapRef->{$AtomicNumber}{$FormalCharge}{CommonValences}} = sort { $a <=> $b } split /\,/, $CommonValences; 4295 } 4296 close DATAFILE; 4297 } 4298