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AnalyzeTextFilesData.pl - Analyze numerical coulmn data in TextFile(s)
AnalyzeTextFilesData.pl TextFile(s)...
AnalyzeTextFilesData.pl [-c, --colmode colnum | collabel] [--columns "colnum,[colnum,...]" | "collabel,[collabel,...]" | All] [--columnpairs "colnum,colnum,[colnum,colnum]..." | "collabel,collabel,[collabel,collabel]..." | AllPairs] [-d, --detail infolevel] [-f, --fast] [--frequencybins number | "number,number,[number,...]"] [-h, --help] [--indelim comma | semicolon] [--klargest number] [--ksmallest number] [-m, --mode DescriptiveStatisticsBasic | DescriptiveStatisticsAll | All | "function1, [function2,...]"] [-o, --overwrite] [--outdelim comma | tab | semicolon] [-p, --precision number] [-q, --quote yes | no] [-r, --root rootname] [--trimfraction number] [-w, --workingdir dirname] TextFiles(s)...
Anaylze numerical column data in TextFile(s) using a combination of various statistical functions; Non-numerical values are simply ignored. For Correlation, RSquare, and Covariance analysis, the count of valid values in specifed column pair must be same; otherwise, column pair is ignored. The file names are separated by space. The valid file extensions are .csv and .tsv for comma/semicolon and tab delimited text files respectively. All other file names are ignored. All the text files in a current directory can be specified by *.csv, *.tsv, or the current directory name. The --indelim option determines the format of TextFile(s). Any file which doesn't correspond to the format indicated by --indelim option is ignored.
Specify how columns are identified in TextFile(s): using column number or column label. Possible values: colnum or collabel. Default value: colnum.
This value is mode specific. It's a list of comma delimited columns to use for data analysis. Default value: First column.
This value is ignored during Correlation/Pearson Correlation and Covariance data analysis; -coulmnparis option is used instead.
For colnum value of -c, --colmode option, input values format is: colnum,colnum,.... Example:
For collabel value of -c, --colmode option, input values format is: collabel,collabel,... Example:
This value is mode specific and is only used for Correlation, PearsonCorrelation, or Covariance value of -m, --mode option. It is a comma delimited list of column pairs to use for data analysis during Correlation and Covariance calculations. Default value: First column, Second column.
For colnum value of -c, --colmode option, input values format is: colnum,colnum,[colnum,colnum].... Example:
For collabel value of -c, --colmode option, input values format is: collabel,collabel,[collabel,collabel]... Example:
For AllPairs value of --columnparis option, all column pairs are used for Correlation and Covariance calculations.
Level of information to print about column values being ignored. Default: 1. Possible values: 1, 2, 3, or 4.
In this mode, all the columns specified for analysis are assumed to contain numerical data and no checking is performed before analysis. By default, only numerical data is used for analysis; other types of column data is ignored.
Specify number of bins or bin range to use for frequency analysis. Default value: 10
Number of bins value along with the smallest and largest value for a column is used to group the column values into different groups.
The bin range list is used to group values for a column into different groups; It must contain values in ascending order. Examples:
The frequency value calculated for a specific bin corresponds to all the column values which are greater than the previous bin value and less than or equal to the current bin value.
Print this help message.
Input delimiter for CSV TextFile(s). Possible values: comma or semicolon. Default value: comma. For TSV files, this option is ignored and tab is used as a delimiter.
Kth largest value to find by KLargest function. Default value: 2 Valid values: positive integers.
Kth smallest value to find by KSmallest function. Default value: 2. Valid values: positive integers.
Specify how to analyze data in TextFile(s): calculate basic or all descriptive statistics; or use a comma delimited list of supported statistical functions. Possible values: DescriptiveStatisticsBasic | DescriptiveStatisticsAll | "function1,[function2]...". Default value: DescriptiveStatisticsBasic
DescriptiveStatisticsBasic includes these functions: Count, Maximum, Minimum, Mean, Median, Sum, StandardDeviation, StandardError, Variance.
DescriptiveStatisticsAll, in addition to DescriptiveStatisticsBasic functions, includes: GeometricMean, Frequency, HarmonicMean, KLargest, KSmallest, Kurtosis, Mode, RSquare, Skewness, TrimMean.
All uses complete list of supported functions: Average, AverageDeviation, Correlation, Count, Covariance, GeometricMean, Frequency, HarmonicMean, KLargest, KSmallest, Kurtosis, Maximum, Minimum, Mean, Median, Mode, RSquare, Skewness, Sum, SumOfSquares, StandardDeviation, StandardDeviationN, StandardError, StandardScores, StandardScoresN, TrimMean, Variance, VarianceN. The function names ending with N calculate corresponding values assuming an entire population instead of a population sample.
Here are the formulas for these functions:
Average: See Mean
AverageDeviation: SUM( ABS(x[i] - Xmean) ) / n
Correlation: See Pearson Correlation
Covariance: SUM( (x[i] - Xmean)(y[i] - Ymean) ) / n
GeometricMean: NthROOT( PRODUCT(x[i]) )
HarmonicMean: 1 / ( SUM(1/x[i]) / n )
Mean: SUM( x[i] ) / n
Median: Xsorted[(n - 1)/2 + 1] for even values of n; (Xsorted[n/2] + Xsorted[n/2 + 1])/2 for odd values of n.
Kurtosis: [ {n(n + 1)/(n - 1)(n - 2)(n - 3)} SUM{ ((x[i] - Xmean)/STDDEV)^4 } ] - {3((n - 1)^2)}/{(n - 2)(n-3)}
PearsonCorrelation: SUM( (x[i] - Xmean)(y[i] - Ymean) ) / SQRT( SUM( (x[i] - Xmean)^2 ) (SUM( (y[i] - Ymean)^2 )) )
RSquare: PearsonCorrelation^2
Skewness: {n/(n - 1)(n - 2)} SUM{ ((x[i] - Xmean)/STDDEV)^3 }
StandardDeviation: SQRT ( SUM( (x[i] - Mean)^2 ) / (n - 1) )
StandardDeviationN: SQRT ( SUM( (x[i] - Mean)^2 ) / n )
StandardError: StandardDeviation / SQRT( n )
StandardScore: (x[i] - Mean) / (n - 1)
StandardScoreN: (x[i] - Mean) / n
Variance: SUM( (x[i] - Xmean)^2 / (n - 1) )
VarianceN: SUM( (x[i] - Xmean)^2 / n )
Overwrite existing files.
Output text file delimiter. Possible values: comma, tab, or semicolon Default value: comma.
Precision of calculated values in the output file. Default: up to 2 decimal places. Valid values: positive integers.
Put quotes around column values in output text file. Possible values: yes or no. Default value: yes.
New text file name is generated using the root: <Root>.<Ext>. Default new file name: <InitialTextFileName><Mode>.<Ext>. Based on the specified analysis, <Mode> corresponds to one of these values: DescriptiveStatisticsBasic, DescriptiveStatisticsAll, AllStatistics, SpecifiedStatistics, Covariance, Correlation, Frequency, or StandardScores. The csv, and tsv <Ext> values are used for comma/semicolon, and tab delimited text files respectively. This option is ignored for multiple input files.
Fraction of data to exclude from the top and bottom of the data set during TrimMean calculation. Default value: 0.1. Valid values: > 0 and < 1.
Location of working directory. Default: current directory.
To calculate basic statistics for data in first column and generate a NewSample1DescriptiveStatisticsBasic.csv file, type:
To calculate basic statistics for data in third column and generate a NewSample1DescriptiveStatisticsBasic.csv file, type:
To calculate basic statistics for data in MolWeight column and generate a NewSample1DescriptiveStatisticsBasic.csv file, type:
To calculate all available statistics for data in third column and all column pairs, and generate NewSample1DescriptiveStatisticsAll.csv, NewSample1CorrelationMatrix.csv, NewSample1CorrelationMatrix.csv, and NewSample1MolWeightFrequencyAnalysis.csv files, type:
To compute frequency distribution of data in third column into five bins and generate NewSample1MolWeightFrequencyAnalysis.csv, type:
To compute frequency distribution of data in third column into specified bin range values, and generate NewSample1MolWeightFrequencyAnalysis.csv, type:
To calculate all available statistics for data in all columns and column pairs, type:
JoinTextFiles.pl, MergeTextFilesWithSD.pl, ModifyTextFilesFormat.pl, SplitTextFiles.pl, TextFilesToHTML.pl
Copyright (C) 2025 Manish Sud. All rights reserved.
This file is part of MayaChemTools.
MayaChemTools is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.