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use BitVector;
use BitVector ();
use BitVector qw(:all);
BitVector class provides the following methods:
new, ClearAllBits, ClearBit, ClearBits, ClearBitsRange, Copy, FlipAllBits, FlipBit, FlipBits, FlipBitsRange, GetBit, GetBitsAsBinaryString, GetBitsAsDecimalString, GetBitsAsHexadecimalString, GetBitsAsOctalString, GetBitsAsRawBinaryString, GetDensityOfClearBits, GetDensityOfSetBits, GetNumOfClearBits, GetNumOfSetBits, GetSize, IsBitClear, IsBitSet, IsBitVector, NewFromBinaryString, NewFromDecimalString, NewFromHexadecimalString, NewFromOctalString, NewFromRawBinaryString, Reverse, SetAllBits, SetBit, SetBitValue, SetBitValueBitOrder, SetBitValuePrintFormat, SetBits, SetBitsAsBinaryString, SetBitsAsDecimalString, SetBitsAsHexadecimalString, SetBitsAsOctalString, SetBitsAsRawBinaryString, SetBitsRange, StringifyBitVector
The following methods can also be used as functions:
IsBitVector, NewFromBinaryString, NewFromDecimalString, NewFromHexadecimalString, NewFromOctalString, NewFromRawBinaryString
The following operators are overloaded:
Internally, bits are stored in ascending order using Perl vec function. Regardless of machine order, big-endian or little-endian, vec function always considers first string byte as the lowest byte and first bit within each byte as the lowest bit.
Things to keep in mind:
Create a new BitVector object of size Size and return newly created BitVector. Bit numbers range from 0 to 1 less than Size.
Set all bit values to 0 in BitVector object and return BitVector.
Set specified bit number BitNum to 0 in BitVector object and return BitVector.
Set specified bit numbers BitNums to 0 in BitVector object and return BitVector.
Set specified bit numbers between MinBitNum and MaxBitNum to 0 in BitVector object and return BitVector.
Copy BitVector and its associated data to a new BitVector and return a new BitVector.
Flip values of all bits in BitVector and its associated data to a new BitVector and return BitVector.
Flip value of specified BitNum of in BitVector and return BitVector.
Flip values of specified bit numbers BitNums in BitVector object and return BitVector.
Flip values of specified bit numbers between MinBitNum and MaxBitNum in BitVector object and return BitVector.
Returns value of bit number BitNum in BitVector object.
Returns values of bits in BitVector as an ascii bit string containing 0s and 1s.
Default BitOrder is Ascending bit order which corresponds to first bit in each byte as the loweset bit as opposed to the higest bit.
Returns values of bits in BitVector as a decimal bit string containing values from 0 to 9.
Default BitOrder is Ascending bit order which corresponds to first bit in each byte as the loweset bit as opposed to the higest bit.
Returns values of bits in BitVector as a hexadecimal bit string containing values from 0 to 9 and a to f.
Default BitOrder is Ascending bit order which corresponds to first bit in each byte as the loweset bit as opposed to the higest bit.
Returns values of bits in BitVector as an octal bit string containing values form 0 to 7.
Default BitOrder is Ascending bit order which corresponds to first bit in each byte as the loweset bit as opposed to the higest bit.
Returns values of bits in BitVector as an string corresponding to packed bit values used by Perl vec function without perfoming any unpacking.
Returns density of clear bits in BitVector which corresponds to number of bits set to 0 BitVector divided by its size.
Returns density of set bits in BitVector which corresponds to number of bits set to 1 in BitVector divided by its size.
Returns number of bits set to 0 in BitVector.
Returns number of bits set to 1 in BitVector.
Returns size of BitVector.
Returns 1 or 0 based on whether BitNum is set to 0 in BitVector.
Returns 1 or 0 based on whether BitNum is set to 1 in BitVector.
Returns 1 or 0 based on whether Object is a BitVector object.
Creates a new BitVector using BinaryString and returns new BitVector object.
Default BitOrder is Ascending bit order which corresponds to first bit in each byte as the loweset bit as opposed to the higest bit.
Creates a new BitVector using DecimalString and returns new BitVector object.
Default BitOrder is Ascending bit order which corresponds to first bit in each byte as the loweset bit as opposed to the higest bit.
Creates a new BitVector using HexadecimalString and returns new BitVector object.
Default BitOrder is Ascending bit order which corresponds to first bit in each byte as the loweset bit as opposed to the higest bit.
Creates a new BitVector using OctalString and returns new BitVector object.
Default BitOrder is Ascending bit order which corresponds to first bit in each byte as the loweset bit as opposed to the higest bit.
Creates a new BitVector using RawBinaryString and returns new BitVector object.
Reverses values of bits in BitVector and returns BitVector. First bit number ends up with value of last bit number.
Sets values of all bits in BitVector to 1 and returns BitVector.
Sets value of BitNum to 1 in BitVector and returns BitVector.
Sets value of BitNum to BitValue in BitVector and returns BitVector.
Set bit order for printing BitVector values during stringification of BitVector object. Possible bit order values: Ascending or Descending.
Bit order can be set for either an individual BitVector object or the class. Default is to print bits in each byte in Asscending bit order.
Internally, bits are stored in Ascending bit order using Perl vec function. Regardless of machine order, big-endian or little-endian, vec function always considers first string byte as the lowest byte and first bit within each byte as the lowest bit.
Set bit values print format for printing BitVector values during stringification of BitVector object. Possible print format values: Binary, Bin, Hexadecimal, Hex, Decimal, Dec, Octal, Oct, RawBinary, RawBin. Default: Binary.
Bit values print format can be set for either an individual BitVector object or the class.
Set specified bit numbers BitNums to 1 in BitVector object and return BitVector.
Set bit values in BitVector using specified BinaryString and return BitVector. The size of BitVector is not changed.
Set bit values in BitVector using specified DecimalString and return BitVector. The size of BitVector is not changed.
Set bit values in BitVector using specified HexadecimalString and return BitVector. The size of BitVector is not changed.
Set bit values in BitVector using specified OctalString and return BitVector. The size of BitVector is not changed.
Set bit values in BitVector using specified RawBinaryString and return BitVector. The size of BitVector is not changed.
Set specified bit numbers between MinBitNum and MaxBitNum to 1 in BitVector object and return BitVector.
Returns a string containing information about BitVector object.
Copyright (C) 2025 Manish Sud. All rights reserved.
This file is part of MayaChemTools.
MayaChemTools is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.