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use Bond;
use Bond qw(:all);
Bond class provides the following methods:
new, Copy, DeleteBond, GetAtoms, GetBondBeginAtom, GetBondEndAtom, GetBondFromAtom, GetBondToAtom, GetBondedAtom, GetCommonAtom, GetLargestRing, GetNumOfRings, GetNumOfRingsWithEvenSize, GetNumOfRingsWithOddSize, GetNumOfRingsWithSize, GetNumOfRingsWithSizeGreaterThan, GetNumOfRingsWithSizeLessThan, GetRings, GetRingsWithEvenSize, GetRingsWithOddSize, GetRingsWithSize, GetRingsWithSizeGreaterThan, GetRingsWithSizeLessThan, GetSizeOfLargestRing, GetSizeOfSmallestRing, GetSmallestRing, IsAromatic, IsBondStereochemistrySpecified, IsBondTypeSpecified, IsCis, IsCisOrTrans, IsCoordinate, IsDative, IsDouble, IsDown, IsDownward, IsHash, IsInRing, IsInRingOfSize, IsIonic, IsNotInRing, IsOnlyInOneRing, IsQuadruple, IsQuintuple, IsSextuple, IsSingle, IsTautomeric, IsTrans, IsTriple, IsUp, IsUpOrDown, IsUpward, IsWedge, IsWedgeOrHash, SetAtoms, SetBondOrder, SetBondStereochemistry, SetBondType, StringifyBond, SwitchBondFromAndToAtoms
Bond class is derived from ObjectProperty base class which provides methods not explicitly defined in Atom or ObjectProperty class using Perl's AUTOLOAD functionality. These methods are generated on-the-fly for a specified object property:
Using specified Bond property names and values hash, new method creates a new object and returns a reference to newly created Bond object. By default, following properties are initialized:
Except for ID property, all other default properties and other additional properties can be set during invocation of this method.
Copy Bond and its associated data using Storable::dclone and return a new Bond object.
Delete Bond between atoms in from a molecule.
Returns an array containing Atoms invoved in Bond.
Returns BondedAtom bonded to Atom in Bond.
Returns BeginAtom corresponding to bond starting atom in Bond.
Returns EndAtom corresponding to bond ending atom in Bond.
Returns FromAtom corresponding to bond starting atom in Bond.
Returns ToAtom corresponding to bond ending atom in Bond.
Returns Atom common to both Bond and $OtherBond.
Returns an array of ring Atoms corresponding to the largest ring containing Bond. in a molecule
Returns number of rings containing Bond in a molecule.
Returns number of rings with even size containing Bond in a molecule.
Returns number of rings with odd size containing Bond in a molecule.
Returns number of rings with specific RingSize containing Bond in a molecule.
Returns number of rings with size greater than specific RingSize containing Bond in a molecule.
Returns number of rings with size less than specific RingSize containing Bond in a molecule.
Returns an array of references to arrays containing ring atoms corressponding to all rings containing Bond in a molecule.
Returns an array of references to arrays containing ring atoms corressponding to all rings with even size containing Bond in a molecule.
Returns an array of references to arrays containing ring atoms corressponding to all rings with odd size containing Bond in a molecule.
Returns an array of references to arrays containing ring atoms corressponding to all rings with specific RingSize containing Bond in a molecule.
Returns an array of references to arrays containing ring atoms corressponding to all rings with size greater than specific RingSize containing Bond in a molecule.
Returns an array of references to arrays containing ring atoms corressponding to all rings with size less than specific RingSize containing Bond in a molecule.
Returns size of the largest ring containing Bond in a molecule.
Returns size of the smallest ring containing Bond in a molecule.
Returns an array of ring Atoms corresponding to the largest ring containing Bond in a molecule.
Returns 1 or 0 based on whether it's an aromatic Bond.
Returns 1 or 0 based on whether Bond's sterochemistry is specified.
Returns 1 or 0 based on whether Bond's type is specified.
Returns 1 or 0 based on whether it's a cis Bond.
Returns 1 or 0 based on whether it's a cis or trans Bond.
Returns 1 or 0 based on whether it's a coordinate or dative Bond.
Returns 1 or 0 based on whether it's a coordinate or dative Bond.
Returns 1 or 0 based on whether it's a double Bond.
Returns 1 or 0 based on whether it's a hash or down single Bond.
Returns 1 or 0 based on whether it's a downward Bond.
Returns 1 or 0 based on whether it's a hash or down single Bond.
Returns 1 or 0 based on whether Bond is present in a ring.
Returns 1 or 0 based on whether Bond is present in a ring of specific Size.
Returns 1 or 0 based on whether it's an ionic Bond.
Returns 1 or 0 based on whether Bond is not present in a ring.
Returns 1 or 0 based on whether Bond is only present in one ring.
Returns 1 or 0 based on whether it's a quadruple Bond.
Returns 1 or 0 based on whether it's a quintuple Bond.
Returns 1 or 0 based on whether it's a sextuple Bond.
Returns 1 or 0 based on whether it's a single Bond.
Returns 1 or 0 based on whether it's a triple Bond.
Returns 1 or 0 based on whether it's a Bond.
Returns 1 or 0 based on whether it's a trans Bond.
Returns 1 or 0 based on whether it's a up Bond.
Returns 1 or 0 based on whether it's an up or down Bond.
Returns 1 or 0 based on whether it's an upward Bond.
Returns 1 or 0 based on whether it's a wedge Bond.
Returns 1 or 0 based on whether it's a wedge or hash Bond.
Set atoms of Bond to atoms in Atoms array or in a reference to an array of atoms and return Bond.
Sets bond order of Bond to specified BondOrder and returns Bond. Possible bond order values: 1 = Single, 1.5 = Aromatic, 2 = Double, 3 = Triple, 4 = Quadruple, 5 = Quintuple, 6 = Sextuple, 7 = Septuple
Sets bond type for Bond to specified BondType and returns Bond. Possible bond type values for different bond orders are:
Possible bond stereochemistry values for different bond orders are:
Sets bond stereochemistry of Bond to specified BondStereochemistry and returns Bond. Possible BondStereoChemistry values for different bond orders are:
BondOrder: 1
BondOrder: 2
Returns a string containing information about bond object.
Swaps bond from and to atoms in Bond and returns Bond.
Copyright (C) 2025 Manish Sud. All rights reserved.
This file is part of MayaChemTools.
MayaChemTools is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.